Pyramid Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Pyramid Station
Survival 1
2018-07-13 22.15.17.png
WorldSurvival 1
NetworkSurvival Railway Network (Survival 1)
LineEast Line
OpenedEst. November 2016
Builder(s)20.png FredRaket
LocationX= 4810
Y= 135
Z= -127
ConnectionsMain-line connections2 Branch connections0

Pyramid Station was the second SRN station directly east of Spawn in Survival 1. The station was perched above j0n_r4ng's glass pyramid base, hence it's name. It continued the east line to Swamp Station.


Pyramid station used semi-medieval design features and palette. In addition to the standard minecart platform, it contained an attic, viewing platform, and access to the desert below.


Several hold-ups and changes of line builders meant that the station was realised several months after it's planning.

It was the last station completed during the '_edo era' of SRN.

East Line (Survival 1)
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN N.png
MrAnonymous' Base
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN N.png
TIcon Blank.png
TTARI's base

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