Mob Heads on Dogcraft/Survival 3

From Dogcraft Wiki

For a list of currently available heads and how to get them, see List of Heads.

Mob Heads are a recurring feature of the Dogcraft Server. Heads can usually be gathered as a chance drop from mobs, or from purchase in the mall. They can also serve as rewards from Events. Mob Heads are often hunted down to build up a collection, or for decorative use in builds. They have been present on most worlds in one form or another, but only became widely available through the introduction of a custom plugin in Survival 3, written for Dogcraft by  20.png Ironboundred, helped in the past by 20.png Marbou9.

This page is a general overview of heads on dogcraft. It also contains information and lists on heads from previous server worlds. For an up-to-date list of heads on Survival 6, see the List of Heads page.

Current Heads

See List of Heads

Heads on previous worlds

Event Heads

The following table lists heads that were acquirable through participation in Dogcraft Events, as well as purchases at Seasonal Merchants in Spawn. It only lists heads that anyone was able to get for the duration of that event (e.g. Build Battle or SNL heads are not documented here). The table is sorted in chronological order.

Staff Heads

This section is about Staff Heads that can drop from the wolf mob on Dogcraft. The color of the wolf's collar affects what Staff Head might drop. Because the plugin uses the UUID system to drop heads, a different head will drop if a Staff Member changes their skin, resulting in many available heads on the server, in the past and in the future. For that reason they will not all be listed here individually. The drop rate for all Staff Heads from wolves is 5%. Like with Mob Heads, if multiple heads could drop from the same mob type, the plugin picks one at random. The below table details what drops from what color of collar.

Mob heads

The below table lists all heads that can drop from certain mobs, the rate at which they drop and a link to the source of the head on, which was used to generate the skins of the heads.

Points to note:

  • As of the update to 1.14.4, mobs drop heads specifically to their mob type (e.g. magenta sheep only drops a magenta sheep head).
  • When multiple heads can drop from the same type of mob (e.g. pig), the plugin randomly chooses one of them.
  • All information in this table is accurate as of the 1.14.4 update on Dogcraft.
  • Not listed in the table are the vanilla mob heads: Creeper, Ender Dragon, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton and Zombie.
  • Zombie Villager heads should drop for all Villager professions similarly to Villagers, but at the time of writing this is bugged, and all zombie villagers drop the same head.


  • Survival 1 and 2 featured some heads that were based on player names outside Dogcraft, sometimes unintentionally causing a change in the heads, such as the polar bear head getting a Christmas hat.
  • The largest collection of Mob Heads on Survival 3 was in hands of 20.png RY44, followed by the collection of 20.png marbou9 and 20.png Mr_Quasi, 20.png Cookies58_ in third place.
  • For Christmas 2018, 20.png Rendog hired an artist from to design five custom Christmas heads for Dogcraft. These were brought out with the Seasonal Merchant, and feature a red "RD" on the bottom. Two of these heads were available once more through the Seasonal Merchant for Christmas 2019.
  • Before the 1.14.4 update, Staff Heads were not as widespread as they are now. Only the heads of Headmods and Admins were available, at a 1% droprate from the Wither and Ender Dragon respectively. For only the first few days of Survival 3, the Wither dropped the head of former [HeadMod] 20.png Ectobeast, who stepped down at the start of that world.
  • The Events HQ in Survival 3 Spawn was based off the Event Head given out to celebrate the formation of the new Events Team. If you look at the building and the head closely, you'll notice that the colors match exactly.
  • Hermitcraft Youtuber 20.png GoodTimeWithScar was not available as NPC on the webshop, because the plugin wasn't designed to handle names of that length.
  • The Illusioner, Zombie Horse and Killer Bunny mobs are all Minecraft mobs, but none of them can be found in Survival Mode. However, the plugin has been prepared with the appropriate head drops, should they ever make their way into the survival game. The Zombie Horse head was also a prize for completing the extremely difficult bonus level of the parkour in the Halloween Event 2019.