Burrow Station

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Revision as of 13:47, 12 September 2023 by Eybwam (talk | contribs)
Burrow Station
Survival 5 Akita
WorldSurvival 5 (Akita)
NetworkSurvival Railway Network (Survival 5)
LineAkita South Line
Opened3rd December 2022
Builder(s)20.png Montenator
LocationX= -130
Y= 60
Z= 6625
ConnectionsMain-line connections1 

Burrow Station is the fifth station on the Akita South Line on the Survival 5 world of the Dogcraft Server. The station was designed and built by Akita South Line manager, 20.png Montenator. The station took around 2 and a half months to design and build, opening up to the public on December 3rd 2022, 2 weeks after a line building session that saw the stretch of line between it and Vista Station completed.

About The Station

The idea for an animal burrow station dates back all the way to June 2021, with Montenator initially wanting to design a station with that theme as the 5th station on the Beagle South Line, in a mega taiga south of Nova Station. However when the distance was measured, it was clear the line would be far to short between the stations, so a new spot was picked in a birch forest further south which eventually became Machair Station. Since then, the idea was shelved by Montenator until a suitable biome could be found to properly do the theme justice.

The station itself is relatively small, with the main station area being located underground, beneath the main mound. Main line and branch line terminals are located in this main atrium of the station, which is heavily textured with various brown blocks, and features a heavy usage of foliage, such as leaves, lichen and glowberries. A small winding staircase allows pedestrian access from the outside down the the main atrium, with the NTN portal being located nearby. Several other functional features can be found in this room, including network maps, ender chests, crafting tables and a station visitor book.

A small passageway leads to another smaller room off the main atrium. This is where beds and other more general station ammenities are located. A large map of the surrounding area takes up the central portion of this room, and the walls are decorated with various banners Montenator had collected from attending various CRN line openings. A nice reference to the SRN's sister network on Labrador and Corgi.

Turning to the exterior of the station, perhaps the most striking feature is the giant fox that stands atop a hillside overlooking the entire area. The fox has since been named 'Wilde', courtesy of 20.png eybwam. Wilde's design was adapted from an existing design by 20.png CraftyFoxe, with the block palette being altered to match the more rustic themes of the station and the dimension being altered to reduce the size and height slightly. In a similar fashion to Petal Ranch Station on the Beagle South Line, the approach to the station sees the line snake its way through small farm patches, including a pumpkin patch, a beet patch and a fernery. About a minute before arriving at Burrow Station, the line crosses a large lake. A large stone bridge was built over the lake for the line to travel across, which was inspired off of the Connel Bridge near Oban, in Scotland.


This page was last modified on 12 September 2023, at 13:47. (7 months ago)
Background Takeshi by Edo