Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter

From Dogcraft Wiki

For more information on the RHN, see Road and Horse Network.

Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter
Survival 5 Shepherd
Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter.png
Screenshot of Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter
WorldSurvival 5 (Shepherd)
NetworkRoad and Horse Network
Builder(s)20.png starr274
LocationX= 952
Y= 69
Z= 2717
Road(s)Prosperity Road

For a list of shelters from Sur5, see List of RHN Shelters.

For a list of every shelter, see Shelters

Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter is a build on the Survival 5 world of the Dogcraft Server. It is a shelter for those who travel the Road And Horse Network roads.


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Prosperity Hunting Lodge Shelter.png

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