Sandstone Sights

From Dogcraft Wiki

Sandstone Sights
Survival 4 Husky
Sandstone Sights.png
Sandstone Sights in December 2020.
WorldSurvival 4 (Husky)
FoundedMay 2020
LocationX= -1850
Y= 64
Z= -2400
TransportSandstone Sights Station

Sandstone Sights was the base of 20.png N1cM4tth3w63 on the Survival 4 Husky world of the Dogcraft Server.


Sandstone Sights was situated on a large island north-west of Spawn, near settlements such as M-Bay, Takeshi and Gaia. The main building of the area was a large, Tudor style mansion, which served as N1cM4tth3w's main residence and the central area of the base. Surrounding the mansion were several smaller, but similarly styled buildings, one of which was a café which was built with the help of 20.png Chriizsich and was supplied with coffees by 20.png Montenator.

On a smaller islet to the right of the mansion sat the SRN station serving the base, it was again built in a Tudor style and featured a large clocktower attached to the main building. The station served connections to nearby M-Bay Station, and had planned connections to Gates Station built by 20.png SplittingAdams and Pit Stop Station at the base of 20.png BikerboyGR and 20.png Lendog1888.

To the left of the central mansion was a large farmland area and 'N1c Apartments', a modern style apartment block where players could claim a room for free and decorate it how they pleased. Just north of N1c Apartments was a large custom built cliff, with a desert style village atop it.

Located behind the main mansion was a small village of diagonal houses each possessing its own unique block palette. The project was started by N1cM4tth3w so he could improve his building skills of diagonal houses. At the northern tip of the island sat the abandoned house of former Cyberdog 20.png Kipppie, which was built by Montenator and N1cM4tth3w63, as a kind gesture when he joined the server.


The base was started in late May of 2020 by N1cM4tth3w63, after he moved out of the Seapoint area near M-Bay. A large peninsula a few hundred blocks north of Seapoint was chosen to be his new base location. N1cM4tth3w proceeded to turn the landmass into an island by creating a canal through the small bit of land connecting the peninsula to the mainland. The beginnings of the mansion were soon built in early June and other notable builds like the cliffs and N1c Apartments were constructed in August, but overall progress on the base was slow until November 2020, when Sandstone Sights would double in size in just two weeks, and saw steady growth since then. A large bridge would also be constructed by N1c, allowing for a player to walk to the island unbroken from Spawn via the RHN.


Background Takeshi by Edo