Edo Bridge Shelter

From Dogcraft Wiki

For more information on the RHN, see Road and Horse Network.
For more a list of shelters, see List of RHN Shelters.

Edo Bridge Shelter
Survival 4 Husky
Edo Bridge Shelter.png
Screenshot of Edo Bridge Shelter
WorldSurvival 4 (Husky)
LocationX= -2021
Y= 72
Z= 636

Edo Bridge Shelter is a build on the Survival 4 world of the Dogcraft Server. It is a shelter for those who travel through the Road and Horse Network roads.


Edo Bridge Shelter is a RHN Shelter, meaning that it is a shelter made as a safe place for those that travel the roads made by RHN. It is near the famous Edo Bridge along Edo Bridge Road and Renium Valley on the other end. Can be found at /phome Edo Bridge Shelter


After Edo Bridge Road was going towards The Haven and connect to it's hub, 20.png _edo notices that there is a long way between Haven RHN Shelter and another shelter. So he came up with an idea of making one along the road. It was made some time in January 2021.


RHN shelter along Edo Bridge Road.pngEdo Bridge Shelter.png

This page was last modified on 22 July 2021, at 13:39. (7 months ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator