Connected Seas Coalition

From Dogcraft Wiki

Connected Seas Coalition
TypeOverworld Boat Transport
Leader(s)20.png XPModder - Captain
Contributors20.png Montenator - Master Navigator

20.png H_Di_Chemici - Master Navigator
20.png ItsDaCreeper - Master Navigator
20.png NeroTheImmortal - Master Navigator
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE- Former Captain

20.png Elasmotherium1 - Former Master Navigator


The Connected Seas Coalition (CSC) was the brainchild of 20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE and 20.png Pigeon_Confirmed, the Knights of Calafort Úr during Survival 4. Inspired by the Survival Railway Network, the knights aimed to reintroduce ocean travel as a viable transport option for players. The basic premise of the network is to provide infrastructure that facilitates water travel using boats. Ports link location by water, with lodestones and compasses used to navigate. Planned canals can be used for areas not easily traversed by natural water features.

CSC Spawn Port on the Akita world


Survival 4

The conceptualisation of the CSC was fleshed out during 2020, in the Survival 4 period, although no known construction was completed. Several projects began basic construction such as the Great Turnabout Canal, and several isolated ports were constructed such as the one at M-Bay built by 20.png Montenator and the port at Oak Town Station built by 20.png Skelleton123. With no large central ports constructed at Spawn, however, a network was never established on either Husky or Beagle. Towards the end of Survival 4, a consultation via a community survey was carried out prior in order to ascertain a more certain direction for the upcoming Survival 5 world. This allowed the community to give feedback on various plans for the CSC and how it should operate.

Survival 5

Progress would be very slow for the CSC during the first few months of Survival 5. The first major activity would be the construction of an extension to Akita South Station which featured a port. This extension, built by Montenator, featured an experimental feature for the network, featuring the use of lodestone compasses to point players in the right direction when in open ocean. This negated the need for any additional infrastructure, such as buoys, to be built alongside the ports themselves, at least within the Spawn Sea, allowing for a quicker expansion of the network on Akita. The lodestone system would prove to be less effective when navigating inland bodies of water, where there were more obstructions, therefore clearer signage and canals would need to be used alongside the lodestones in order for players to effectively navigate the lakes and rivers of the continents.

By August 2022, it became clear that for the CSC to be successful it would need a presence at each of the worlds spawn areas, a central location where the network could sprawl out of. Montenator would begin a design for a port at Akita Spawn in the hope of establishing a few boat connections between it and the port at South Station. After coming up with a design, Montenator consulted L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE and the pair worked together to come up with necessary things the port would need to contain, such as a donations and information area for the CSC, beds and other amenities, as well as the main port area. The port was completed in August 2022, by L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE and Montenator, and the first ceremonial voyage was between it and the port of South Station.

Since then several more ports have been built on Akita, such as the one at North Station by 20.png darparniox, and several more in the south such as Lushbank Port and Flowercliffe Port, both builds by Montenator. L1GHTN1NG_STRIKE would concentrate his efforts into establishing a CSC presence on Corgi, starting with the construction of Westfire Port to serve as the gateway to the west of Corgi.

In December 2022, Montenator would officially become the first person to hold the role of Master Navigator, becoming the Master Navigator for Akita. The role designates its holder as the go to person for CSC related activities in that specific world, being responsible for the construction of new ports, and aiding other players wanting to build ports of their own. The eventual goal is to have a player hold the role for each world, with L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE serving as the overall leader of the project.

Survival 6

At the end of Survival 5 L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE announced that he would be stepping down from the position of Captain and that Montenator would be taking on this position with the start of Survival 6. Additionally, as Survival 6 was suspected to become a big season for the CSC, the new season would start with 4 brand new Master Navigators: Elasmotherium1, H_Di_Chemici, ItsDaCreeper and XPModder.

On Survival 6 the CSC had a strong start with Montenator quickly building the Retriever Spawn Port at the start of the season and soon hosting the first opening of the transport networks on the new season by opening the spawn port. After this progress on the CSC slowed down a bit as the Master Navigators were all busy with their own projects and the next ports that were built were located at SRN rail stations. With H_Di_Chemici, Montenator and XPModder being part of both the CSC and SRN teams this would mark the start of many SRN rail stations getting integrated with CSC ports into either a single build or multiple builds close to each other.

During Feburary 2024 changes in the SRN leadership lead to Montenator stepping down from his position as CSC Captain as he now had taken leadership of the SRN. With this a new leader for the CSC was needed and after some consideration XPModder stepped up and became Captain of the CSC. With this NeroTheImmortal was also brought on board as a new Master Navigator. Unfortunately Elasmotherium1 ended up also stepping down from his position of Master Navigator at the end of feburary.

Progress was slow in the month of March with only the occasional port integrated into a SRN station being opened together with the station. On a positive note however, many players seemed inspired by the CSC in travelling by boat, as at many occasions players started bringing boats to RHN and SRN events and proceeded to attempt to travel both networks with a boat with varying success.

At the end of march 2024 XPModder as Captain of the CSC, decided on a standard design for buoys to be used at the coast of and in large bodies of water to help players navigate. The design chosen is built largely out of bamboo planks and features colored concrete blocks to indicate cardinal direction (light blue: north, green: east, yellow: south, red: west), CSC banners as well as signs, which contain the names and direction of nearby ports and points of interest. Alongside the buoy design, XPModder also introduced the concept of signposts to the CSC with a standard design for signposts to be placed on the shore of rivers to help players navigate in river systems. The large benefit from signposts over buoys, which could also be used in rivers, is that the signposts are smaller and easier to build (as they are built on land rather then in the water) and take up effectively no space in the actual river. This allows signposts to be used even at very small rivers that could be largely or entirely blocked by a buoy otherwise.

Design Guidelines


Ports are the building blocks that make up the network as a whole. They are generally built at prominent public locations, such as towns, stations and personal bases but can also be built in scenic areas or as standalone points of interest. Ports serve as an easy way for players to access basic utilities such as beds and ender chests, while also serving as gateways to other parts of the network. Ports are encouraged to be built in any style the player wishes, so long as they tick all the basic functional requirements of a CSC Port.

Required Features
  • Ports should have multiple well stocked boat dispensers for travelers to easily embark towards other destinations.
  • If using the lodestone compass system, ports should possess well stocked lodestone compass chests, marked with the intended destination.
  • The Spawn Port on Akita features plenty of facilities for travelers and new players, such as the sleeping area in the lower level.
    Chests should be provided for players to put away both boats and lodestone compasses, if the port is using that system.
  • Ports should include some basic utilities for players to use when they are there. These include beds, ender chests, crafting tables and other functional items.
The port at Lushbank, featuring prominent lodestone compass dispensers and a navigable floorplan.
  • Ports should be easily navigable, with clear signage and a user friendly layout. To identify the port as part of the CSC, it should also possess CSC banners in the traditional blue and lime colour palette.
  • Ports should possess maps of the surrounding area, and if they serve specific towns and bases, they should be easily accessible from the port.
  • If using lodestone compasses, ports should be equipped with a lodestone in a prominent and visible location. This allows for lodestone compasses to be coupled quickly and easily.
  • Ports should be spawn proofed as best as possible and should be claimed with /containertrust set to public.
  • Ports should contain a nether portal that is connected to the NTN. If a nether portal already exists very close by this can be used instead and signs should point players towards the portal.
Optional Features

The following features aren't a requirement for CSC Ports, but will help take your port the next nautical mile!

  • Where possible, ports could also be connected to other overworld transport networks, such as the SRN and RHN.
  • An elevated portion of the port, such as a tower, can be a useful take off point for elytra users.
  • A log book where players can write their name, the date they visited and a small comment can also be a nice touch to any port, and allows visitors to interact with the area more.
  • Nearby beacons, potentially built into a lighthouse are convenient to supply players with useful effects, such as speed or regeneration, while in the area.
  • Decorating the surrounding body of water with small sailing vessels, could also add an extra touch to the ambience of the port. But ensure that boats can still freely travel on the water!


Canals are an important part of CSC infrastructure. They can be a useful way to connect two bodies of water together, allowing easy passage of boats or can also be used to navigate the interiors of continents more effectively, preventing users getting lost in small winding rivers and lakes. You are also encouraged to get creative with canal designs. You can build them atop viaducts to navigate over large valleys, or create decorated canal tunnels to navigate tricky terrain. You can also create ladders out of canals using bubble columns in order to navigate rough terrain. Several things are worth considering when building canals:

  • Are the canals entrances and exits easily accessible to players?
  • Canals should ideally be a minimum of 3-5 blocks wide and about three blocks deep. This should allow two Minecraft boats to pass each other comfortabley while inside the canal.
  • Canals should also possess clear signage as to where they are leading, so players are able to navigate their surrounds more effectively.
  • Canals should have at least one bridge going over them so roads can eventually be made across them.
  • Canals should have a way to get out from the middle (a ladder or staircase), for the chance that people fall in or if a boater has reached their destination.


Buoys are a useful accompaniment to lodestone compasses when there are several obstructions in between the player and the destination or within a large body of water. Buoys contain colored blocks indicating the compass direction and signs indicating the direction to go to nearby ports or other points of interest. Buoys act as waypoints on a journey.

The colored concrete indicates the compass direction as follows:

  • Light Blue - North
  • Green - East
  • Yellow - South
  • Red - West

This coloring scheme is also used by the NTN and the SRN to color code their tunnels and rail lines respectively

Standard Buoy design
Buoys follow a standardised design, which consists of the following:
  • Bamboo stairs placed upside down in the top most water layer forming a ring
  • 1 sea lantern in the center of this ring
  • Concrete blocks in light blue, green, yellow and red placed on top of the bamboo stairs and pointing in the compass directions as mentioned above
  • 2 bamboo trapdoor, one placed on the underside of the sea lantern and one placed at the top of the concrete blocks in the center
  • Bamboo fence placed in the 4 corners on top of the bamboo stairs, one on top of the trapdoor and 2 on top of the barrel
  • A barrel in between the bamboo fence, 2 blocks above the water
  • One end rod on top of the top most bamboo fence
  • 4 CSC banners placed on all 4 sides of the top most bamboo fence
  • Signs placed on all 4 sides of the barrel and the bamboo fence below the barrel
  • Should 2 signs per direction be not enough, additional signs can be placed on the outward facing sides of the concrete blocks

When writing the signs on a buoy, care should be taken about the amount of space used for one entry. Ideally each port or point of interest should not take up more then 1 line on the sign, to allow as many destinations as possible to be marked on one buoy.

Buoys should be placed occasionally within large bodies of water in sensible locations where players travelling by boat are most likely to find them, but should never prevent a player from going in a certain direction. Additionally buoys can be placed at the mouth of rivers, though singposts are also an option in those locations. The mouth of each river should ideally have either a buoy or a signpost, but building both a buoy and a signpost at the same location should be avoided as it is unneccesary and can lead to confusion.


Signposts are effectively an alternative to Buoys for the use at the shore or especially in rivers, where buoys can be rather large and can take up a lot of the available waterway. Signposts use a simple standardised design and are placed on the shore of rivers, especially at river junctions. The signs located on the signposts are used to indicate in which direction nearby ports or other points of interest are. They provide an immense help for navigating large river systems, where even lodestone compasses can fail the traveller.
Standard signpost design - both a signpost with 3 signs and a signpost with 6 signs is shown
Signposts consist mainly of the following:
  • A barrel which can contain additional boats in case a boat is lost during the journey
  • Spruce fence forming a 2-4 high post with an additional fence one block out over the water attached to the side of the highest other fence
  • Between 3 and 9 signs depending on need and height of the fence post and placed on three sides of the single fence to the side and of any chains used
  • Up to 2 chains and 1 lanterns. the lantern being hung from the single fence at one block above the water surface. chains are used to between the fence and the lantern when needed
  • 3 CSC banners, placed on 3 sides of the highest fence post


When terrain is too extreme for standard canals, glaciducts may be built for boat ways to pass over the top of large valleys or steep terrain. No regulations have been established for glaciduct designs. This section will be updated when there is.

List of Ports

The following is a list of operational CSC ports on the Survival 5 world, as well as who they were built by.


Picture Name of port Coordinates Builder(s)
picture not provided yet Spawn Port (Akita) coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator and 20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE
picture not provided yet South Station Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet North Station Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png darparniox
picture not provided yet Electric Grove Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png NeoFiore
picture not provided yet Flowercliffe Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
Lushbank Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet Fenswick Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Aero_M
picture not provided yet Pavilion Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet Lovehølm Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png ToBeFranky
picture not provided yet Reservoir Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png eybwam
picture not provided yet Port Pillager Puff coordinates needs to be added 20.png NeoFiore
picture not provided yet Port of Peninsula Bay coordinates needs to be added 20.png mrkalaspuff
picture not provided yet The Platform coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet MOTTO Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png StenLluk & 20.png Ze_Tais
picture not provided yet Fox Publishing House coordinates needs to be added 20.png Artic_2446
picture not provided yet Tropical Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet Ravenhold Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png AllikatUK


Picture Name of port Coordinates Builder(s)
picture not provided yet Westfire Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE
picture not provided yet Site 0 Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Orphelia4
picture not provided yet Templar Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png H_Di_Chemici
picture not provided yet Qo'nos Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png AllikatUK
picture not provided yet Eventide Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png SummerFlower1234 and 20.png endorwitch
picture not provided yet Marsh Mechanics Harbour coordinates needs to be added 20.png CanadianSteampk and 20.png minedog2003
picture not provided yet Threebridge Docks coordinates needs to be added 20.png Xambaka
picture not provided yet Port of Last Call coordinates needs to be added 20.png H_Di_Chemici & 20.png Xambaka
picture not provided yet Polar Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png H_Di_Chemici
picture not provided yet Fairytale Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Xambaka


Picture Name of port Coordinates Builder(s)
picture not provided yet Spawn Port (Labrador) coordinates needs to be added 20.png XPModder
picture not provided yet Dry River Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png XPModder
picture not provided yet Coruscant Space Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Dudelmaster
picture not provided yet Coral Sands Heights Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png DwinMouse
picture not provided yet Creeperville Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png ItsDaCreeper
picture not provided yet CRN HQ Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png XPModder
picture not provided yet Budgét Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png XPModder & 20.png H_Di_Chemici


Picture Name of port Coordinates Builder(s)
picture not provided yet West Station Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Skelleton123
picture not provided yet RHN HQ Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png _Shako and 20.png starr274
picture not provided yet Prism Castle Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Elasmotherium1
picture not provided yet Port Expo-Arkparis coordinates needs to be added 20.png Arkhangellsk
picture not provided yet Kirwick Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Slomo_1994
picture not provided yet Bedford Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png PeakMars and 20.png AdamB4255
picture not provided yet Port Allay Bay coordinates needs to be added 20.png AllikatUK
picture not provided yet TridentStadium Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png phofers
picture not provided yet Sleepy Thorns Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Elasmotherium1
picture not provided yet Cape Turtle Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png AllikatUK
picture not provided yet Two Lakes Port coordinates needs to be added 20.png Slomo_1994


Picture Name of Port Coordinates Builder
picture not provided yet Spawn Port (Sheltie) X: 271, Z: -66 20.png Montenator, 20.png XPModder & 20.png Xambaka
picture not provided yet West Station Port (Sheltie) X: -1119, Z: -395 20.png Skelleton123
picture not provided yet East Station Port (Sheltie) X: 1460, Z: -307 20.png XPModder
picture not provided yet Waters Edge Port X: 2296, Z: -121 20.png XPModder
picture not provided yet Canal Port X: 428, Z: 681 20.png H_Di_Chemici
picture not provided yet Cape Di Chemici Port X: 3875, Z: 2036 20.png H_Di_Chemici
picture not provided yet Operation Point Port X: 4216, Z: 2296 20.png Xambaka


Picture Name of Port Coordinates Builder
picture not provided yet Spawn Port (Retriever) X: -230, Z: 39 20.png Montenator, 20.png H_Di_Chemici
North station portside.png
North Station Port (Retriever) X: -318, Z: -827 20.png darparniox
picture not provided yet Lighthouse Port X: -1453, Z: 0 20.png Minda905
picture not provided yet Rougemount Port X: 600, Z: 2920 20.png Montenator
picture not provided yet Red King's Rest Port X: -787, Z: 2910 20.png _Maddy_monster_ & 20.png tijnybricks
picture not provided yet Termite Port X: -708, Z: -1749 20.png NeroTheImmortal
picture not provided yet Deepskulk Port X: 1556, Z: -2194 20.png ItsDaCreeper