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This page is about the headquarters of the NTN on the different survival worlds on Dogcraft, starting for Survival 5!

NTN HQ Survival 5
Survival 5 Corgi
2023-12-08 02.56.06.png
View of the NTN HQ on Corgi!
WorldSurvival 5 (Corgi)
Builder(s)20.png Ze_Tais & NTN Survival 5 Managers
LocationX= 390
Y= 64
Z= -1370


The Nether Transport Network (NTN) Headquarters serves as the central storage area for the resources needed to develop the NTN. Each survival world on Dogcraft, the NTN features a unique headquarters, reflecting the distinct themes of the server’s nether hubs. From grand gayness to Mediterranean gayness designs, these structures house key connections between major regions, ensuring efficient and safe nether travel for players. The NTN Headquarters stands as a crucial waypoint, uniting the server’s diverse communities through an extensive network of nether highways.

Survival 5

General Information

The NTN saw major rebranding at the start of survival 5 with big expansions in the nether hubs from survival 4. Thus, the NTN obviously needed a bigger headquarters to store all the blocks needed to build the hubs and tunnels! 20.png Ze_Tais would take the task to design a build that contained elements from the NTN hub yet it was so unique. The NTN HQ features two main circular buildings with a bridge in between and 2 buildings attached to the main circular build. There has been a large variety of colors used in the build to contribute to the LGBTQ+ community as most of the NTN managers are from this community.

NTN HQ Station

This station served as the 1st station on the Corgi North Line lead by the CRN, which was designed by 20.png Minda905. The build features beautiful use of darker blocks which is a contrast compared to the HQ. Moreover, the wonderful interior really brought the station to a different level alongside the typical Minda905 station design with a platform connecting all railways together.


NTN Tower Competition

The NTN hosted the 2nd tower competition ever, and the NTN world managers made a tiny celebration ceremony at the lake next to the HQ with small tiny lily pads and a platform where the winners got announced. Head over to NTN Tower Contest Sur5 for more information!

HQ Interior

Storage Side

Players 20.png Wanderer_06 & 20.png GG553 worked on the main storage area, and offices for the NTN managers to go. These would go in the main red building while the smaller yellow building would house the meeting room and the unfinished office of Ze_Tais.

Industrial Side

Corgi North-Line
TIcon SRB ITC S WC.png
TIcon SRB TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB CNT N.png
M Line to domodagr
TIcon CRN TRK NS.png
TIcon SRB CNT S.png
TIcon Blank.png
TIcon Blank.png
C Line to Sakura

There is a basement that can be accessed from the yellow building that had many essential farms to use alongside a villager trading hall to help the NTN grind pickaxes for the community to help dig.

Private Sector

Near the NTN HQ, there is a base acting as the starter area for the NTN crew and some friends to use as their private storage, some more personal farms and personal builds. 20.png Mika_Panda

This page was last modified on 28 February 2025, at 16:07. (14 days ago)