
From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival 4 Corgi
Dogcraft Logo.png
WorldSurvival 4 (Corgi)
LocationX= 2020
Y= 116
Z= -1720

Aramoore is a settlement on the Survival 4 world of the Dogcraft Server.


Aramoore is a forest settlement founded by Cactus (plastic_cactus) and Ghoste (gh0stte). The kingdom strives to be welcoming and friendly towards others and provide anyone with a place to rest! This kingdom adores nature and the colors pink and purple. Aramoore is located at XYZ 2020 / 116 / -1720


  • Aramoore construction began in early April of 2023.
  • The History of Aramoore:

Aramoore is a nation founded by two people - this is because of a war between the two before Aramoore's time. Cactus was a member of the Oakvale Clan, and Ghoste was a noble of the Marinne Clan. Ghoste would frequently sneak away in disguise to get a break from their royal life - coming to meet Cactus. The two quickly became friends, if not more..

Cactus learned of Ghoste's love for axolotls, but not the clan from which they came, and made it her goal to retrieve a rare blue axolotl for the other to show her love. To do this, she attempted to steal the rare blue, Pinky, from the Marinne Clan. Cactus was unfortunately caught in the act and learned of Ghoste's true background while being arrested. This caused a fight between the clans, as Oakvale didn't approve of having one of their members imprisoned, and Marinne did not want further trespassers. This historical event known as the Clash Of Clans resulted in the demise of both settlements.

Cactus (who had been rescued in a siege of the prison) and Ghoste came to find each other once again, both in turmoil at the destruction of their homes and families. The two cared for each other and once Cactus was able to explain her initial reasoning, the two came together to construct a new home for themselves: Aramoore.



[Other Info]

  • Aramoore has two flags, both represent the nation, but signify that it comes from two different backgrounds in peace.

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