City of Alina

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 09:01, 8 August 2021 by Txp (talk | contribs) (Updated the Alina page, mostly consisting of an update to the ASA section.)
City of Alina
Survival 4 Beagle
Alina logo test 3 1.png
This is the logo of Alina
WorldSurvival 4 (Beagle)
Founded15th of March 2020
Mayor(s)20.png TrainerMoon
20.png expedtadam
20.png Txp_
Contributors20.png dmgdog
20.png ThatRoger
20.png Chrispello1995
LocationX= 2980
Y= 64
Z= -300

Alina is a city on the Survival 4 world of the Dogcraft Server.


What is Alina? Alina was founded on the 15th of March 2020 by TrainerMoon, Expedtadam and Txp. The city is the older brother of the former city Erebus on Survival 3. Alina is a city of brightness, with a colourful pallet and flowers everywhere you look, hence why we named the city Alina. Alina meaning sun ray in ancient Greek.


History of Alina, Long before Erebus, there once was a city called Alina. It was old, but very colour full and had a very happy atmosphere. But one day, the crazy local scientist with an unknown name, made a huge mistake. He created a curse that would haunt the city forever. Therefore all the citizens had to flee, to the End! They created Erebus and lived a happy life after all. But 3 stubborn inhabitants of Erebus, didnโ€™t like the end a single bit. They made a time machine and went back to the glorious days of Alina. And thatโ€™s where we stand now.

This is a map of Alina's location

YouTube and the Alina News

Alina has it's own YouTube channel too! We post video's of events and announcements there. We also post episodes of the Alina news here. The Alina news is a series of videos on our channel founded by 20.png Txp_. Together with the other members of the team, they created a broadcast featuring all the latest events that happened in and around Alina. As of right now, there is a total of 3 episodes. The Alina news will also be broadcasting ASA launches soon! (more on the ASA below)

The Alina Space Administration (ASA)

The ASA, On the first of June 2020, Mayor of Alina Txp founded the ASA, the Alina Space Administration. Together with administrators Expedtadam and TrainerMoon, they have big plans for space flight on Dogcraft. Currently, the 3 Mayors, 20.png TrainerMoon,20.png expedtadam and 20.png Txp_ are the ASA Administration. Former builder, 20.png TheWhiteTigerNL is the ASA Director of Infrastructure, and 20.png JarrydG_ZA and 20.png dmgdog are both ASA Astronauts that are training to go to space in the near future. At the time of writing the ASA has 1 main mission planned, Helios 1. (Helios 1 is named after the personification of the sun in ancient Greek. This is in theme with the name Alina itself. The main goal of the mission is to get our 2 trained astronauts in space and be the first Cyberdogs in history to do so. The mission consists of 4 steps, first the launch of the Helios 1 booster. This will propel Jarryd and Dmg at a speed of 7.9 kilometres per second (4.9 miles) also known as orbital velocity. At a height of roughly 96 km (60 miles), the ship will reach the Karman line, making them officially the first Cyberdogs in space. At this stage, the booster will detach from the main capsule, this will have enough velocity to reach a height of around 160 km (100 miles) Stage 3 will be the return of the capsule to earth, on stage 4 the capsule and crew are safely recovered and Helios 1 will be concluded a success.

Currently, the ASA is still working on test flights for their Helios 1 mission. Keep an eye on the Alina news for updates.

This page was last modified on 8 August 2021, at 09:01. (7 months ago)