Corgi Communal Gold Farm

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Corgi Communal Gold Farm
Survival 5
The Gold Farm in the hazy nether fog
TypeCommunity farm service
World(s)Survival 5, Corgi
Leader(s)20.png Minda905
ContributorsMore than 40 members of the community, see full list further down in article

Never underestimate the power of the Dogcraft Community! - TrainerMoon

The Corgi Communal Gold Farm was a community project on the Survival 5 world Corgi of the Dogcraft Server.

A publicly accessible mobfarm in the nether provided for the community, was made possible by several players joining in together to do the grindy work needed for the farm's creation. Over 40 players where involved in the workprocess which spanned over approximately ten days between the months of April-May of 2022, led by 20.png Minda905.

The farm connected to the Corgi NTN's north tunnel with a stop at coordinates 7 99 -1969 for easy travel access. It could also be reached by warping to the /phome Corgi Communal Goldfarm.


The farm was located in the middle of a 201x201 perimeter, completely cleared from the bedrock ceiling down to the floor. This was the major community effort of the project. The entire floor got covered with red stained glass and all parts of the farms and services at the location were carefully constructed to be spawn proof, as to optimise rates in the farm.

The farm itself had two platforms measuring 25x25 blocks with a drop shaft in the middle, where turtle eggs are placed to lure in the zombie pigmen. Two modes of farming (automatic and manual) could be switched between for flexibility of use. Instructions for use were available on the site.

Beacon buffs were provided and around the storage system at the bottom were also an enchanting setup, anvils, grindstones, smiting tables, crafting benches, a small automatic 8-furnace smelter and four shulker-loading stations.


The project was initially planned to be a long term solo effort by 20.png Minda905, who wanted to make some farms that she hadn't done back in Survival 4.

Test building was done in a single player world and a site was scouted, where Minda started to drain lava in a 30x30 area to fit the farm in with some extra space around it.

While getting some help from 20.png eybwam, 20.png R0bstar and 20.png mrkalaspuff it dawned upon Minda how big of a project it would be to take on herself, and the thought of involving other people started to grow on her.

After consultation with 20.png EtaThetaZeta, whom she asked for technical advice, Minda made some major changes to the farm design and abandoned the first spot for a better suited one, which also was closer to the North stretch of the Corgi Nether Tunnel Network.

While marking out the new 201x201 perimeter Minda spoke to 20.png TrainerMoon (Project lead of the NTN at the time) about her gold farm plans. At this stage she had decided that she wanted to make it publicly accessible when it was finished. It was such a huge undertaking that she really did need help, but Minda was unsure if anyone would actually come to help out if she asked. Trainer then encouraged Minda to announce the project plans in the NTN Discord as an invite for the community to come help, which she did and - then, to her surprise - as it was also talked about on the server, many many players joined in to do the grindy work.

Over the course of about ten days over 40 players joined in to help with the perimeter and the farm in some kind of way by digging, draining lava, supplying potions, pickaxes, mending up worn out tools and donating resources to the projects cause. During the dig Minda was always in forefront with plans and markings. She set up the onsite storage, and managed materials and donations as the farm, walkways and retainer walls were built up, as well as supporting the players who'd joined in to help.

Players who joined in to help were given the opportunity to keep or donate the precious blocks they dug up to other community projects, as it was Mindas wish to let her community project feed into other ones, like the NTN and SRN.

The perimeter was finished quicker than anyone could have imagined, and the farm was opened to the public on May 5th 2022.

List of Contributors

Designers, developers, diggers, donators:

  • 20.png __anub1s__
  • 20.png _Brin
  • 20.png Aiyn84
  • 20.png Al_Sev
  • 20.png allikatUK
  • 20.png Asteria042
  • 20.png AwesomeTom21
  • 20.png Bigeater
  • 20.png colliecolie
  • 20.png DennisDpk24
  • 20.png Donmn
  • 20.png Duality4y
  • 20.png EtaThetaZeta
  • 20.png eybwam
  • 20.png Fazat_
  • 20.png Grimm_Deathbane
  • 20.png KaMiKaZeUK2
  • 20.png kfr291
  • 20.png Kronolak
  • 20.png LadyDragonWolf
  • 20.png lauratje19
  • 20.png LeTrope
  • 20.png M_Sky3
  • 20.png Maple39
  • 20.png Mika_Panda
  • 20.png Minda905
  • 20.png mrkalaspuff
  • 20.png NeoFiore
  • 20.png Nomiium
  • 20.png PopculturePanda
  • 20.png Pumpkin_Monger
  • 20.png R0bstar
  • 20.png RY44
  • 20.png strawberrysham
  • 20.png Taurent
  • 20.png ThatRoger1
  • 20.png TheAirborneEagle
  • 20.png TheLevi
  • 20.png TrainerMoon
  • 20.png Truth_DJG
  • 20.png unknown537
  • 20.png Valeritas
  • 20.png wildXanthir
  • 20.png Xulili