Dogcraft Dollars

From Dogcraft Wiki

Server information & features
A guide to some of Dogcraft's special features.

Dogcraft Dollars (Ð), commonly abbreviated as DCD, is the monetary system used by the community and Minecraft server. Every registered and linked player has a Dogcraft Dollar account, which can be accessed via the /balance (or /bal) command.


Dogcraft Dollars can be used to buy items on the Dogcraft Server. In-game, they are used with the shop plugin to automatically pay other players for items acquired from their chest shop stores. DCD can also be transferred directly between players using the /pay command and can be used in-game to purchase homes, claim blocks, and other cosmetics for the Hub[?].

Acquiring DCD

In a system called DCD Boost, players earn DCD for every hour which they spend on a survival server. The total hourly boost is the same as ReNDoG's monthly Patreon pledge, split between all players playing on a survival world in that hour proportionally to the amount they played. Players get paid on the hour for their playtime on all worlds. (However the chat message announcing payment will only reflect whichever world the player is on at the time of payment due to technical limitations.)

The formula for payment is: hourly boost × (your time played in that hour / the total time played on the world for that hour).

An example:

  • If the boost is 1400dcd per hour,
  • If 5 players are on one world,
  • If each player plays for 1 hour for a total of 5 hours playtime on that world,

⇒ Then each player will receive 20% of playtime, meaning they would get 280 DCD for that hour.

As of November 2018 the only way to improve the boost rate is by becoming a Patreon.

Wealthiest Players list, on the 16th of November, 2020

Statistics & history

The Dogcraft website maintains a list of wealthiest players, ranked by DCD in pocket.

  • At the start of Survival 3, the Dogcraft Dollar balances were reset for all players, however this only affected the Pocket list, as purchases made from the website before the reset were kept.
  • At the start of Survival 4, the Dogcraft Dollar balances were once again reset for all players, this time also resetting previous purchases from the website including homes and claim blocks. This provided every player with a clean slate and equal footing after the transition to the new website and server.
  • At the start of Survival 5, the Dogcraft Dollar balances were reset completely like for Survival 4, providing a clean slate. The server economy was reworked, including a new formula for the hourly boost.

Economy 3.0

After end of Survival 4, Dogcraft Dollars, homes and claim purchasing did not return immediately upon Survival 5's launch. In the final months of Survival 4, several suggestions were made for changes for the next world, and before the reset, ReNDoG requested an overhaul to the server's entire economy for Survival 5. This process took several months, with DCD, homes and claim purchasing returning on 2022 June 20th along with the launch of the Survival 5 mall, three months after the reset.

This rework included a new formula for the hourly boost, and exponentially increasing private and linearly increasing public home costs with a discount for patreons. The overall result was a large increase in the value of Dogcraft Dollars.

Economy 2.0

During Survival 2, hourly Boosts were introduced as a way of earning DCD, after the main previous method, monthly patreon rewards, needed to be replaced due to a change to the EULA. The default boost rate was initially 10 Ð/hour, however this could be increased by server-wide boosts activated by patreons, which were part of Patreon rewards but could also be separately purchased. The server boost fluctuated dramatically, with a peak of 17,000 DCD around the launch of Survival 3 which led to significant economic uncertainty. To fix this, at the start of Survival 4 the boost rate was fixed to be based on ReNDoG's monthly patreon income and the ability to purchase extra boosts was removed.

During Survival 1 and early Survival 2 prior to boosts' introduction, the only way to get the currency was trough direct monthly Patreon dcd rewards, quests, minigames, posting on the forums (where the currency originates from, predating the minecraft server) or real money purchases.


  • The chest shop plugin used from Survival 4 onward allows for bartering -directly trading 2 items using the shops, without involving any sort of currency- which has seen use.
  • Besides Dogcraft Dollars, diamonds are commonly used as an alternative currency. This is encouraged by the server, as there shop chests also allow the use of diamonds as a form of payment.
  • Prior to the 1.17.1 update, rules were in place setting the price of an Elytra at a minimum 200 diamonds (since Survival 1), and the price of diamonds at minimum 200 DCD per gem (since Survival 2).
  • Player-made attempts at using alternative currencies have been made. For example, on Survival 2 several players created shops in the mall buying and selling diamonds, a trend launched by 20.png Brianetta's shop (labeled as a "Bank", a project to stabilize the value of diamonds before the rule was introduced).
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