Survival Railway Network (Survival 5)

From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival Railway Network (Survival 5)
Survival 5
GCS Shepherd.png
Grand Central Station on Shepherd
TypeTransportation Project
World(s)Survival 5
Leader(s)20.png expedtadam - Shepherd North
ContributorsLine Managers:

20.png Skelleton123 - Shepherd West
20.png Slomo_1994 - Shepherd East
20.png darparniox - Akita North
20.png eybwam - Akita East

20.png Montenator - Akita South

This is about the network on Survival 5. For the wider organisation, click here.

The Survival 5 Railway Network is a project on the Shepherd and Akita worlds of the Dogcraft Server. The SRN's goal is to provide a high quality rail transport network to help player get around the server. This is the fifth world that the organisation has been present in, after previously seeing lots of success in the previous four survival worlds.


The fifth iteration of the SRN is present on two of the four worlds, with Labrador and Corgi currently not seeing active rail development by the SRN team. This decision was made to maintain the SRN's leading idea of 'quality over quantity' with the fear of having more sub-par station builds and the risk of burnout had the network expanded to accommodate all four of the new worlds. However, Grand Central Stations have been pre-built in all four spawn areas, with the SRN team open to potentially expanding operations to all four worlds in the future, if they see it fit. In the meantime, the SRN Team have encouraged players that base on these non-SRN worlds to create their own railways, although they would not be officially branded as part of the SRN.

In addition to the SRN, the Nether Transport Network has also returned for the new world, and will again run alongside the SRN with portals at all main line stations. The SRN team are also hoping to further integrate with the other newer transport networks that were started in Survival 4, that being the Road and Horse Network and the Connected Seas Coalition, with the hope of providing even more variety in transport options and easy transitions between them.


The Survival 5 HQ will be located on Shepherds Spawn island, just outside the pre-built spawn area. Currently the HQ has not been built, but there is a resource donation point at the site of the HQ, allowing players to donate materials to the network during the early game.


The management of the SRN would only see minor changes in the transition from Survival 4 to Survival 5, with the three line managers on Husky transitioning over to Shepherd, and the three line managers on Beagle transitioning over to Akita. The structure on Shepherd would remain the same, with conductor 20.png expedtadam working on the North Line, 20.png Skelleton123 working on the West Line, and 20.png Slomo_1994 working on the East Line. The former Beagle team would see some minor changes going into Akita. 20.png eybwam would move from the West Line to the East Line and 20.png darparniox would return to managing a single line, that being the North Line. Lastly, 20.png Montenator would keep his position working on the South Line. The two vacant lines would be overseen by all the line managers as a collective, with station builds generally being offered to helpers through the SRN Discord.

Spawn Build

Shepherd's GCS

The SRN team would again be invited to build Grand Central Station in the pre-built spawn areas of each world. The Shepherd GCS would take heavy inspiration from Rotterdam Centraal Station in the Netherlands. The design was primarily done by Skelleton123 but the other line mangers helped out with track building and interior design as well.

Akita's GCS.

Akita's Grand Central Station would be built in a similar theme to the rest of the spawn area, that being a gold rush theme. The station was located on a small peninsula of the main spawn island, with its longer slender design stretching along the length of it. This station was primarily built by Skelleton123.

Both Shepherd and Akita GCS' were built under the assumption there would only be two worlds for Survival 5, however when it was announced to the build team there would be four worlds, the SRN Team decided to make the decision to not operate on the newer worlds, with the workload just being unrealistic to maintain. As previously mentioned the line managers did agree to build spawn stations at Labrador and Corgi's spawns, keeping doors open for potential future use.
Labrador's GCS would be in-keeping with the sci-fi space base style of the spawn area, and would again be the work of Skelleton123. Corgi's GCS was a joint effort between Skelleton123 and Slomo_1994, taking the form of a large tent that might be found in a dig site.



North Line
Labrador's GCS

East Line

South Line

West Line


  • Grand Central Station

North Line
Corgi's GCS

East Line

South Line

West Line

This page was last modified on 12 May 2022, at 18:39. (7 months ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator