Chronia Country Club

From Dogcraft Wiki

Chronia Country Club
Survival 3
View of the Country Club
WorldSurvival 3
TypeTrident-golf course
Builder(s)20.png nossi_,

20.png DragonFire441, 20.png RY44,

20.png Cookies58_
Contributors20.png Arkhangellsk,

20.png Aiyn84,
20.png Spear994,

20.png almightyanna

Chronia Country Club (CCC) was a trident-golf course on the Survival 3 world of the Dogcraft Server, built by the Chronia team. It is inspired by Cubfan135's trident-golf course on the Hermitcraft SMP.


This project had been on the wish list of the Chronia co-founders since the beginning of Survival 3 server, as along 1.13 it brought tridents into the game, which made more realistic golf possible in Minecraft due to other features such as enderpearls and projectile velocity changing based on the thrower's velocity.

The 18-hole course constructed by 20.png DragonFire441 was 6114 blocks long, and managed to go fully around a mesa biome, over several oceans, starting and ending at the country club.

The Country Club itself provided other benefits to members: tennis courts, a swimming pool, a putting green, a restaurant and a yacht among other amenities to come.


Construction of the Country Club started in late July of 2019, when the founders had the sufficient time and resources to begin the project. Finding a working location for the course was more of a challenge than it seemed at first, as it would need a massive area devoid of other player's bases such that it can be constructed without getting in the way of other players. Eventually a location was chosen near the south border of the world: near a large mesa and desert, which would be useful as they are biomes where it doesn't rain - which is problematic for the game mechanics of trident golf.

The clubhouse was designed by 20.png nossi_: going with a modern design, as well as incorporating some diagonal sections, ended up with a build which feels quite large and open, for a feeling of granduer. The palette mainly consisted of white and grey concrete, alongside stone, dark oak and jungle woods. The area around the at first empty shell of a clubhouse quickly developed to have a putting green, tennis court and swimming pool.

Around this point construction of the course itself began (7th August), with the front 9 holes completed by the end of the month, going halfway around the mesa island. At the halfway point, between hole 9 and 10, there is now a sort of cafe building: providing a nice view over part of the mesa, as well as having a place for people to fix their elytra. The next 9 holes were completed throughout the following 4 months, with the whole course first being playable on New Year's Eve 2019-2020.

During this time, a train station was constructed at the country club: whilst still being a work in progress, it was planned to eventually connect the Country club to Domi's area to the west, and a middle station between the CCC and Vectron's base to the east, which is the location for the planned ice-boat racing track. The line towards Domi was planned to eventually connect to the South border station via the Prosperity line (name was a WIP), providing an alternate way to get there, but could ultimately not be finished due to the end of Survival 3.


Two "official" games were played on the golf course. One on the day it opened, 31st December 2019, and one shortly before Survival 3 closed, on the 27th March 2020.

  • Winner Scores for the game from 27th March:
    • First Place: 20.png DragonFire441
    • Second Place: 20.png Mrs_Diss
    • Third Place: 20.png almightyanna
    • Fourth Place: 20.png Fraserxx8

Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred