Mountain Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Mountain Station
Survival 4 Beagle
2021-05-15 09.31.23.png
View of Mountain Station
WorldSurvival 4 (Beagle)
NetworkSurvival 4 Beagle Railway Network
LineBeagle West Line
Opened1st April 2021
Builder(s)20.png Slomo_1994

20.png MonkeyMando271

20.png darparniox
LocationX= -4984
Y= 64
Z= -350
ConnectionsMain-line connections2 Total, 2 Built Branch connections2 Total, 0 Built

Mountain Station (also known as West 3) was the 3th station on the West line of Survival 4's Beagle world, on the Dogcraft Server. The station was built by Slomo_1994 and features a hybrid of realistic station and Minecraft features.

West Line (Beagle)


The station was an impressive structure, partly based off fictional and real British stations built in the Victorian era. The station utilized a curved roof, much like that of York (without the complexities of a curved platform). It also featured many parts of a large station, such as a café and retail opportunities.

Other important features included an ender chest, map, bed, pet lead, and NTN connection. The tunnel for this represented the station, and features the same colour palette.

Branch-Line Connections

The station had space for 2 branch-line connections. Neither has been claimed and no branch lines have been planned.


For a long time, I, 20.png Slomo_1994 have been fascinated by rail transport. Over my (many) creative worlds, both on Bedrock and Java, I have been able to refine my station designs, and this station threw together all of the best bits of my many attempts, whilst also making sure it fit in with the rest of the network.

Line Canon

This line extension was built to carry clay and other materials from the area to the rest of Beagle, hence the relics of old industrial factories and refineries along the line. The line was also opened for passengers after the operators realized more money could be made from the line, and the small goods station was demolished to make way for this new station. Eventually, after the dawn of inter-dimensional travelling through the nether (via the NTN), and inter-world travelling to a purpose-built mall, the line became obsolete, and closed to goods. It now remains a passenger line.

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