Greenfield Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 08:13, 22 December 2022 by Darparniox (talk | contribs)
Greenfield Station
Survival 2
2019-01-10 19.48.28.png
WorldSurvival 2
NetworkSRN, NTN
LineNorth Line
Opened9th June 2018
Builder(s)20.png darparniox
LocationX= -1506
Z= -528
ConnectionsMain-line connections1 

Greenfield Station is the third and final station along SRN's north line in Survival 2. It follows along from Tundra Station.


Greenfield Station is comprised of mostly spruce and birch woods, and uses stone materials such as bone and stone bricks as accents.

The building takes inspiration from colonial British barns, but the end result is quite stylised and is best described as rustic in overall style.


Greenfield Station was planned in advance of rail construction starting from it's Tundra counterpart, amid issues and concerns stemming from failure to link NTN portals to their overworld stations. It would be months before the station was reached and then completed.

Rail construction from Greenfield began in late July 2018, and made steady progress until encountering claim issues. These would be resolved and construction resumed in September. Construction of the line to Snake River Station was hampered by permission issues and time constraints from key players. A half finished design (in creative) and line 100 blocks from it's completion were left in the wake of the announcement that the current survival worlds would be deleted. The final, ceremonial completion of the line merely two days before the end of Survival 2 is considered the final SRN activity in the world.

Snake River Station site
North Line (Survival 2)
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN S.png
TIcon Blank.png
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN NS.png
TIcon Blank.png
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB STN NS.png
TIcon Blank.png

This page was last modified on 22 December 2022, at 08:13. (17 months ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator