The Isle of Alora

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The Isle of Alora
Survival 5
Callon's Crimson Bay.png
A view of The Fishing Village known as Callon's Crimson Bay.
WorldSurvival 5
Builder(s)20.png ArrowsTheHunter 20.png LivingDeadRachie
Founded21st, March 2022

The Isle of Alora was the base of Dogcraft's Dynamic Duo, 20.png ArrowsTheHunter & 20.png LivingDeadRachie on the Shepherd world of Survival 5 on the Dogcraft Server.


Founded on the 21st of March 2022, Alora was an island set North of spawn on the Shepherd world of Survival 5. Set on a small island, Alora was a base with 4 different settlement types of builds planned, a fishing village, a farming village, a castle and a city.

Going by their usual theme, the duo opted for a medieval/fantasy theme. The first, a fishing village named Callon's Crimson Bay, had a semi-gothic feel that has tall pointy roofs but also leans into the theme of fantasy/medieval. The second, a farmland village meant to separate the fishing village from the castle and city, named Dragonpass Meadows.

The Download link can be found HERE.


  • On the 20th of March, the (then known as Alora) Kavalon discord server held a vote for the name of the duo's new base, real-life friends and family of Rachie casted their votes through her and a select few members voted on the server. The name voted was nearly unanimous for Alora, where 1 vote was casted for Knightreach. Rachie would ensure that any names voted would not go unused, so she decided to name the to-be-built area of the island Knightreach Castle.
  • Callon's Crimson Bay was featured on the Dogcraft Twitter's Picture of the Day on 24th of January 2023.
  • Rachie's villager friend who was the first to supply herself and Arrows with mending, named Ronald has a market stall at the Bay, near the small map area.
  • The docks of Crimson Bay had trade ships from (as of 21 Jan) The Mossfia (built by 20.png DaGameStar1) and a Roman themed ship (built by 20.png Wanderer_06)

The Saffolding-ening

  • In August of 2023, Rachie and Arrows initially planned to build a roughly 85x115 dragon. Since they feared they'd never get the dragon fully built before the closing of Survival 5, they opted for 2 smaller dragons that each individual would build by themselves.
  • The red dragon, built by Arrows, was named "Phanestrasz" for his love of World of Warcraft and his interest in Greek Mythology. The name, being broken down as "Phanes", the Greek primordial God of Life, and the last part "trasz" being the last part of nearly every red dragon's name in WoW.
  • The white dragon, built by Rachie was named Haku. In reference to the dragon of the same name, from the Studio Ghibli movie Spirited Away.


An in-progress photo of some builds around Callon's Crimson Bay.
Alora as of the 17th of January 2023.