List of Commands

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{{Tutorial ServerInfo
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The Dogcraft Minecraft server gives players access to many commands, to the extent that they may sometimes seem confusing or overwhelming. This page aims to provide explanations and clarity on all commands you may encounter.
This page contains a '''List of Commands''' that are available for use on the [[Dogcraft Server]]. Although the in-game <code>/help</code> command provides a list with descriptions, the number of available commands can still be overwhelming.

==Account Linking==
This page contains all the commands you'll need to use while playing, broken down by section. To enter a command, press the "open command" key (defaults to <code>[/]</code>; forward slash), type the command and then press <code>[Enter ⏎]</code>.
''See also: [[Guide to Linking|Guide to Linking Your Account]].''

When players start on Dogcraft for the first time, they are placed in adventure mode, and have to link their account to the [ website] first. Once they're linked, the player enters survival mode. The commands used in this process are:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="30%" |Command
! width="70%" |Description
! colspan="2" |Account Linking {{Anchor|Account Linking}}
! colspan="2" |Account Linking {{Anchor_link|Account Linking}}
|Displays information about the [[Guide:How to link a account|account linking process]].
|Displays whether or not you are linked to a account
|Displays whether or not you are linked to a account
! colspan="2" |Information Commands{{Anchor|Information}}
! colspan="2" |Information Commands{{Anchor_link|Information}}
|View a list of all the server commands.
|View a list of all the server commands.
! colspan="2" |Homes Commands {{Anchor|Homes}}
! colspan="2" |Player Teleportation and Homes Commands {{Anchor_link|Homes}}
|<code>/tpa <player></code>
|Send a request asking a player to let you teleport to them
|Teleports you to a random place in the world.
|<code>/tpahere <player></code>
|Send a request asking a player to teleport to you
|Teleports you to the place of your recent death, or returns you to where you were prior to a player-to-player teleport. This command does not work if you change servers between death/player-to-player teleport and using this command. 
|Teleports you to your bed where you've last slept in.
|Teleports you to your respawn location, eg. last bed you slept in.
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|<code>/home <name></code>
|<code>/home <name></code>
|Teleports you to that home, after a 5 second warmup.
|Teleports you to that home, after a short warmup.
|<code>/sethome <name></code>
|<code>/sethome <home name></code>
|Open a GUI to allow you to set a home.
|Allows you to create a home.
|<code>/delhome <home></code>
|<code>/delhome <home></code>
|Allows you to delete a home.
|Allows you to delete a home.
! colspan="2" |Player Teleportation Commands {{Anchor|Player Teleportation}}
|<code>/edithome <homeName> [rename/description/relocate/privacy]</code>
|Allows you to edit an existing home.
|<code>/tpa <playername></code>
|<code>/phome <public home name></code>
|Send a request asking a player to let you teleport to them
|Teleports you to a public home.
|Gives a list of all the public homes.
|<code>/tpahere <playername></code>
|Send a request asking a player to teleport to you
|Check the price of your next home.
! colspan="2" |Claims & Locks {{Anchor|Claims & Locks}}
! colspan="2" |Claims & Locks {{Anchor_link|Claims & Locks}}
|<code>/claim <radius></code>
|<code>/claim <radius></code>
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|Toggles permission inheritance from the main claim to the sub-divided claim.<br />This means members trusted in the parent claim won't be trusted by default in any sub claims.
|Toggles permission inheritance from the main claim to the sub-divided claim.<br />This means members trusted in the parent claim won't be trusted by default in any sub claims.
|<code>/trust <playername></code>
|<code>/trust <player></code>
|Gives a player build-trust in the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to set this in all of them.
|Gives a player build-trust in the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to set this in all of them.
|<code>/untrust <playername></code>
|<code>/untrust <player></code>
|Revokes all trust a player has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
|Revokes all trust a player has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
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|Revokes all trust the public has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
|Revokes all trust the public has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
|<code>/containertrust <playername/all></code>
|<code>/containertrust <player/all></code>
|Grants permissions to access Inventories such as Chests, Dispensers, Furnaces, access to crops, animals, bed, permission to /sethome and buttons/levers,
|Grants permissions to access Inventories such as Chests, Dispensers, Furnaces, access to crops, animals, bed, permission to /sethome and buttons/levers,
|<code>/accesstrust <playername></code>
|<code>/accesstrust <player/all></code>
|Grants permission to use doors, permission to /sethome, and interact with buttons and levers.
|Grants permission to use doors, permission to /sethome, and interact with buttons and levers.
|<code>/permissiontrust <playername></code>
|<code>/permissiontrust <player/all></code>
|Grants the ability of the selected user to manage the trusted users.
|Grants the ability of the selected user to manage the trusted users.
|Enables mob greifing and TNT explosions in the claim you are standing in. Use the same command to toggle.
|Toggles mob greifing and TNT explosions in the claim you are standing in.
|StickyLocks commands, for locking items such as doors, gates, chests, hoppers, droppers, dispensers, repeaters, anvils and more.   To use sticky locks, hold a <u>golden hoe</u>
|[ StickyLocks] commands, for locking items such as doors, gates, chests, hoppers, droppers, dispensers, repeaters, anvils and more. To use sticky locks, hold a Golden Hoe.
|<code>/sl notify</code>
|<code>/sl notify</code>
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|Removes that player or group from the access list to the object.
|Removes that player or group from the access list to the object.
! colspan="2" |Player Settings Commands {{Anchor|Player Settings}}
|<code>/sl autolock<code>
|Toggles automatic locking of all lockable blocks.
! colspan="2" |Player Settings Commands {{Anchor_link|Player Settings}}
|Displays your active warnings. Warnings are given if you break the [[Rules|server rules]]. If you reach three warnings, you will be issued a ban from the server. Which can be appealed.
|Your server statistics, such as time played, and more.
|Your server statistics, such as time played, and more.
|<code>/pvp <on/off></code>
|Toggles your PVP immunity on or off. Both players must have PVP on for it to work.
|Toggles your PVP immunity on or off. Both players must have PVP on for it to work.
|<code>/playerbuffs toggle</code>
|Toggles whether you receive server wide McBuffy effects on/off.
|Toggle the firework launched when staff members and Patreon log in. (Requires {{Rank|IronPatreon}}+)
|<code>/bal</code><br />Aliases: <code>/balance</code>
|Displays your current [[Dogcraft Dollars]] balance
|<code>/givepet <player name></code>
|Opens the McBuffy Menu (Patreon+ has access, Cyberdogs can purchase buffs in Azkaban from McBuffy)
|Transfers the ownership of your tamed pet.
|<code>/ignoreplayer <player name></code>
|Toggles the firework that is launched by Patreons /server [[Staff Team|staff]] when logging in.
|Ignores another player's chat messages.
| </code> / bal |/balance
|Shows how many DCD you have.
|Open McBuffy's GUI where anyone with an Iron Patreon subscription and up can give player buffs to the server.
! colspan="2" |Communication {{Anchor|Warps & Homes}}
! colspan="2" |Communication {{Anchor_link|Warps & Homes}}
|<code>/w <playername> <message>     Also works with /msg, /m, /pm and /tell</code>
|<code>/msg <player> <message></code><br />Aliases: <code>/whisper</code>, <code>/w</code> & <code>/tell</code>
|To send a private message to an online player.
|Send a private message to an online <code><player></code>.
|<code>/r <message></code>
|<code>/r <message></code>
|Replies to the latest private message.
|Replies to the last person who sent you a private message.
|<code>/helpop <message></code>
|<code>/helpop <message></code>
|Sends a message via the help service. Only you can see the message you've sent. Helpers and above can see other HelpMe messages sent by other players.
|Send a message to server staff. Use this to request help or assistance; only you can see messages you've sent. This command is meant only for situations where a staff member is required, but not responding to you.
|<code>/pay <playername> [amount]</code>
|<code>/pay <player> <amount></code>
|Sends a certain amount of DCD to a specified player. Recipient does not have to be online to receive the money.
|Sends a certain amount of DCD to a player. Recipient must be active on the same world as you to recieve the money.
! colspan="2" |Warp Commands {{Anchor|Warps}}
! colspan="2" |Warp Commands {{Anchor_link|Warps}}
|<code>/warp <world name></code>
|Teleports you to [[Spawn (disambiguation)|spawn]] on your server. There is no spawn in Mall.
|Teleports you to [[Spawn (disambiguation)|spawn]] on the specified world (without changing your dimension). There is no spawn in Mall.
|Warps you to the endfarm, if you're in the End. You need the EndFarm Card which is purchasable in the Mall. See the Mall Merchant in Lost & Found store.
|Brings up a GUI to choose between the different [[Worlds|server worlds]].
|<code>/<world name> </code>
|Warps you to the pigfarm, if you're in the Nether. You need the PigFarm Card which is purchasable in the Mall. See the Mall Merchant in Lost & Found store.
|Teleports you to the last location you were at on the specified [[Worlds|server world]].  
|<code>/warp <warpname></code>
|Teleports you to a server warp.
|Brings up a GUI to choose between the different servers.
|Teleports you outside of the claim you're standing in, doesn't work if you are trusted in that claim.
|Teleports you outside of the claim you're standing in, doesn't work if you are trusted in that claim.
! colspan="2" |Creative Server Commands {{Anchor|Creative}}
! colspan="2" |Creative World Commands {{Anchor_link|Creative}}
|<code>/plot claim</code>
|<code>/plot claim</code>
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|Teleports you to your own claim.
|Teleports you to your own claim.
|<code>/plot trust [playername]</code>
|<code>/plot trust <player></code>
|Gives another player building permissions on your plot.
|Gives another player building permissions on your plot.
|<code>/plot remove [playername]</code>
|<code>/plot remove <player></code>
|Removes another player's building permissions on your plot.
|Removes another player's building permissions on your plot.
|<code>/plot info</code>
|<code>/plot info</code>
|Returns information about your plot status (e.g. other trusted players)
| Returns information about your plot status (e.g. other trusted players)
|<code>/plot clear</code>
|Completely resets the plot to its state directly after being claimed, clears everything built or mined.
|<code>/plot help</code>
|<code>/plot help</code>
|More info on all available commands.
|More info on all available commands.
|<code>/plotme flag set time [integer]</code>
|<code>/plotme flag set time <ticks></code>
|Sets the time of day in your plot, and freezes the passage of time.
|Sets the time of day in your plot in ticks, and freezes the passage of time.
|<code>/plotme flag set weather [option]</code>
|<code>/plotme flag set weather <option></code>
|Sets or clears the weather condition in your plot.
|Sets or clears the weather condition in your plot.
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|<code>/plot toggle titles</code>
|<code>/plot toggle titles</code>
|Toggles the display of plot coordinates and ownership when entering plots.
|Toggles the display of plot coordinates and ownership when entering plots.  
|<code>/plot music</code>
|<code>/plot music</code>
|Brings up a GUI to choose music for your plot.
|Brings up a GUI to choose music for your plot.
|<code>/plot middle</code>
|Teleports you to the centre of your plot.
|<code>/plot biome <biome></code>
|Sets the biome of the plot.
! colspan="2" |Mall commands{{Anchor_link|Mall}}
|<code>/quickshop</code> Aliases: <code>/shop /qs</code>
|Brings up a Help menu explaining the commands used in the mall
|<code>/qs about</code>
|Shows information about the QuickShop plugin
|<code>/qs amount <number></code>
|Purchases specified number of items from targeted (with left click) shop
|<code>/qs benefit <add/remove> <player></code>
|Allows the division of profits from shop between the shop owner and specified player/s
|<code>/qs browse</code>
|Opens a GUI where it is possible to browse all shops in the Mall
|<code>/qs buy</code>
|Changes targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to BUY mode
|<code>/qs create <price></code>
|Creates a new shop in the targeted chest/barrel selling the inhand item at the specified price
|<code>/qs find <item></code>
|Shows coordinates within the Mall of shops selling specified item
|<code>/qs price <price></code>
|Changes the set BUY/SELL price of targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
|<code>/qs remove</code>
|Removes the targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
|<code>/qs sell</code>
|Changes targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to SELL mode
|<code>/qs sign <material></code>
|Changes the material of the sign on targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
|<code>/qs staff <add/clear/del/list></code>
|Allows managing of staff for targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop that you own
|<code>/qs staffall</code>
|Allows managing of staff for ALL shops that you own
|<code>/qs suggestprice</code>
|Suggests a recommended price for item sold at targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop based on prices at other shops in the mall
|<code>/qs toggledisplay</code>
|Toggles the shops display-item status
|<code>/qs transferownership <player></code>
|Transfers ownership of targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to specified player

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Latest revision as of 10:58, 10 March 2025

Server information & features
A guide to some of Dogcraft's special features.

This page contains a List of Commands that are available for use on the Dogcraft Server. Although the in-game /help command provides a list with descriptions, the number of available commands can still be overwhelming.

This page contains all the commands you'll need to use while playing, broken down by section. To enter a command, press the "open command" key (defaults to [/]; forward slash), type the command and then press [Enter ⏎].


Command Description
Account Linking
/linkstatus Displays whether or not you are linked to a account
Information Commands
/help View a list of all the server commands.
Player Teleportation and Homes Commands
/tpa <player> Send a request asking a player to let you teleport to them
/rtp Teleports you to a random place in the world.
/tpahere <player> Send a request asking a player to teleport to you
/back Teleports you to the place of your recent death, or returns you to where you were prior to a player-to-player teleport. This command does not work if you change servers between death/player-to-player teleport and using this command.
/bed Teleports you to your bed where you've last slept in.
/home Teleports you to your respawn location, eg. last bed you slept in.
/homes Opens a GUI allowing you to view your homes.
/home <name> Teleports you to that home, after a short warmup.
/sethome <home name> Allows you to create a home.
/delhome <home> Allows you to delete a home.
/edithome <homeName> [rename/description/relocate/privacy] Allows you to edit an existing home.
/phome <public home name> Teleports you to a public home.
/phomelist Gives a list of all the public homes.
/homeprice Check the price of your next home.
Claims & Locks
/claim <radius> Claim a square around you, extending out <radius> blocks from your position.
Can also be done with a Golden Shovel.
/buyclaimblocks <amount> Purchases <amount> claim blocks. Each claim block costs 2DCD.
/extendclaim <number>
/expandclaim <number>
Expands your claim by <number> blocks in the direction you are facing.
Deletes the claim you are currently standing in.
/abandonallclaims Deletes all the claims you have made.
Sets your claiming mode to subdivision mode, where you can create claims within claims.
Useful for group bases as you can set trust permissions differently based on each subdivision and the main claim.
/restrictsubclaim Toggles permission inheritance from the main claim to the sub-divided claim.
This means members trusted in the parent claim won't be trusted by default in any sub claims.
/trust <player> Gives a player build-trust in the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to set this in all of them.
/untrust <player> Revokes all trust a player has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
/trust all Grants the public build trust in the claim you are currently standing in. Stand outside your claim to set this in all of them.
/untrust all Revokes all trust the public has from the claim you are standing in. Stand outside your claim to revoke trust in all of them.
/containertrust <player/all> Grants permissions to access Inventories such as Chests, Dispensers, Furnaces, access to crops, animals, bed, permission to /sethome and buttons/levers,
/accesstrust <player/all> Grants permission to use doors, permission to /sethome, and interact with buttons and levers.
/permissiontrust <player/all> Grants the ability of the selected user to manage the trusted users.
/claimexplosions Toggles mob greifing and TNT explosions in the claim you are standing in.
/sl StickyLocks commands, for locking items such as doors, gates, chests, hoppers, droppers, dispensers, repeaters, anvils and more. To use sticky locks, hold a Golden Hoe.
/sl notify Disable the chat notification that appears when you place or interact with a lockable item.
/sl show Display the lock information for block currently selected.
/sl add <player/group> Allows that player or group access to the object.
/sl remove <player/group> Removes that player or group from the access list to the object.
/sl autolock Toggles automatic locking of all lockable blocks.
Player Settings Commands
/stats Your server statistics, such as time played, and more.
/pvp <on/off> Toggles your PVP immunity on or off. Both players must have PVP on for it to work.
/loginfirework Toggle the firework launched when staff members and Patreon log in. (Requires [IronPatreon]+)
Aliases: /balance
Displays your current Dogcraft Dollars balance
/givepet <player name> Transfers the ownership of your tamed pet.
/ignoreplayer <player name> Ignores another player's chat messages.
/playerbuffs Open McBuffy's GUI where anyone with an Iron Patreon subscription and up can give player buffs to the server.
/msg <player> <message>
Aliases: /whisper, /w & /tell
Send a private message to an online <player>.
/r <message> Replies to the last person who sent you a private message.
/helpop <message> Send a message to server staff. Use this to request help or assistance; only you can see messages you've sent. This command is meant only for situations where a staff member is required, but not responding to you.
/pay <player> <amount> Sends a certain amount of DCD to a player. Recipient must be active on the same world as you to recieve the money.
Warp Commands
/warp <world name> Teleports you to spawn on the specified world (without changing your dimension). There is no spawn in Mall.
/servers Brings up a GUI to choose between the different server worlds.
/<world name> Teleports you to the last location you were at on the specified server world.
/trapped Teleports you outside of the claim you're standing in, doesn't work if you are trusted in that claim.
Creative World Commands
/plot claim Claims a plot, whist standing over an unclaimed plot. Can only be used once.
/plot auto Claims the plot closest to you, if you haven’t claimed a plot previously.
/plot visit Teleports you to your own claim.
/plot trust <player> Gives another player building permissions on your plot.
/plot remove <player> Removes another player's building permissions on your plot.
/plot info Returns information about your plot status (e.g. other trusted players)
/plot clear Completely resets the plot to its state directly after being claimed, clears everything built or mined.
/plot help More info on all available commands.
/plotme flag set time <ticks> Sets the time of day in your plot in ticks, and freezes the passage of time.
/plotme flag set weather <option> Sets or clears the weather condition in your plot.
/plot toggle time Freezes or unfreezes the passage of time (leave the plot and re-enter after doing this).
/plot toggle titles Toggles the display of plot coordinates and ownership when entering plots.
/plot music Brings up a GUI to choose music for your plot.
/plot middle Teleports you to the centre of your plot.
/plot biome <biome> Sets the biome of the plot.
Mall commands
/quickshop Aliases: /shop /qs Brings up a Help menu explaining the commands used in the mall
/qs about Shows information about the QuickShop plugin
/qs amount <number> Purchases specified number of items from targeted (with left click) shop
/qs benefit <add/remove> <player> Allows the division of profits from shop between the shop owner and specified player/s
/qs browse Opens a GUI where it is possible to browse all shops in the Mall
/qs buy Changes targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to BUY mode
/qs create <price> Creates a new shop in the targeted chest/barrel selling the inhand item at the specified price
/qs find <item> Shows coordinates within the Mall of shops selling specified item
/qs price <price> Changes the set BUY/SELL price of targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
/qs remove Removes the targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
/qs sell Changes targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to SELL mode
/qs sign <material> Changes the material of the sign on targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop
/qs staff <add/clear/del/list> Allows managing of staff for targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop that you own
/qs staffall Allows managing of staff for ALL shops that you own
/qs suggestprice Suggests a recommended price for item sold at targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop based on prices at other shops in the mall
/qs toggledisplay Toggles the shops display-item status
/qs transferownership <player> Transfers ownership of targeted (with right click or crosshair position) shop to specified player