Upcoming Event

7/27/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Opening of Museum and Artifacts of Cyberdog History
Greetings Cyberdogs! A long time ago, the first stone of the Museum and Artifacts of Cyberdog History (M.A.C.H.) was layed down. We advertised the whole thing, you waited. We built, you waited. We built more, you... Well, you get the idea. But guess what! The waiting has an end!

That's right folks, on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM the museum will open with a grand ceremony!
We'll provide snacks, drinks and entertainment including a firework show and a head hunt!

The /phome Elasmotherium1.MACH opens up only a couple mins prior to the opening. Be there or be square!

See you!

~ The M.A.C.H Team: Executive Directors Bucherwurm31 and Elasmotherium1 and Director of S.W.I.N.E-Union Xambaka

Latest News

  • 20.png XPModder has joined the Wiki Admin team! (30/09/23)
  • The "Survival 5 Reflections of the Dogs" event has started, and World Downloads submissions are now open! (13/09/23)
  • We've hit 600 pages! The 600th page is Station Competition by 20.png eybwam. (12/09/23)
  • The Main Page has been refreshed with an improved look! (14/07/2023)
  • The Reflections Survival 4 event has ended. (16/03/22)
  • We've reached 450 pages with the creation of Spawn Build Challenge 2019! (02/03/22)
  • We've launched the Reflections Survival 4 event! (09/01/22)
  • We've reached 400 pages! (04/10/21)
  • We've reached 350 pages! (11/07/21)
  • The Reflections 2020 event has ended. (01/02/21)
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  • We've launched the Reflections 2020 event! (02/01/21)
  • The Wiki sign-in process has been improved (06/12/20)
  • We've reached 275 pages! (06/12/20)
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  • The Dogcraft Wiki now uses Dogcraft.net accounts. (22/03/20)
  • We've reached 175 pages! (15/01/20)
  • We've reached 150 pages! (03/01/20)
  • The Reflecting on 2019 Event has been launched! (02/01/20)
  • The Dogcraft Wiki is now official and has moved. (06/09/2019)
  • We've reached 125 pages! (05/08/2019)
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  • Darparniox has been made a wiki administrator. (02/17/2019)
  • The vote on a wiki merge to make an all-purpose ReNDoG wiki was turned town, solidifying the aim of this wiki. (02/12/2019)
Explore the Wiki
Hey @Dogcraft!

First of all a huge thank you to all of you that participated in the Spawn Build Competition last month, we have really developed both Spawn Towns and they are now both such exciting and dynamic places to explore!

And why stop there? We would love people to keep building in the Spawn Towns and see how much we can expand them by the end of Sur 6!

Five judges went around all the builds last weekend and have picked the winners on each world!

Join us this weekend at the following time Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM for a tour around the Spawn Towns and, of course, the announcement of the competition winners!!! 🎉

Hope to see you there!

  • Montenator and TigerNL
1 day ago

Greetings Cyberdogs! A long time ago, the first stone of the Museum and Artifacts of Cyberdog History (M.A.C.H.) was layed down. We advertised the whole thing, you waited. We built, you waited. We built more, you... Well, you get the idea. But guess what! The waiting has an end!

That's right folks, on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM the museum will open with a grand ceremony!
We'll provide snacks, drinks and entertainment including a firework show and a head hunt!

The /phome Elasmotherium1.MACH opens up only a couple mins prior to the opening. Be there or be square!

See you!

~ The M.A.C.H Team: Executive Directors Bucherwurm31 and Elasmotherium1 and Director of S.W.I.N.E-Union Xambaka
6 days ago
@Dogcraft Don't forget to check your mall plots so they don't expire!
1 week ago
1 week ago
@everyone servers are booting up. Y’all will be back playing soon ™️
1 week ago
@everyone please know due to storms and a hurricane come into Texas there may be outages for our website and Minecraft servers for the next few days. 🌀🌊⛈️
2 weeks ago

Hello Cyberdogs!

Do you ever have the feeling that there is something missing in your builds? Don’t you wish there was a place you could go?

Worry no more!

We have brought to you a large selection of mini-blocks for all your decorating needs. If you want plants….we got it. If you want food….we got it. If you want toiletries… guess what? WE GOT IT!

We’re having our 6th annual “spend your dcd” opening day at the Mini-block Tower at the corner of Red and Orange near the parking garage.

Come with money, leave with lighter wallets and warmer hearts.

This ring-a-ding-ping is brought to you by the Department of Advertising and Dogcraft Bank ”May all of your block-buying dreams come true.” 🛍️ 🛒
3 weeks ago
🏳️‍🌈 🗺️ Look at this!

The Map Art community has been popping off, and the Canine Kingdom has been getting creative as well! Check out this month's episode to get up to date with the transport network openings! :boat: 🚉

Watch it here: https://youtu.be/CSY_k3M3cUM

❤️ @Dogcraft
3 weeks ago
@Dogcraft ✨Strike your best pose Cyberdogs!!✨
🤸 🕺 💃
New to the Mall:
Posed Armour Stands!!
Buy them from the mall for the low low price of: 150 DCD
Now you too can have the slowest dance battle ever, or do something serious like make a diorama! It's completely up to you!!

Come on down to the Southwest corner of blue and brown on the mall server and add some extra details to your builds!!

WARNING: Once broken, these armour stands will revert to normal, so look after them like they are your children!! They will not be replaced by staff.

This ring-a-ding-ping was brought to you by the Dogcraft marketing team, which is definitely not two armour stands in a trench coat. 🕵️
3 weeks ago
[Community Event]

🚊 Hey all! The SRN Team is excited to bring you a line opening event this weekend at this time: Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM

🚂 Join @montenator, @minda905, @eybwam and @5milesmile as we open Lighthouse Station, Deep Dark Depot Station and the station at the Dogcraft Transport HQ!

