Updated for Survival 6

List of Heads

From Dogcraft Wiki

Server information & features
A guide to some of Dogcraft's special features.

This page is about the currently available heads on Dogcraft's Survival 6 server. For heads on past worlds and a general description, see the Mob Heads on Dogcraft page.

Heads can be gathered as a drop chance from mobs, or from purchase in the mall. All heads are part of a custom plugin written for Dogcraft by 20.png Ironboundred, helped by 20.png marbou9. Mob Heads are often hunted down to build up a collection, but they're also often used decoratively in builds.

Mob Heads

The following table contains the mob heads available in Survival 6.

The default drop chance is 5% every time a mob is killed, with exceptions for Blazes, Cave Spiders, Endermen, Iron golems, Magma cubes, Zombie piglins, Skeletons, Slime, Spiders and Zombies which are all 1%, default Zombie villagers and Polar bears which are 15%, and the Elder Guardian and Ender Dragon, which have a 100% chance to drop heads. Where multiple head textures are noted for a single mob (eg.: the Allay), when dropped, a random texture is chosen.

The Ender Dragon comes with 21 unique golden colored head drops.

Event Heads

The following table lists heads that were acquirable through events.
To be added

Staff Heads

This section is about Staff Heads that can drop from one mob with variations on Dogcraft. the chosen mob has multiple states, which affects what Staff Head might drop. Because the plugin uses the UUID system to drop heads, a different head will drop if a Staff Member changes their skin, resulting in many available heads on the server, in the past and in the future. For that reason they will not all be listed here individually. The droprate for all Staff Heads is 5%. Like with Mob Heads, if multiple heads could drop from the same mob type, the plugin picks one at random. The below table details what drops from what variation of the mob.

In Survival 6 the mob that drops Staff Heads is the Camel mob. Unlike previous seasons this time there notably are only two differing variations of the mob - normal and dashing. Thus this time some Staff ranks share drop pools. Additionally, since usually two players are needed to acquire drops from a dashing camel, getting some of the heads is more difficult.

Camel's State Staff Head
Passive [ChatMod]s & [Mod]s
Dashing [HeadMod]s, [Admin]s & 20.png renthedog

Previous worlds

The list of heads for previous worlds can be found on the Mob Heads on Dogcraft page.


  • The Illusioner, Zombie Horse and Killer Bunny mobs are all Minecraft mobs, but none of them can be found in Survival Mode. However, the plugin has been prepared with the appropriate head drops, should they ever make their way into the survival game.