

From Dogcraft Wiki


JoinedJune 2024
Server Rank[GoldPatreon]

Hello, I am ViBEEng!

About me

Known most often as Bee, I am an artist and gamer from New Zealand. When I'm not playing Minecraft you'll find me playing mostly fantasy games, Wizard101, Skyrim, Deep Rock Galactic, just to name a few. I'm a big fan of animals, especially cats, and all things pink, cute, and fluffy. IRL I have a chronic pain condition that restricts me from doing much, but I find Minecraft to be a great distraction giving me plenty to do so that I never really get bored.

Fun fact! Pronounced like "vibing" my username has a very simple origin: vibing+bee= viBEEng (Congrats to those who have figured that out on their own, surprisingly few do!)

I joined the Cyberdog discord server around the start of June 2024, the Minecraft server at the end of that month, and then the Patreon about a month after that.

On Dogcraft

My first death on the server came after I joined Retriever for the first time. I was busy admiring the scenery of the spawn area and stepped backwards off a ledge... so all things considered I'd call it a great start!

Fun Facts:

  • I decorate my shop in the mall for the holidays! For Christmas I turned it into a gingerbread house.
  • I was the first player on the server to breed a rare blue axolotl!
  • For one day (10/11/2024) I held the record for highest spender on the server at 429,202 dcd. 20.png jmsvvr then promptly took back the top spot and has maintained it since.

Projects I have worked on:

Competitions I have been a part of:

  • 2024 Connected Seas Competition -Judge
  • 2024 Tattington Build Competition - Placed 3rd!
  • 2024 Snowman Building Competition