Dogcraft Wiki

Did you know/Facts

From Dogcraft Wiki

  • ... that longtime player 20.png Scooberson has left over 60 hidden "hidey holes" across all of the Dogcraft Server's Survival Multiplayer worlds?
  • ... that although the Dogcraft Server was launched officially in 2015, a number of unofficial servers operated as a precursor since at least 2012?
  • ... that for a time it was possible to purchase Mall plots via a menu on the website?
  • ... that the Events Team of the Dogcraft Server hosted an event news/highlights video series known as the CDNN which originally started airing in 2017?
  • ... that the server Dynmap was originally available on the first Survival world, but was not available for three years until it was reintroduced for Husky and Beagle on Survival 4 before being taken down again?
  • ... that base tours of player-built settlements on the Dogcraft Server uploaded by 20.png ReNDoG have led to a phenomenon known as the Townpocalypse?
  • ... that during periods where there was no server Dynmap, players took mapping into their own hands by creating the Great Survival Map (Survival 2) and later the Grand Map (Survival 3)?
  • ... that player-built settlements on the Dogcraft Server have had a custom of exchanging "embassies" since the first Survival Multiplayer world?
  • ... that to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the City of Havana on Survival 2, a treasure hunt was held in the city?
  • ... that the Dogcraft Build Team were formed from the players who helped build the Spawn of Survival 2?
  • ... that was first founded by ReNDoG as a forum for fans to discuss videos in July 2012?
  • ... that Survival 4's Calafort Úr, the successor to the medieval fantasy town of Calafort on Survival 3 means "New port" in Irish?
  • ... that the competitive aerial sport of Elytra racing was a popular pastime on the original Survival world, even before rocket-boosting was added to the game?
  • ... that the [VIP] rank, given as a reward to specific users, is a leftover forum rank that could be purchased c. 2012-2015.
  • ... that during a tour of the City of Havana on Survival 3, 20.png Skelleton123 gave 20.png ReNDoG a T-Shirt dissing sister city Akkara and that the Akkarans returned the favor in their tour later that month?
  • ... that throughout the Survival 3 world, the Dogcraft Server had competitive leagues for both Spleef and Ice Boat Racing?
  • ... that for a time, fellow Hermitcraft youtuber 20.png Iskall85 held a special rank; [Swedish Potato]?
  • ... that Lackria, one of the pioneering player settlements on the Dogcraft Server, had a "Fountain of Saints" to celebrate notable members of the community?
  • ... that [WebAdmin] 20.png OD18 is the only player to hold an exclusive rank on the Dogcraft Server as even owner rank [EnderGod] is held by another player; being Ironboundred's alt account, 20.png Renthecat?
  • ... that in Nitro UHC, the Ender Dragon, Illusioners, Zombie Horses and Withers all have special loot tables despite there being no way for these mobs to be spawned or summoned?
  • ... that in Nitro UHC, if you build a snowman, it has a 75% chance of dropping 8 Lapis Lazuli?
  • ... that there's an unused Nitro UHC final arena that was removed from rotation due to lack of competitive viability, but has since been made available for download via Planet Minecraft?
  • ... that the Mayan themed town of Akkara on Survival 2 had an opening day that lasted 12 hours and was attended by ReNDoG?
  • ... that the Events Team have changed their name four times, being originally called the Cyberdog Celebrations Committee, then the Cyberdog Events Committee, Events Team before merging with the Build Team to become the Creative Team?
  • ... that has had a Twitter account since May 2013?
  • ... that during periods of downtime on the Dogcraft Server, Temporary Worlds are often put up - and that there have been at least 6 of these?
  • ... that both the Hub and the Creative world on the Dogcraft Server have been through three iterations since the server launch in 2015?
  • ... that the town of Chronia on the Survival 3 world of the server had its' own country club, complete with an 18-hole trident golf course spanning tens of thousands of blocks?
  • ... that the lobby of the Hide N' Seek game mode is a recreation of a Reading Cinema in Dunedin, New Zealand?
  • ... that some of the maps of Hide N' Seek on the Dogcraft Server are taken from world downloads of player bases?
  • ... that the Dogcraft Server used to have Bedwars, Skywars, Parkour and Mob arena minigames?
  • ... that Hide N' Seek on the Dogcraft Server has two unused maps - and that one of them was removed from circulation as it was found players were able to escape it?
  • ... that the Dogcraft Server originally started in September 2015 running Minecraft 1.8?
  • ... that the Dogcraft Wiki was founded as a Wikia unofficially in 2018 but was made official through a community proposal?
  • ... that back when was a forum, you could get Dogcraft Dollars for each letter in a post - and that a rule had to be added to stop abuse of this?
  • ... that has gone through at least five site redesigns since it launched in 2012?
  • ... that before the Dogcraft Discord, community members used an AJAX internet relay chatroom embedded on the site to communicate?
  • ... that the Hub is a huge model clock - visible especially when viewed from above - and the time on it reads as three o' clock?
  • ... that Beagle's public pathway system, the .Path Network Group is named so because it abbreviates to the .png file extension?
  • ... that the Dogcraft Server, hosted in Texas, was affected by the 2021 Texas power crisis?
  • ... that there is a typo in the February 2023 CDNN update video at 13:33?
  • ... that the CDNN has had three different runs so far, all with different cast and crew members?
  • ... that the Corgi East Line on Survival 5 was the only main line to use lime concrete powder instead of the normal green one?
  • ... that there have been several temporary Throwback Worlds hosting snapshots of past Dogcraft Survival Multiplayer worlds?
Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred