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Northold Hollows

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Northold Hollows
Survival 4 Beagle
Northold Hollows.png
Tableau, at the heart of the Hollows, frames the storage room and smelter. The Willow Rock can be seen at the foreground, where mobs drop to their demise persistently to this day.
WorldSurvival 4 (Beagle)
Founded5th November, 2020
TransportAdjacent Chaincastle Station
Beside the 3,000th mark; across Chaincastle Station portal

"Ya boi's man cave built in the wrong update."


Northold Hollows, or the Hollows, was the subterranean Survival 4 residence of 20.png eybwam on the Dogcraft Server. It was founded on the 5th of November 2020 in a snowy taiga hills biome about 2,900 blocks north of Camp Beagle. Taking 16 months to build, it was completed on the 10th of March 2022, four days before reset.

Foundation and Early History

Northold Hollows was born as a starter base carved straight into the side of Mount Phantom, a snowy taiga hill. The site was surprisingly unoccupied, considering it bordered 20.png xcoffeequeenx to the east and Chaincastle Station to the west. In its earliest days, the location was originally intended as a starter branch mine but was later reconsidered upon the discovery of four cave spider spawners and an urgent need for an xp grinder. With a majority of its natural subterranean features removed, only one spawner was left intact.


Premeditated on a 'modern mineshaft' concept, it was later deemed as artistically limiting after the first two rooms were built. Later expansion saw the base designed in a variety of historic styles while maintaining a mix of Beaux-Arts style, with decorative Renaissance and Neoclassical cues throughout, and a rustic contemporary theme to anchor them with the Hollow’s early modern construction. Some of the room's profusions of motifs and materials were indicative of eybwam's love for display. The decision for a majority of the room's palette stemmed from a prior assessment/query for each namesake's associated/favourite colour.


Situated at the heart of an abandoned mineshaft, the Hollows enclosed a claimed area of 12,580 blocks with a further six unclaimed blocks cardinally around it, except to the east, constituting the entirety of Northold — land under direct influence of eybwam and reserved for future underground expansion. Deliberately orientated with its longest side parallel to Beagle SRN North Line, it dominated a stretch of aboveground land for reservation. Although slightly deforested, the unexceptional features of Mount Phantom and the surrounding land belied the wealth of detail found underneath.

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The Hollows boasted 54 unique rooms laid out across three floors. The first two floors contained the Tableau which housed the Willow Rock situated at the very center of the base and was the earliest built part of the Hollows. Willow Rock was a three by three polished blackstone slab that served as the splat point for the mob farm 27 blocks above. Encircling the Tableau was a variety of rooms connected by the Vintage Corridors, an enclosure of hallways. The Vintage Corridors connecting the principal areas displayed a collection of Cyberdog-given items that eybwam kept as mementos. Although there were several phases of expansion after its foundation, the general layout remained the same.

First Floor

Most of the principal areas of the Hollows can be found on the first floor. These included the three-floor storage room, the smelter area and armory, the Tableau, the Ingress Foyer, the Ore Atrium, and Zac Hall. together with areas devoted to farms and trading halls, such as Xenocrates Court and Hermittwt Chamber, respectively. The remaining principal area, Summer Residence, was located on the third floor. Of the 54 unique rooms, 19 were located on this level.

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Ingress Foyer

Designed to be ill-lit and intimidating, the Ingress Foyer served as the primary reception area from visitors entering via the nether. It featured a diamond-centered chandelier suspended from a domed smooth sandstone ceiling, accented by the light cyan tone of stripped warped stem. Flanked by black stained glass floors and basalt columns, a sandstone path emerged from the tetrastyle portico framing the main nether portal to lay out the arrangement of entry into the Ore Atrium and Tableau.

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Ore Atrium

The Atrium was built to pay homage to eybwam's first mined ores in Dogcraft. It’s described by eybwam as ‘so far the closest Northold gets to lavish memorial services’⁽ᵃ⁾. Two rows of four embedded dark oak wood columns lined the width of the Atrium and were richly decorated at the base. Wall portraits made from various ores and glazed terracotta complete what has been described as a ‘tour de force of Minecraft decoration’.

Xenocrates Court
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Named after 20.png xenocrates32, Xenocrates (zen-ock-kra-teez) Court stored the string collected from the cave spider farm situated behind it.

