Jedi Temple

From Dogcraft Wiki

Jedi Temple
Survival 5 Labrador
WorldSurvival 5 (Labrador)
Builder(s)20.png DerZaron, 20.png Dudelmaster ,20.png LadySelenia 20.png Hesch1602 20.png PHEONlX
Contributor(s)Happy Villagers Inc.
FoundedMay 2022
LocationX= 6114
Y= -5260
Z= 68
TransportNTN East

This is a "Stevenation" groupprojekt. The build is inspired by Yvent´s Mini Jedi Temple on Planet Minecraft. Though he forgot to do an interior... so we did. The build has multilpe Layers and a lot of secrets to discover. The main Building crew was: 20.png DerZaron 20.png Dudelmaster 20.png LadySelenia and 20.png Hesch1602 with an honorary guest to the "Stevenation", 20.png PHEONlX.

Resources were kindly donated by the Happy Villagers Inc.

Main Hall

The Base is located at 6114 -5260 on Labrador and there is a public warp named Jedi Temple. Feel free to come by and explore.

The Main Hall

This massive room is the main meeting point for Jedi (i guess). Lots of paths cross and there are impressive statues to look at. Who knows maybe you may find a little secret here or there. You can see following statues:

  • Master Yoda
  • Master Obi Wan Kenobi
  • Jedi Archiev
    Master Lahru
  • Master Pra-Tre Veter
  • Master Odan-Urr(inprogress)
  • Master K'Kruhk
Jedi Gardens

Second Level

This part is still in progress, but you can already have a look at holocrons in the archieve.

The Roof

The main attraction here are the gardens. They are filled with various plants from different planets. The towers will be accessible in the future and you may find some lamas wondering around.

Below the Temple

Below the Temple

Only true Jedi know how to get here. But there sure are some interesting things to see.

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