Mob Heads on Dogcraft/Misc

From Dogcraft Wiki

For a list of currently available heads and how to get them, see List of Heads.

Mob Heads are a recurring feature of the Dogcraft Server. Heads can usually be gathered as a chance drop from mobs, or from purchase in the mall. They can also serve as rewards from Events. Mob Heads are often hunted down to build up a collection, or for decorative use in builds. They have been present on most worlds in one form or another, but only became widely available through the introduction of a custom plugin in Survival 3, written for Dogcraft by  20.png Ironboundred, helped in the past by 20.png Marbou9.

This page is a general overview of heads on dogcraft. It also contains information and lists on heads from previous server worlds. For an up-to-date list of heads on Survival 6, see the List of Heads page.

Current Heads

See List of Heads

Heads on previous worlds

NPC Heads

NPC Heads are no longer obtainable and are considered a legacy of the Survival 1 and Survival 2 worlds. For the duration of those worlds, NPCs were purchasable through the webshop. Available NPCs were those of the Hermits (250,000 DCD) and Headmods/Admins of Dogcraft (100,000 DCD). Players were able to place one of these anywhere in the world after purchase. Another available purchase was the Golden NPC (100,000 DCD), which allowed NPC owners to place up to 10 at the same time.

However, the plugin was considered to be very straining on the server, and when the plugin did not update to 1.13.2 in a timely manner, the decision to remove NPCs from Dogcraft was an easy one as a new world started. It must however be noted that, before Mojang updated their EULA several years ago, it was possible to purchase DCD for real life money, and as such some older players had spent real life money on NPCs. To compensate players that spent a lot of DCD on NPCs, the decision was made to grant one head of each purchased NPC to the players that owned them, and 10 of each purchased NPC to players that had also bought the Golden NPC. This is how the heads of former Headmods/Admins, as well as most Hermits, made their way into Survival 3 and the collections of the most avid head collectors. Of course, NPCs of popular Hermits like Iskall85 or Xisumavoid were more commonly purchased than heads of smaller Hermits like Biffa2002 or ZedaphPlays, causing a difference in value between individual heads. On average, NPC Heads are valued at roughly 100,000 to 200,000 DCD.


  • Survival 1 and 2 featured some heads that were based on player names outside Dogcraft, sometimes unintentionally causing a change in the heads, such as the polar bear head getting a Christmas hat.
  • The largest collection of Mob Heads on Survival 3 was in hands of 20.png RY44, followed by the collection of 20.png marbou9 and 20.png Mr_Quasi, 20.png Cookies58_ in third place.
  • For Christmas 2018, 20.png Rendog hired an artist from to design five custom Christmas heads for Dogcraft. These were brought out with the Seasonal Merchant, and feature a red "RD" on the bottom. Two of these heads were available once more through the Seasonal Merchant for Christmas 2019.
  • Before the 1.14.4 update, Staff Heads were not as widespread as they are now. Only the heads of Headmods and Admins were available, at a 1% droprate from the Wither and Ender Dragon respectively. For only the first few days of Survival 3, the Wither dropped the head of former [HeadMod] 20.png Ectobeast, who stepped down at the start of that world.
  • The Events HQ in Survival 3 Spawn was based off the Event Head given out to celebrate the formation of the new Events Team. If you look at the building and the head closely, you'll notice that the colors match exactly.
  • Hermitcraft Youtuber 20.png GoodTimeWithScar was not available as NPC on the webshop, because the plugin wasn't designed to handle names of that length.
  • The Illusioner, Zombie Horse and Killer Bunny mobs are all Minecraft mobs, but none of them can be found in Survival Mode. However, the plugin has been prepared with the appropriate head drops, should they ever make their way into the survival game. The Zombie Horse head was also a prize for completing the extremely difficult bonus level of the parkour in the Halloween Event 2019.