Mall (Survival 6)

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Revision as of 01:17, 17 February 2025 by ViBEEng (talk | contribs) (updated info)
Mall (Survival 6)
Survival 6
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WorldSurvival 6
Builder(s)Dogcraft Creative Team

The Mall is a staff created and sanctioned commercial district. They have been created in every Survival world on the server, including Survival 6. The Survival 6 Mall utilizes the Shop plugin to facilitate a marketplace for Minecraft items. The plugin allows for transactions using either Dogcraft Dollars, the server currency, or item bartering. More information on how to set up shops can be found here.


Like Survival 5, the Survival 6 Mall is on its very own world which is accessible via the command /mall. A total of - 17x17 plots are available for players to rent at the cost of 200 dcd per 5 days. The mall has a boardgame theme with the shop plots split across 8 different coloured districts, similarly to how properties are located on a Monopoly board.


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This page was last modified on 17 February 2025, at 01:17. (5 days ago)
Background Takeshi by Edo