Dogcraft Discord

From Dogcraft Wiki

Dogcraft Discord
Dogcraft Discord Animated logo.gif
The animated Dogcraft Logo, used on the Dogcraft Discord.
Dogcraft Logo White.svg Discord Server
TypeDiscord Server
Launch dateSeptember 28th, 2015

"Welcome to the Cyberdog Nation Discord, the official Discord Server for ReNDoG and his community!" Dogcraft Discord #welcome

The Cyberdog Nation Server (commonly known simply as the Dogcraft Discord) is the official public discord server of ReNDoG. Since its creation on the 28th of September, 2015, the server has acted as a hub for communication between players of the Dogcraft Minecraft Server, the ReNDoG Patreon server, viewers of his Twitch channel, users of the website, as well as for non-Minecraft related Cyberdog community discussion.

Introduction & Rise

Since the Discord Server's creation activity on the site forums began to decline, as discussion using the platform became more efficient, effective and easier thanks to its streamlined interface and voice chat. It would only take around half a year after the discord's creation for it to completely overtake the built-in Dogcraft AJAX Chat, leading to its discontinuation. In March 2020, underwent a redesign which stripped the site of its' forum functionality, thus making the Discord the sole centre for Cyberdog communication,


The Discord itself has many sections and roles (detailed below). Sections range from general chat channels, picture sharing, video and content sharing, hermit and IRL discussions as well as private sections for Patreons of ReNDoG, Twitch subscribers and Discord Moderators. Official Discord servers for the Dogcraft Wiki, the Staff Team, Events Team & Build Team are also in use. Additionally, Since Discord has grown in popularity, many sub communities on Dogcraft have also made their own discords, notably that of towns, projects like the SRN and event management.

List of Roles

Rank Name Description
 ⬤  Endergod 
Endergod ReNDoG's role, mirroring his in-game role. The name originates from his singleplayer Survival series.
 ⬤  Admin 
Admin A role designating Discord Administrators. There is no website administrator role, hence Iron also assumes this role.
 ⬤  MC Admins 
MC Admins A role designating administrators of the Minecraft server.
 ⬤  Hermits 
Hermits Members of the Hermitcraft SMP server which ReNDoG is a member of.
 ⬤  Discord Head Mod 
Discord Head Mod A role designating Discord Head moderators.
 ⬤  Server Head Mod 
Head Mod A role designating Server Head Moderators.
 ⬤  Discord Moderator 
Discord Moderator A role designating Discord Moderators, who have permissions allowing them to moderate the discord.
 ⬤  Server Moderator 
Server Moderator A role designating Server Full Moderators. When Full Moderators are promoted from Chat Moderators, they will also temporarily assume the "Newly Promoted Moderator" role
 ⬤  Server Chat Mod 
Server Chat Mod A role designating Server Chat Moderators.
 ⬤  Build Team Director 
Build Team Director A role designating the leader of the Dogcraft Build Team
 ⬤  Wiki Admin 
Wiki Admin A role designating the administrators of this wiki.
 ⬤  Helper 
Helper A role designating helpers. Changes every month with new helpers.
 ⬤  Retired Staff 
Retired Staff A role assigned to previous members of the Staff Team.
 ⬤  Patreon Head Mod 
Patreon Head Mod A role designating Patreon Head Moderators.
 ⬤  Diamond Patreon 
Diamond Patreon An automatic role assigned to patreons of ReNDoG who support him at the highest level, Diamond.
 ⬤  Emerald Patreon 
Emerald Patreon An automatic role assigned to patreons of ReNDoG who support him at Emerald Level.
 ⬤  Gold Patreon 
Gold Patreon An automatic role assigned to patreons of ReNDoG who support him at Gold Level.
 ⬤  Iron Patreon 
Iron Patreon An automatic role assigned to patreons of ReNDoG who support him at Iron Level.
 ⬤  Nitro Booster 
Nitro Booster A discord automatic role assigned to users when they boost the server.
 ⬤  Patreons 
Patreons An automatic role assigned to patreons of ReNDoG, who support him with an amount lower than Iron level. Gives them access to the patreon section of the discord.
 ⬤  K9 
K9 An automatic role assigned to Twitch subscribers of ReNDoG. Also assigned to gifted subscribers.
 ⬤  Content 
Content An automatic role assigned to cyberdogs when they join the discord that can be opted in and out of in the #pick-roles channel through the option buttons. Users may tag this role in the #shameless-plugs channel to send a ping out about their content.
 ⬤  Dogcraft 
Content A role tagged by staff for pings in #announcements that can be opted in and out of in the #pick-roles channel through the option buttons to recieve pings about server-related topics in #announcements.


An example of Discord appearing in game chat.
  • Before the GDPR compliance update that took place in May 2018, players had the option to talk, via discord, to players ingame. This channel, called #server-chat, allowed people to type in discord and their message appear in game. This also worked vice versa, allowing players who were offline, to keep up with what was happening in server chat.
  •  ⬤  Muted 
    Role: This was assigned to players muted in-game to prevent them from circumventing this by talking on Discord.
Background SRN Opening by Montenator