Cape Di Chemici

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Cape Di Chemici
Survival 6 Sheltie
Cape Di Chemici at night
WorldSurvival 6 (Sheltie)
Builder(s)20.png H_Di_Chemici
Founded16 December 2023
LocationX= 3858
Y= 60-100
Z= 2134

Cape Di Chemici is the base of 20.png H_Di_Chemici on the Survival 6 world of the Dogcraft Server.


Cape Di Chemici is located in the Nort-West corner of the Threebridge sea. This tropical island surrounded by a cliff on both the East and Southside of the island give it much needed cover for the harsh winds blowing through the valley opening it is located in.

The bridge connecting Cape Di Chemici with the mainland

The sandy beach, home to the sheep people who enjoy their vacation away from the busy Capetown (not started yet). Surfing and hanging out in the sun is one of the major activity's on the island. There is also a tikki bar located on the beach overlooking the west side of the bay it is located in. On the beach near the cliff is a campervan located which 20.png H_Di_Chemici calls his home. This van is equipped with absolutly nothing, but has a barbeque in the front always grilling fresh fish.

H_Di_Chemici in front of his van

The massive bonfire in the centre of the island is one of the favorite locations were the sheep people tend to hang out often. This beacon of light gives of the warmth and satisfaction that their busy lives in the city cannot give them. Scattered around the island you can additionally find as well: 2 boats, a life sized sand castle, a campfire with 4 chairs around it, a washed up boey and a beach umbrella giving shade.

For convience the Cape is also connected to the outside via various roads and soon a port and shelter as well. The road on the Northern side of the island is Kingdom road and connectes to both Canine Kingdom and 20.png TheChrisKratter kingdom. The currently unfinished road on the southern cliff is planned to go to Capetown and 20.png SparxTH's oriental themed base.


Early beginnings

Cape Di Chemici was founded on the 16th of December only 2 hours of the start of survival 6 during the launch event. The island with a village on it was split down the middle, one side being plains, the other being a beach biome. 20.png Xambaka and 20.png CactusBrother had found the island on their way towards their moushroom island 800 blocks South East of the cape and were willing to give it up as long as they could keep some villagers for themselves. H_Di_Chemici agreed, not having a base location nor plan yet for a base this was perfect. Being both close to Canine Kingdom, A minigame area he leads together with Xambaka and 20.png XPModder and to the base of Xam and Cactus, 2 people Chemi already knew.

The island during the decorating progress

After a decent start on day one Chemi started on a road towards Canine Kingdom with a basic diamond shovel on day two. He wanted to get there quickly incase the home command not working wouldn't be resolved in the upcoming weeks. Then a few days after this and having completed Canal Station on the Sheltie South-line Chemi decided to continue working on the island instead of leaving it empty. The idea arose of making it a tropical beach island with handmade cliffs, something he had already done in his survival 5 base Cliff Garden.

A continuing project

Over the upcoming weeks Chemi would work on the island in bits left and right: making a part of the cliff, building a grass top and turning the plains into a sand beach. Now that the basic canvas was completed he could start painting with detail and refine some of the previous build things. All this detailing included: 18 custom made big palmtrees, a bunch of boulders, a custom pathway going north to south on the island and a Campervan that he had designed months prior to the launch.

The sandcastle

After this a harder fase started, trying to remove all the torches on the beach and cliffs. The ones on the cliffs were swiftly taken care off by placing a moss carpet on a froglight in the ground. For the beach Chemi had to be a bit more inventive. Using carpets as beach towels with hiden lighting, tikki torches near the road and lights hidden in the rocks spawnproofed the majority of the island. For the rest, bigger details were added in: such as boats, a tikki bar and a sandcastle.

Terraforming galore

With the main area of the base now complete only the surrounding terraforming was left to be continued. The cliffs got a make-over with berrybushes being planted on top in small circular patches while oak leaves would sporadically line them. Boulders were placed in major dead spots giving a feeling of complexity to the already existing biome. A minor stream was added on the Southern cliff that flows only a bit more then a 100 blocks before it splits of in to 2 streams and then pummels down the cliff into the ocean.

An idea arose of adding in a statue on the rocky island that was located inbetween Cape Di chemici and Operation point. This statue, grand and imposing would mark the point were the oceans were not safe anymore for sailers and surfers. After sketching out the rough boxy shape, giving the statue mossy hair that flowed into the wind, and a dress progress stagnated to a standstill at Cape Di Chemici.

Finishing the base

After a few months Chemi came back to working on his base revitelised after working on the Canine Kingdom North station. Witht the branchline now reaching his base the potential of visitors sparked a new inntrest in working at his base. The cliffs got make-over with bonemeal adding in (tall) grass, some much needed texture, the poppy's were left to add in some colour in the green dominated land. In the main area armourstands were added creating litle scenes from people spending their time at the beach.

The statue was torn down, being stuck on the shape it didn't seem like such a good idea anymore. The surface of the island was turned into tuff and big seals were added as this is a coming thing you find in shallow coastal areas. It also allowed a use for the spots of random islands that were left infront of the waterfalls. With now the Eastside complete and the station opening lureing in the background Chemi went to the Western end and made an aditional cliff there were the railline goes around a small peninsula that was looking rather ugly.

Around the RHN-shelter sand and additional palm trees were added into in the otherwise looking out of place looking forest. The base is done, or so Chemi thought, the main cliff with the storage inside was in need of dire attention. A main tunnel was added connecting the main Southern entrance to the more practically located entrance right infront of the storage. This tunnel houses: Butcher and Cartagropher villagers for emerald production, a efficient berry farm that was originally ment for planting the cliffs, an egg farm, a potion brewing area and a hidden wheat farm plus villager based bread farm that 20.png XPModder had made on the first day of the server that was never moved. The storage got reorganised into a better layout and a small indent was made for costum maps and a bed to rest in. The map of the area is visible on the back of the storage.

Transport buildings and connections

Road Connections (RHN)

As mentioned earlier Cape Di Chemici has a road running through the northernmost part of the cape. This road called: Kingdom Road And connects the Eastern entrance to canine kingdom with the cape and 20.png TheChrisKratter's base which is also a kingdom. Right across the bridge to the island is also an RHN shelter located. This build feautures a mud brick roof, but doesn't have any walls, those aren't needed due to the hot climate in CDC. In the pediment on the roof is a gemstone embedded Capeium. Capeium, native to the region feautures the colours of a sunset over the ocean. Blue at the bottom, than in order red, orange and then yellow for the sun.

On the southern Cliff there are a few roads currently in place:

  • Capetown road going West towards 20.png SparxTH's base with plans to also link up to kingdom road via a bridge over the ... river .
  • A road going south from the previously mentioned road and NTN portal crossing. This road goes al the way to 20.png W0bb3lb0b's dome base.
  • A road going from Capetown road to the southern road via the massive mountain towering over the area.

Water Connections (CSC)

Cape Di Chemici has its own port that is built quite simular to the RHN shelter across the road. With only one roof instead of 2 and also feauturing the remarkable beauty of the Capeium stones. The port is simply in design, with a sleeping area covered from the rain and skyrats but also a small dock where people can come and leave as they wish.

Current destinations from Cape Di Chemici Port:

  • Operation Point (Going east)
  • Canine Kingdom (Going west)
  • Port GigaCorp™ (Going west)

The last two are part of the canine kingdom island itself and serve the minigame area.

Rail Connections (SRN)

With 20.png H_Di_Chemici being a linemanager for the Survival Railway Network it is only logical that the base also has a station to call its own. The Station embedded in a cave on the southern rock is part of the old Capeium mine. This lush cave that was left empty after Capetown started to prosper in other industry's was left with everything in it. Wooden trapdoors around a stalagmite hold up a set of beds where travellers can sleep for the night. The minecart still works but has now been repurposed for another destination: player transport.

Destinations from the Cape Di Chemici Station:

  • Operation Point
  • Canine Kingdom South

With the station being part of the beach and business mega branchline it ended up taking multiple months to connect the station up to the main network end opening it to the public. This opening ended up taking place on the 15th of december in which 8 other stations were also openend starting from Waters Edge Station and ending up at Sunshine Harbour, the headquarter of the infamous dogcraft company Y21.


All pictures taken with shaders are taken by Xambaka

Surise Progression

The sunrise, one of the most beautifull things that can be soon from the island was beautifully caputerd by 20.png Xambaka

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