Diamond Cathedral

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Revision as of 19:57, 13 February 2024 by William (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "sur4subworld" to "subworld")
Diamond Cathedral
Survival 5 Labrador
Diamond Cathedral Overview.png
WorldSurvival 5 (Labrador)

Diamond Cathedral was a build on the Survival 5 world of the Dogcraft Server by 20.png kusttra.


My goal on Sur5 was to build my scale LEGO House, but to do so I needed very large amounts of wool. While that wool was generating, I expanded my base quite a lot. At some point, though, I needed to find another large project that was in the vicinity of my wool farm. Additionally, I had collected a load of deepslate that was just taking up room in my bulk storage. With those combined things, I decided to build a large fortified structure, and thus the Diamond Cathedral was born.


I first built the outer walls and turrets - at this point I hadn't decided what the build would actually be. After much hunting for different depictions of fortified structures online, I found some really impressive designs for fantasy cathedrals. Additionally, as the build was on the cliff overlooking my base, I really liked how the height would stand above everything else.

After adding in the full structure of the cathedral, I though it would be interesting to really take advantage of the new spawning rules in 1.18 (at the time), and light the entire building with the least amount of candles I could manage. It lends it a very moody feeling that I find quite appropriate. Lastly, I decided to add some outbuildings - a barracks for guards, a couple storage buildings, a couple residences and an inn. Unfortunately, I was pulled away from the server for quite a while before I could finish these structures. With the impending end of the server, I decided to jump back on and finish up what I could. I finished the outer structure, but there wasn't time to add interiors to these buildings.

Lastly, I decided to add some outbuildings - a barracks for guards, a couple storage buildings, a couple residences, and an inn. Unfortunately, I was pulled away from the server for quite a while before I could finish these structures. With the impending end of the server, I decided to jump back on and finish up what I could. I finished the outer structure, but there wasn't time to add interiors to these buildings.


Diamond Cathedral Overview.png

Diamond Cathedral Front Gate.png

Diamond Cathedral Residences.png

Diamond Cathedral Inside the Gates.png

Diamond Cathedral Storage Buildings.png

Diamond Cathedral Barraks.png

Diamond Cathedral Front.png

Diamond Cathedral Pulpit.png

Diamond Cathedral Rear.png

Diamond Cathedral View Up.png

Diamond Cathedral Elytra Statue.png

Diamond Cathedral Vestibule.png

Diamond Cathedral from the Walls.png

Diamond Cathedral Wizard Tower.png

This page was last modified on 13 February 2024, at 19:57. (34 days ago)

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