
From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival 5
Eventual Base:
WorldSurvival 5
Builder(s)20.png MrManatee13
Founded18th March 2022
LocationX= -690
Y= 64
Z= -1500
Island Expansion

Sakura is the megabase of MrManatee on the Survival 5 Corgi world of the Dogcraft Server.


Sakura is a massive undertaking where 20.png MrManatee13 is making his first ever mega base. The style of the base is Japanese with a little bit of Nordic mixed in. The exterior build resembles "Ashfall peaks" from Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood. And the interior is a Japanese bathhouse filled with houses and all the amentities that comes with a bathhouse such as a sauna, showers, hot spring baths and a food court. As of writing this article the base is still under construction, Having the front exterior almost done. After MrManatee finishes the exterior he will work on the interior and hopefully keep adding awesome additions to it!


Starting the Cave and Cliffs update of 1.18 20.png MrManatee13 wanted to make an amazing bathhouse with a massive mountain behind it so he went to designing. In his spare time he played a lot of Borderlands 3 and was quite facinated by the style and feel of the DLC: The Bounty of Blood. Especially the area called Ashfall peaks. In 20 hours Manatee managed to create a base that was mainly made out of wood, stone and snow but felt massive and impressive. After looking for ages for a amazing mountain biome Mr Manatee found a presumably suitable spot on Labrador. However the minute Manatee laid down the wool to calculate the size of the build he noticed that the build itself was way too big for the area he picked out. So he had to figure out a new plan. Noticing that north of the Corgi spawn there was a giant ocean perfect for his plans. He grabbed some lava buckets and went out of his way to create a cobblestone platform that was 250x150 in size. After which he chizeled the different tasks away starting with the stripped-spruce support pillars. Then the walls and lastly the roof.


The interior (At the moment of writing this) Features a massive storage system that took 3 weeks to design and create, a hallway linking some farms up to the storage system and also a sauna. Manatee strifes to not only make the interior usable, But also makes it pretty. There is also currently a villager breeder, Sheep farm, Cactus farm, Bamboo farm and much more that he wants to intergrade into the build itself. Giving it a classical Japanese bathhouse feel. There will also be an entire room dedicated to the mascot of Sakura, Paddy the Panda. There will be a massive central area called The Hub. This area will feel like a town has spawled inside the building, With food courts, vendors, mountains and a natural hot spring. This hub will lead to all the different areas of the base and will also lead to the upper levels of said base. Construction on The Hub has yet to begin.

The entrance is also under construction and is 50% done, This area will serve as the only entry into the bathhouse, It is an open area with lamps a long and wide hallway and it will lead outside to an amazing townsquare with fountains and even more vendors and houses.


Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred

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