The Kingdom of Kavalon

From Dogcraft Wiki

The Kingdom of Kavalon
Survival 4
Kavalon Overview.png
An Overview of Kavalon
WorldSurvival 4
Builder(s)20.png ArrowsTheHunter

20.png LivingDeadRachie 20.png DaGamestar

20.png JakeMnlo
Founded5th April, 2020
TransportX: 3 Z: 2646

The Kingdom of Kavalon was the base of 20.png ArrowsTheHunter & 20.png LivingDeadRachie on the Survival 4 Husky world of the Dogcraft Server.


Deep in the heart of a jungle, far away... well, far enough away... lay a Kingdom ruled by a duo, some that would say is... Dynamic.

Kavalon, a Kingdom of unity among many fantasy themed denizens, some lost to time. Within this Kingdom lay an inn & tavern, known as the Sleeping Giant Inn, "stay a while, listen to some tales, have a feast!", a shopping district run by many visiting traders and local folk, a mad wizard, steer clear of his tower, he may turn you into a toad! And St. Arrows' Cathedral, the first large scale build to set a theme for Kavalon itself.

Along the path leading from the stables were the ruins of what appeared to be... a castle! Castle Alessandro, lost to the corruption of the Nether long ago... the castle grounds featured 2 mazes, one for those who take things slow and another for those who liked to meet the very Sentinel of Kavalon, the Savior of Parandor, Callon. Some believed that one day, as the fates have once told before: "Callon will once again return from his watchful Gaze upon Kavalon and carry those worthy into a new world when the true end of this world is upon us."


Kavalon, founded in April of 2020, was the brainchild of "Dogcraft's Dynamic Duo" during the closing months of the Survival 3 World. Surrounded by the 3 biomes that they were searching for, mountains, ice spikes and plains, and was known as their "Perfect Jungle". The first build of Kavalon was The Sleeping Giant Inn, soon after Arrows and Rachie (though Rachie would say Arrows mostly did the work) would build "St. Arrows' Cathedral".

During the early days of planning Kavalon, Arrows and Rachie had the entire map of the jungle broken into districts for many fantasy themed factions/races, Human, Elves, Giants and Dwarves.

During the Christmas season of 2020, the Events team held the Christmas Decorating Competition 2020, in which Kavalon was runner up in the Best Base Category.

Next to the graveyard was a Shrine of Dogcraft Admin 20.png bBrain, built by 20.png CosmicMender56


Kavalon In The Moonlight.pngKavalon, Home of The Dynamic Duo.pngSunrise Above Kavalon.png