🛤️ We will meet at Grand Central Station in Retriever Spawn Town and will also be in #General VC in this Discord if you want to hang out!

Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there!

1 month ago

🔔 New Build Event! #

From Friday, June 7th till Sunday, July 7th

Hey Cyberdogs!

For the month of June, TigerNL and Montenator are bringing you an exciting new building competition on Dogcraft! It's the return of the Battle of the Spawns event we last held in Survival 4! The aim of the event is for players to create a stunning build in the Spawn Towns on either Sheltie, Retriever or both! Not only will there be prizes for the winners, it also makes the player built spawn area much more developed and interesting to be in. This competition is open to all Dogcraft players and we would encourage you to participate!

▫️How do i participate?

Step 1: Sign up today with the link below!

Step 2: Claim a maximum area of 25 x 25 in spawn town. You can change the shape but your plot can't be larger then 625 blocks.

Step 3: Sign-up will close on the 7th of June, and you can start working on your build immediately!

Sheltie and Retriever will each have their own top 3

1st place: Event themed head + A tour of your build in the next CDNN episode!
2nd place: Event themed head
3rd place: Event themed head

All participants: You will receive a event themed banner as a thank you for contributing to the development of spawn town!

When the competition ends, a group of people will be selected to judge the builds! They will award points and choose their top 3 of each world.

What if I already own a plot in spawn town? - That's okay, all plots can participate, both old and new!
Can I claim a plot before the 7th? - Sure, feel free to claim a spot in advance, we actually encourage this if you want to grab a nice spot.
Am I allowed to team up with a friend? - Yes, but the limit of 25 x 25 per plot participating still applies.

This ring-a-ding-ping was brought to you by MoleMart: Your trusted partner in all your building adventures!
1 month ago
🛍️ Who's ready for a shopping spree?!

The CDNN is getting a firsthand look behind the scenes from building the Mall, as well as meeting with some new faces and old friends! 📸

Watch it here: https://youtu.be/pGIkT2BnaFc

❤️ @Dogcraft
1 month ago
Hi all,

We're currently facing some security issues on the Dogcraft Discord concerning a targeted spam attack. Discord invites have been paused, and Direct Messages among server members who are not friends have been disabled for the next two hours.


EDIT - 21:45 BST, May 6 - Due to persisting spam, we have extended security actions
EDIT II - 17:05 BST, May 7 - We have enabled security actions indefinitely for the time being
EDIT III - 15:30 BST, May 9 - Security actions have ended, but we have raised the security level of this Discord to require a verified mobile number.
2 months ago
@Dogcraft 🎥

✨ Whats been going on this month on the server?!?! There's only one way to find out: ✨


This ring-a-ding-ping was brought to you by the CDNN repelling hostile takeovers since 2024
2 months ago
Hey folks,

We've noticed recently an uptick in hacked accounts on this Discord - so just a reminder:
  • Don't click on dodgy links or download suspicious attachments you get in DMs
  • Please report instances of spam like this to Discord Mods so we can take care of it quickly :-)
Thank you!
3 months ago
@Dogcraft Cyberdogs, you have mail.

Come one, come all to the Post Office at Sheltie spawn and get your mailbox.

To get a mailbox, right-click a sign to add your name and use wax to seal it. Use a golden hoe to lock the bottom barrel.

What a wonderful way to give friends presents, receive event prizes and much more!

Summer is delighted that she can FINALLY give out junk mail.

This ring-a-ding-ping is brought to you by Postman Pat and his black and white cat. 📬
3 months ago

Cyberdogs, it’s time to get your building materials, shopping shulkers and DCD ready. The mall is now open for business!

This mall is made in a very familiar theme with money, houses, hotels and Dogcraft! Wait? What?
Here you will find walls of money, the old west, and many modes of transportation!

This season’s mall was made by the DCT (Dogcraft Creative Team). There are:

128 Plots
17x17 plot size
8 Color districts

This season we bring you something new to the mall as well. Presenting the Community Chest
A special mall plot all ready for you to sell your goods. This mall plot will be shared by others. You may only have a max of 2 different items for sale. If you decide to use the Community Chest, you may not have a separate mall plot.

This Ring-a-Ding-Ping has been brought to you by The Dogcraft Bank: Let us hold your DCD so you don’t spend it all! 💸
3 months ago
Hey all,

Just a reminder to everyone that the Hermitcraft charity live stream with Gamer's Reach is live this evening! ❤️

Links to the channels are on https://hermitcraft.com/, and schedule is attached below!

Thank you!!!
3 months ago
Hey folks!

This weekend on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM the CDNN will be holding a public town hall forum for the Server HeadMods. This is a great opportunity for everyone to get to know the HMs and ask important questions about how the server is run. The town hall will be open to attend in person, and we're collecting questions that will be put forward to them.

If you'd like to submit a question, rename an item or a book and throw it into the hopper station right outside of the CDNN Headquarters at Retriever Spawn (accessible at /phome William278.CDNN_HQ). If you have any other questions, get in touch with @narsmedia who is organizing this 🙂
3 months ago

Easter is here! 🐇 #

Join us as we celebrate Easter and solve the mystery that's been keeping the town busy!

Hop on over to /warp Easter2024 to find out!

What can you expect?
🥚 Unravel the story of the missing bunny
🥚 Take part in the Festive Scavenger Hunt
🥚 Keep your eyes peeled for secrets 👀
🥚 Take a photo with the bunny statues and share your best picture in #pics2show

Don't miss out on all the Easter fun, be there!
3 months ago