Construction of the room had countlessly been delayed due to ‘indecisiveness over farm design’ — between an automated one or a manual xp farm. The farm had to be finalized first before construction of the room even began. In mid-November 2020, xenocrates32 asked eybwam if they could use the farm’s output to supplement their gaming district’s demand for wool⁽ᵇ⁾. From there, the farm saw multiple reworks before settling on an automatic cactus-trap design. A striped tone to tone wall bathed the room to create a cohesive yet cozy feeling within the space. Aside from associating red with xenocrates32, the warm palette filled with red shades was chosen by eybwam to also offset the room's softer colours.

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Hermittwt Chamber

Hermittwt Chamber, named after the unofficial Hermitcraft Twitter fandom, functioned as the venue for cartographer trading until the construction of a new dedicated cartographer trading room. It featured a patterned floor and barrel vault ceiling supported by decorative endstone columns. The walls of the chamber consisted of vertical alternating stripes of clay and light blue terracotta, and were decorated with a gallery of maps, including those of the City of Alina and Camp Beagle’s. A floor-to-ceiling fireplace was the chamber’s centerpiece, with Northold’s coat-of-arms resting on its mantel. The Chamber served as the lobby for the six villager trading rooms in the Hollows:

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Zac Hall Visitor Centre

Regarded by eybwam as his first contact on the server, 20.png zacattack2097's namesake room, the Zac Hall Visitor Centre, was the first pair of rooms to welcome anyone who arrived via the public home system. In the initial encounter, zacattack2097 surprised a mine shaft-clearing eybwam with a Pass-It-On Box full of mob heads, inspired by a gift-giving series that ran during HermitCraft Season Seven. Drawing from the namesake's fondness of mob/staff heads, this room displayed a small collection of memorable rare heads eybwam obtained from various people, contests, and events. Kanji map arts from the Four Elements Collection were also displayed here. A blue orchid flower from one of zacattack2097's random shulker box gifts was potted prominently in front of the warp point.

Other Rooms and Features

Second Floor

Thirteen rooms were built on the second floor. Unlike the lower level, an expansive landing performed the role of the Vintage Corridor on the floor's west and north side. Two balconies can be found on the west end overlooking the Hermittwt Chamber and the Tableau.

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Scisyf Vault

Planned as a two-floor vault to contain eybwam's cache of elytra, Scisyf Vault saw construction begin on 28 January 2021 with the help of 20.png Scisyf_PB's Redstone Security Systems™ ⁽ᶜ⁾. It was initially installed with two vault doors using an item-frame and password lock. The item-frame vault door, however, was removed due to design restrictions. Its first floor was completed on 26 March 2021 while the upper level saw completion on 7 July later that year. More than a double chest's worth of enchanted elytra were displayed here, along with shelves upon shelves of diamond blocks on the upper floor.

Other Rooms and Features

Third Floor

The third floor had the most rooms in the Hollows with 22. Most of the rooms were effectively built in a span of four months, against the context of an impending reset. The remaining principal area saw construction in this level.

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Summer Residence Hall

One of the principal and lattermost additions, the residence wing was considered the mini "house" inside the Hollows. The hall featured a central sitting area that was imposed by a tall interior surmounted by parallel sandstone beams. The dwelling featured balconettes and a pair of cathedral-inspired chandeliers. It functioned as a lobby to four quarters:

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Enderchest Gallery

Although it was set up in late December 2021, this room's fate would be sealed as the culmination of months of work on the Hollows. The Gallery was used to showcase eybwam's hotbar essentials, armour, as well as his Enderchest contents, all of which were arranged accordingly.

Other Rooms and Features

Secret Rooms

The Hollows was home to many secret, often publicly inaccessible rooms. These rooms ranged from private vaults, redstone maintenance areas to eybwam's hiding/escape rooms. Some players built one upon eybwam's request. A notable one from these requested rooms was made by 20.png strawberrysham and 20.png zacattack2097.

Planned but uncompleted elements

eybwam intended an SRN link to adjacent Chaincastle Station months after it opened. The vision was to have the shortest branchline that would take the form of a contemporary subway, and terminate in a palatial chamber behind the Ingress Foyer portico. Although a clearing effort was undertaken, the line nor station were never fully realized. Other features that did not develop beyond conceptualization included a large Gothic-Victorian ballroom, a vehicle parking area, a natatorium, and several other ancillary rooms.


The table below documents the completion dates of the Hollow's numerous rooms.

