Highlands Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Highlands Station
Survival 5
Highlands Station.png
WorldSurvival 5
NetworkSurvival Railway Network (Survival 5)
LineSRN North Line (Akita)
Opened17th June 2023
LocationX= -310
Z= -4075
ConnectionsMain-line connections1 Branch connections0

Akita North-Line
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN N.png
Sunken Mansion

Highlands Station was the third station of the SRN Akita North Line, continuing from Donkey Station.


Highlands Station took its name from the elevated savanna biome it occupies - the station floor is at y level 123. The area was largely unpopulated in terms of players, but had a nearby raid tower and village. The station had a platform level and NTN portal and stables outside on the stone verandah. On the second level were station offices and at the top of the staircase on the small third level was an elytra jump.

The line to the station featured an underwater tunnel that reached the coast around 650 blocks from the station. From this point, the line did not descend at any point, culminating in the Highlands Suspension bridge which was 105 blocks long and traverses a 60 block deep ravine.


20.png JarrydG_ZA designed and built the station in April 2024. Once the line was completed later, the station was opened on the17th of June, 2023.

Line Opening Video

Below is footage of the opening of Highlands Station, hosted by darparniox.

1.21.4 Is Here! Catch up with the latest CDNN https://youtu.be/7SWtsla0GRE