Cake Town

From Dogcraft Wiki

Cake Town
Survival 3
A view of the town center, with the town hall to the right and the cakery to the left.
WorldSurvival 3
Mayor(s)20.png EskyMiner
LocationX= -1784
Y= 64
Z= -4405
TransportAvalanche Branch Line
NTN Avalanche Line Nether Tunnel

Cake Town was a plot-based town on the Survival 3 world of The town was founded in mid-2019 by EskyMiner. Being themed around cake, the town was inspired by the mayor's love for the food and was prominently featured in the town, both as decoration and for consumption. Cake Town had a medieval building style.


  • A town hall contained build palette information as well as city rules.
  • A cakery featuring a roof made from cake embodied the theme of the town.
  • Plots for residents, with wide roads.
  • A town center with a central garden.


Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred

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