Floor Room Completion Date Notes
01 1 Tableau Mid-Late November 2020 General hostile Mob farm
02 1 First Floor Storage and Smelter Area Mid-Late November 2020
03 2 Second Floor Storage Early-Mid December 2020
04 2 Armory Early-Mid December 2020
05 1 Ingress Foyer 16 December 2020
06 1 Xenocrates Court 28 December 2020 String farm
07 1 Ore Atrium 06 January 2021
08 1 Hermittwt Chamber 13 January 2021 Trading Hall Lobby
09 1 Cartographers' Quarters 27 January 2021 Cartographer Trading Hall
10 1 Biker Yard 15 February 2021 Sugarcane and gunpowder farms
11 1 Mason Division 25 February 2021 Mason Trading Hall
12 1 Ashapink Conservatory 26 February 2021 Farmer Trading Hall
13 1 Len Den 28 February 2021
14 1 Iron Room 08 March 2021 Iron storage
15 1 Slime Room 11 March 2021 Slime storage
16 1 mrkalaspuff Lodge 17 March 2021 Toolsmith Trading Hall
17 1 Loungie 23 March 2021
18 2 Scisyf Vault 26 March 2021 Lower level
19 1 Sten Bar 02 April 2021 Cleric Trading Hall
20 1 Zac Hall Visitor Centre 09 April 2021
21 2 Darp Archives 28 April 2021 Librarian Trading Hall
22 2 Minda Brewery 15 May 2021 Potion-brewing room
23 1 Fox Sanctuary Mid May - June 2021 Arctic Fox pen
24 2 Kelp Room 14 June 2021 Kelp farm and storage
25 2 Dylbor Hall 16 June 2021 Wool farm
26 3 Scisyf Vault 7 July 2021 Upper level of Scisyf Vault
27 2 Brown Den Late July- Mid August 2021
28 2 Glow Room 08 September 2021 First room built after 1.17 update
29 2 Orange Room 11 November 2021 Two-tall flower farm
30 3 Third Floor Storage 13 December 2021 Bulk storage room
31 3 Edo Hall 15 December 2021 Indoor tree farm
32 3 Sham Foyer 16 December 2021 Upper level of Sham Foyer
33 2 M Room 22 December 2021 Honeycomb Farm
34 3 Nether Wart Room 28 December 2021 Nether wart farm
35 3 Trainer Hall 02 January 2022 Chorus fruit/flower farm
36 3 Great Room 07 January 2022 Banner Hall
37 3 Monty Lobby 09 January 2022
38 2 Second Floor Lobby Early - Mid January 2022
39 3 Blue Atrium 13 January 2022
40 3 Green Atrium 13 January 2022
41 3 Gamby Study 13 January 2022
42 3 Cajun Hall 01 February 2022 Drowned Farm
43 3 Ry Cinema 03 February 2022 Indoor cinema
44 3 Non Bar 07 February 2022
45 3 Bamboo Room 17 February 2022 Bamboo farm and storage
46 3 Persky Room 18 February 2022
47 3 Scooby Hall 22 February 2022
48 3 Rug Room 22 February 2022
49 3 Summer Residence Hall 26 February 2022 Residence Lobby
50 3 Bbrain Gym and Sauna 28 February 2022 Turtle Farm
51 3 Tiger Diner 06 March 2022 Residence Dining Hall
52 3 Princess Kitchen 09 March 2022 Residence Kitchen
53 3 Ze_Room 09 March 2022 Axolotl Tank
54 2 Enchanting Nook 09 March 2022 Smallest Room
55 3 ZBK Room 10 March 2022
56 3 Enderchest Gallery 10 March 2022


Northold Hollows was accessed via the Nether Transport Network or through /phome Northold Hollows. Its nether portal was located beside North's 3,000th mark and was across the Chaincastle Station portal stop. The aboveground site was accessed via North Line of Beagle's Survival Railway Network (Survival 4) through the Chaincastle Station.

World Download

To ensure its preservation, among others, a copy of the Hollows is available for download here.


a. Memorial service for Sidekit, 20.png eybwam's first snowy fox, was minimal despite a 21-arrow salute; tributes were borderline nonexistent.

b. Unnamed gaming district. However, it was unofficially labeled as "Adelaide" in the Hermittwt Chamber. It was xenocrates32 and eybwam's unfinished project on the Beagle Survival World approximately located at x:2,400; z:-6,300.

c. Unofficial name. Scisyf_PB however remarked it along the lines of a 'good name'.

1. Northold Hollows was featured on @Dogcraftnet's Twitter on the 22nd of April 2021.

2. A Headhunt in the Hollows was had during the Survival 4 Send-Off Celebration. Finding the most Treasure Chest heads meant winning a Dogcraft Fungible Token worth 1 million DCD. 20.png TrainerMoon and 20.png Puffball920 would later on split the prize for finding 8 heads.

The Reflections: 2024 wiki event has launched! Check out this page for more details: https://dogcraft.net/wiki/Reflections2024