Canal Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Canal Station
Survival 6 Sheltie
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WorldSurvival 6 (Sheltie)
Openedfebruari 9th 2024
Builder(s)20.png H_Di_Chemici
Contributorsmany amazing people
LocationX= 428
Y= 62
Z= 682
NTN Connectionyes, in the hub
NetworkSurvival Railway Network
LineSouth Line
ConnectionsMain-line connections2 Branch connections2
NetworkConnected Seas Coalition
Adjoining SeasSheltie Spawn Sea, Golden Sea

Canal Station is the first station located on the sheltie South Line.

South Line (Sheltie)
TIcon SRN STN NS.png
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TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB ITC N.png
To be continued  
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The station that also features a port is a modern design made with a smooth stone base, yellow stained glass arched roof and quartz pillars holding up that roof. The roof is built out of glass to make you still feel in the open air of the dense jungle surrounding the station while also protecting the visitors from skyrats (also know as phantoms) during the night. The airy vibe is an idea 20.png H_Di_Chemici has experimented with quite a bit in some of his survival 5 stations. Prime examples being puppy park station which featured a similar glass roof, templar station and maze station that both didn't have a roof at all.

The station is located in a wide canal connecting the sheltie spawn ocean together with the golden sea named after player 20.png I_AM_AURUM that bases in the middle of that sea. The canal was dug before even the idea of building a station in the canal was thought of.

Due to the NTN-hubs special location on sheltie and the proximity of the station to spawn the NTN portal connects straight into a custom side room of the NTN hub. The room, designed by 20.png Trainermoon and built by: 20.png XPModder and 20.png H_Di_Chemici was completed only a few hours before the opening of the NTN-hubs. This was all done quickly because Chemi didn't want to leave a gaping only hole in the wall when so many plaers would be walking around the hubs.

There is also a local resident residing a few blocks away from the station, SRN's founder: 20.png _edo. They ended up creating a road from the station to their base and a bride crossing the river that is all visible from the station.


The station located on the sheltie South line was picked as a location for a station only a few hours before survival 6 kickoff via the dynmap. Since Chemi is also a master navigator for the CSC the idea arose of picking this prime location for a canal and also building his first SRN station there afterwards. With the land being only 80 blocks wide on its narrowest point between the 2 rivers that both go to their respective ocean the canal was quickly dug out in an impromptu buildsession and made quite wide so the remaining ponds wouldn't be looking out of place.

This canal ending up sitting empty and undecorated for about a week until Chemi decided to hop into creative and design a station that could be build entirely in the canal with room to spare on both sides so boat trafic can go through without any isue. The building ended up going rather swift and with donations from many players the build was completed not even 2 weeks after the server had opened.

The railline connecting sheltie grand central together with Canal Station had to wait a bit longer due to the amount of materials required to build it. In this waiting time a new player, 20.png Thisonepanda had settled next to the planned line and asked if they could build a mini station stopping at their base. A plan was drawn up, a small build with the line going through it. You can hit a target block with a projectile so the powered rail deactivates stopping the player right in the middle of the build while not slowing down a player that doesn't want to stop there.

CSC Port Connections
