Mount Ravenhold Station

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Revision as of 21:02, 31 July 2023 by Zetais (talk | contribs) (saved to refresh)

Mount Ravenhold Station is the second station on the Akita West Line on the Survival 5 SRN. The station was designed and built by 20.png AllikatUK, and was overseen by the Akita West Line Manager 20.png Ze_Tais. This station resembles the average minecraft castle that you can see nowadays, using stone bricks as the main block!

Mount Ravenhold Station
Survival 5 Akita
Mount Ravenhold.png
A view of the Station
WorldSurvival 5 (Akita)
NetworkSurvival Railway Network (Survival 5)
LineAkita West Line
Builder(s)20.png AllikatUK
LocationX= -4000
Y= 100
Z= -610
NTN ConnectionPortal 4k blocks out in West tunnel
ConnectionsMain-line connections2 

About The Station

The original location of east 2 was a few hundred blocks in the eastern direction, but was moved due to technical issues. 20.png MattKi01 was originally gonna build the station, and it was originally going to be an octopus, but was later scrapped due to MattKi01 not having enough time to finish it. The original spot was picked out by the other Akita Line Managers, 20.png eybwam, 20.png Montenator, and 20.png Darparniox. Once Ze_Tais became the akita west line manager, he located a new location surrounded by a marvelous view of an ocean and snowy mountains, which was a big factor into choosing a "Castle Crumbling" theme for the station. Allikat has done a fantastic job with the build, and built the station in just a few days!

The station itself features an NTN portal, tom's tatties stand, and many beds in the watch towers for sleeping and not watching over!! Each of the branchlines/mainlines have decorated tunnels around them, making them unique in their own way! The NTN tunnel itself uses similar blocks as the station, thanks to 20.png HatterSkye!!

Ze_Tais went to plan the line coming from Motto Station, to this station. With the help from 20.png Kar204, 20.png StenLluk, and Montenator! The line is full of curves, circles, circles going upwards, mega viaduct, and so much more! Coming from motto station, you will see the special motto track design going over the motto sea and around to to continue going westwards, you will be greeted with a tunnel, which acts as a tradition point to the standard SRN tracks! Then, you will reach the mega viaduct, designed in creative by Ze_Tais, and20.png Mika_Panda. The station was copied by Kar204 mainly, with little help from Ze_Tais!

There is also a CSC port there, which was opened to have different ways to get to the station!


First Picture of the Viaduct!
This page was last modified on 31 July 2023, at 21:02. (7 months ago)
Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred