
From Dogcraft Wiki

Survival 2
A view over Randopolis at sunset
WorldSurvival 2
FoundedJuly 2018
Mayor(s)20.png bricksburger
LocationX= -4550
Y= 71
Z= 6450

Randopolis (an amalgamation of "random" and "polis", the Greek word for city) was a plot-based community town on the Survival 2 world of the Dogcraft Server. The settlement, built floating atop an ocean, was founded in July 2018 by 20.png bricksburger and in following with its name had a unique "anything goes" policy with regard to build style.


Randopolis had a number of unique builds and areas and was open for any player to take a plot to make something there. A welcome building in the style of a burger (possibly inspired by the mayor's username) housed some rules and information by builders as well as a fake sign supposedly placed by ReNDoG. 20.png alwaysin7 built one of their signature TARDIS structures atop a hill on a natural island in the center of the town.

The main area of the town was an artificial island built atop the ocean, upon which were a number of small buildings. North of the floating island was a small farming area, which included sugarcane, pumpkin, melon and iron farms, as well as a villager breeder.

Themed areas

Despite lacking a central theme, Randopolis did have a couple of areas with specific themes. The first of such areas was a "massive block" area with recreations of Minecraft blocks at a large scale;

Randopolis' "massive blocks" plot area
  • Crafting Table, by 20.png bricksburger (which served as the example)
  • Shulker Box, by 20.png Iotados
  • Furnace, by 20.png nossi_
  • Glass Block, by 20.png marbou9
  • Magma Block, by 20.png Andrea_Goat
  • Melon Block, by 20.png TEX5000
  • Glowstone Block, by 20.png Derealyst
  • Oak Sign, by 20.png _Cul8R_
  • Brewing Stand, by 20.png neohousekeeper
  • Jack-o'-Lantern, by 20.png Dalora
  • Torch, by 20.png TEX5000

Additionally, south of the "massive blocks" area was an embassy isle, for embassies of other settlements on Survival 2, which contained a small embassy to the town of Saharia (although additional embassies were planned for Hydropolis, the MicroMesa, the City of Seven and 20.png Nickmobile's Nickadia.

Another themed area of the town was its' biome plot project. Ten 16x16 plots could be found in a line on the western side of town that each housed mini dioramas of various biomes in the game, built by residents;

Randopolis' mini-biomes plot area
  • Mooshroom Island, by 20.png bricksburger
  • Desert, by 20.png AndreaG
  • Mega Taiga, by 20.png marbou9
  • Extreme Hills, by 20.png Prot01
  • Beach, by 20.png gamerluuk
  • Ice Spikes, by 20.png Snowflake_Elsa
  • Jungle; builder unknown
  • Mesa, by 20.png Mr_Quasi
  • Plains, by 20.png TyrantrumGOD
  • Savannah, by 20.png jmsvvr


Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred