
From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival 5 Worlds
Shepherd Spawn
Survival 5 Shepherd
Shep Spawn.png
A view of the world
WorldSurvival 5 (Shepherd)
Builder(s)Dogcraft Creative Team
LocationX= 520
Y= 82
Z= 220

Shepherd was one of the 4 worlds in Survival 5 on the Dogcraft Server, which was present from the first day of the launch, unlike Camp Beagle on Survival 4. The spawn had the theme "Urban City" and was constructed by the Dogcraft Creative Team. This spawn contained The DCT (Dogcraft Creative Team) building, SRN (Survival Rail Network) Grand Central Station, NTN (Nether Transport Network) building, RHN (Road & Horse Network) building. Apart from the transportation networks, there were also a big dig site in the middle of the spawn, a spawn building, a port, and a decorative looking place. As all the other spawns, you could get there by using /spawn, or by using the transportation networks. Also see the other spawns, Labrador, Corgi, and Akita. Lastly, Shepherd's spawn contained the most community builds, such as (Post office, Bad Omen Inc, and much more)


As mentioned above, there were various builds in this spawn. You started at the spawn building and a custom noise made by noteblocks would be played! When you went out, you'd see the big dig in front of the spawn building, and the transportation network buildings around them! On your left, you'd see the viewing place and trees! Continuing with the circle, you'd see the port with big boats, and the GCS (Grand Central Station), RHN, NTN, DCT buildings!


Shepherd was the first spawn to be constructed by the build team. In addition, Shepherd was primarily constructed by the Dogcraft Build Team prior to the team merge with the Events Team, forming the Creative team. The spawn's world had two of the biggest community cities, Caelon and Leon, located it's east, and The Chimera States to the North.


The build was completed in creative mode before the world launch two months before Survival 5. The project leader was first 20.png OldmanLP85, who created much of the layout as part of the former Build Team, and subsequently 20.png SummerFlower1234 after the merger as the Creative Team leader. Shepherd spawn was finished on the 11th of February, over a month before the launch of Survival 5.

Background SRN Opening by Montenator