Lushbank Port

From Dogcraft Wiki

For more information on the RHN, see Road and Horse Network.

For a list of RHN shelters from Sur5, see List of RHN Shelters.

For a list of every shelter, see Shelters

Lushbank Shelter
Survival 5 Akita
Lushbank Shelter.png
Screenshot of Lushbank Shelter
WorldSurvival 5 (Akita)
Builder(s)20.png Montenator
LocationX= Unknown
Y= Unknown
Z= Unknown
  Click for full map error: Unrecognised word "unknown"./zExpression error: Unrecognised word "unknown"..png
  <div id="marker-wrapper" style="

left: calc( Expression error: Unexpected < operator.% - 30px); top: calc( Expression error: Unexpected < operator.% - 70px); >


Lushbank Shelter is a build on the Survival 5 Akita world of the Dogcraft Server. It is a shelter for those who travel the Road And Horse Network roads.


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This page was last modified on 2 February 2023, at 17:16. (4 months ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator