
From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival 4
IonzVilel Mapart Logo.png
IonzVilel Logo
WorldSurvival 4
Builder(s)20.png DatGameGod, BlazeBoy700, 20.png momsapplesauce

IonzVilel was the base of 20.png DatGameGod, BlazeBoy700 (now known as 20.png Sh6d3) and 20.png momsapplesauce on the Survival 4 world of the Dogcraft Server.


IonzVilel was a steampunk base, with builds centered around its backstory.


Once there was a beautiful town called IonzVilel. Filled with fine people from every corner of the DogCraft server, they built amazing machines using magic that others did not understand. But this attracted the attention of the evil Pigoblins, better known as Piglins. They came in their fleet of SkyLiners, fabulous airships that were practically floating castles, led by the flagship Pterodactyl’s Fury. They invaded the peaceful town and set the poor citizens to work, digging tunnels for ores. As Anti-Redstonists, they razed the town’s magical machines to the ground.

Many years later, three travellers came across the ruins of IonzVilel. Their names were DatGameGod, a powerful Deity of Gaming, BlazeBoy700, exiled from his Nether Brethren for sympathizing with Humans, and MomsAppleSauce, maker of the best apple sauce in existence.

They found the town and were horrified by what they saw. They freed the humans and prepared to destroy the Piglins. They donned wings of fury from the furthest corners of the End, and blackened iron, known as Netherite from the depths of the Nether. They flew to the Pterodactyl’s Fury and captured the Piglins in eggs. They cursed the eggs to become Nether Dwellers, and to become zombies if they ever returned to the Overworld. Then, within the Nether, they were imprisoned and forced to create useful materials from gold.

Then, the three heroes returned to the Overworld in order to return IonzVilel to its former glory. BlazeBoy700 took to the skies, transforming the SkyLiners into a series of workshops for him to use for his Redstone magic experiments. MomsAppleSauce went through the tunnels and created a fabulous system of transport tunnels. And DatGameGod? He became the New Mayor of IonzVilel and prepared it for Settlers.

Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred

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