The Floathing Paradise

From Dogcraft Wiki

The Floathing Paradise
Survival 5 Labrador
2022-12-31 19.08.21.png
A floating base
WorldSurvival 5 (Labrador)
Builder(s)20.png NecroVecro
FoundedMarch 2022
LocationX= 424
Y= 71
Z= 32

The Floathing Paradise is the base of NecroVecro on the Survival 5 world of the Dogcraft Server.


The floathing paradise, located near the Labrador spawn area is the starter/mini base of 20.png NecroVecro. The base contains three floors with seven rooms and its style and layout is heavily inspired by the "floathing thing" made by 20.png BdoubleO100 in season eight of Hermitcraft.


A few weeks before the launch of Survival 5 , 20.png NecroVecro wanted to created a very unique and colorful house that floats on water. On his first day on the server, he went straight to the mines and when he decided to come out to the surface he found himslef in the ocean bewteen the spawn area and a couple of islands. NecroVecro noticed that people were starting to settle around these parts so he picked a nice and empty spot in the ocean and decided to settle there.

While looking for inspiration, 20.png NecroVecro recalled a floating structure in one of BdoubleO100's videos and after a careful two minute consideration he decided to make a similar structure. NecroVecro went into creative and proceeded to analyze the structure, after one or two hours NecroVecro had the rough shape and details of the build done. He then made some screenshots and remade the build on the server and added some additional details. After that NecroVecro struggled to start the interior but one day he saw a couple of signs written by 20.png TomasoVC which complimented his build. This motivated NecroVecro greatly and he filled the first floor of the build with a portal, a bar, bubble elevators and multiple decorations. After a couple of months of not playing NecroVecro decided to return and to finish the rest of the interior. He ended up making a living room, kitchen, storage room, bedroom and two guest rooms. After a couple finishing touches he felt like the base was finished and he finally could start fully using it.


Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred

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