World Downloads/Survival 5

From Dogcraft Wiki

Downloads Cog.svg

World Downloads are downloads of areas of the Dogcraft Server. Though it is normally against the rules to use any mods that are able to download the world, exceptions have been made to allow the use of the World Downloader mod during the transitions between the Survival 2, Survival 3, Survival 4 and Survival 5 worlds respectively (as well as a few miscellaneous ones). During this time, the seeds to the worlds were also made available through the /seed command.

This article contains a list of approved and verified world downloads of notable sections of Dogcraft worlds that you can explore. Each world is optimized for the Minecraft version of the server, and may vary in size based on the measures taken to ensure the downloads are of a consistent high quality. Please note that due to the varying software used in many of these downloads, data such as chest contents, entity locations and block data may not be present or may be incomplete in many downloads.

Downloads by World

Survival 5 Downloads
Icon Area Details Link/Size Uploader Added
Mall Spawn.png
Survival 5 Mall The Survival 5 Mall
20.png William278
20.png Ironboundred

Placeholder Image.png NTN Towers - Bulk Download All of the Sur5 NTN Towers in one folder!
Check file names or the NTN Tower Contest Wiki page for individual credits
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023
Akita Downloads
Wd Deathfall Valley - Chickennoodle007 megabase.png
Deathfall Valley - Chickennoodle007 megabase A colourfull mega base made by Chickennoodle007.
20.png Chickennoodle007 05/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita flower farm.png
1karekid1 akita flower farm 1karekid1 akita flower farm location: akita overworld X: 1408 / Z: -41889
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita main base.png
1karekid1 akita main base 1karekid1 akita main base location: akita overworld x: -1947 / Z: -1305
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita potions and trading hall 2 librarians.png
1karekid1 akita potions and trading hall 2 librarians 1karekid1 akita potions and trading hall 2 librarians - Location: Akita overworld - x: 1060 / z: -40632
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita trading hall 1 iron and terracotta.png
1karekid1 akita trading hall 1 iron and terracotta 1karekid1 akita trading hall 1 iron and terracotta - location - akita overworld - x: -1876 / -914
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita wither rose farm.png
1karekid1 akita wither rose farm 1karekid1 akita wither rose farm - location - Akita nether - x: -214 / z:-4255
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 akita wither skelly farm.png
1karekid1 akita wither skelly farm 1karekid1 akita wither skelly farm - location akita nether - x: 120 / Z: -5043
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd Cosm1c Moonl1ght's Aurora Borealis Akita.png
Cosm1c_Moonl1ght's Aurora Borealis Akita This is Cosm1c_Moonl1ghts base, The Aurora Borealis. Set at x904/z-11488 on akita, this base includes some hand-made islands, a custom built mushroom island and a underground are featuring the main base. hidden below are a few farms created by fellow players for me, including a mob farm and a bamboo farm. hidden in the depths you will also find villagers for trading, farms for food and a display of gifted or event items and banners.
20.png 1karekid1 12/09/2023

Wd Akita Southeast Bulk Download.png
Akita Southeast Bulk Download This download includes large portions of the southeast of Akita, including the following: Lakeworks - Montenator's Base Highland Heights/Akita Airport - ReddestKnight's Base Fenswick - Aero_M's Base Mojave Swamp - HatterSkye's Base Bookmark Village - bucherwurm31's base Samkurgan's Base Frogslimes' Base KNeumy's Base William278's Base Unknown537's Base solarstarkat's Akita Base Reservoir Station - by eybwam Emberperch Station - by MattKi01 South Station - by Montenator Lushbank Port - by Montenator Many RHN Roads Sections of the South/East/Ring SRN Lines The Full Bayou Branch Line Many other smaller bases.
20.png Montenator 15/09/2023

Wd Drachenheim.png
Drachenheim CobaltDrache's base of Drachenheim, with some surrounds.
20.png Montenator 16/09/2023

Wd group starter base.png
group starter base
20.png miner15151 16/09/2023

Wd Riviera.png
Riviera Riviera, the Survival 5 base of N1cM4tth3w63. Also included is nearby base Djembe Island.
20.png Montenator 19/09/2023

Wd MOTTO.png
MOTTO That's the motto (mm-mm). The best shopping village on Dogcraft Survival 5.
20.png StenLLuk 23/09/2023

Wd Løveholm.png
Løveholm Løveholm is the Norwegian inspired base of TooBeFranky.
20.png Montenator 24/09/2023

Wd Fox Publishing House.png
Fox Publishing House Fox Publishing House is a build by Artic_2446, and was a place where any written books on the server were stored and displayed for anyone to read, all books present have been saved too.
20.png Montenator 24/09/2023

Wd Tetra.png
Tetra Tetra was the base of JarrydG_ZA on Survival 5.
20.png Montenator 24/09/2023

Wd RHN - Akita.png
RHN_Akita The entire RHN Network on Akita, which was formerly the .PNG. Includes some bases found on other Akita downloads. Exclusive to this download include Flowercliffe, Upton Upon The Wold, Wolfington, Akita Spawn Island, Fire Forge, AuttieLeigh's Base and the Forestry Exchange as well as many other smaller bases.
20.png Montenator 24/09/2023

Wd Port Pillager Puff.png
Port Pillager Puff The purpose built CSC Port of Port Pillar Puff was built by NeoFiore for the Connected Seas Competition, where it won many awards due to its design and innovation.
20.png Montenator 26/09/2023

Wd Akita SRN.png
Akita SRN The Akita SRN, including bases within a few hundred blocks of the stations.
20.png TrueWinter 28/09/2023

Wd Fiorentia.png
Fiorentia The base of NeoFiore on Survival 5.
20.png Montenator 28/09/2023

Wd Home Tree (Survival 5).png
Home Tree (Survival 5) A successor to Home Tree on both Sur 3 and 4, this large group base is built by many players including Dutchsoccer, EtaThetaZeta, Princess223, _Skyhook, SummerFlower1234, endorwitch and others.
20.png Montenator 28/09/2023

Wd Peninsula Bay.png
Peninsula Bay Peninsula Bay is the base of mrkalaspuff, also included are its connections to the SRN and CSC.
20.png Montenator 28/09/2023

Wd Ancient City of Finis.png
Ancient City of Finis The Ancient City of Finis is the base of ThatRoger1 on Survival 5.
20.png Montenator 28/09/2023

Wd Amethyst Island.png
Amethyst Island Amethyst Island is the base of Creeper_Duck on Survival 5, lectern including the base's lore also preserved.
20.png Montenator 28/09/2023

Wd Sunken Mansion.png
Sunken Mansion The Sunken Mansion and lighthouse that RenDog visited in the base tour video, a fleet of boats as our starter home and a Halloween area featuring a haunted house and an underground maze
20.png Duckyz 20.png SarahPantera100 29/09/2023

Wd Akita NTN.png
Akita NTN The Akita NTN
20.png TrueWinter 03/10/2023

Wd Highland Heights an Airport.png
Highland Heights an Airport Highland Heights City an Highlands Airport
20.png ReddestKnight 03/10/2023

Wd bucherville - bucherwurm31s base.png
bucherville - bucherwurm31's base bucherwurm31's base on akita, including bucherville (a cozy village), bookmark station and playable escape rooms Privet Drive & Diagon Alley
20.png bucherwurm31 07/10/2023

Wd Endorwitchs Sur5 base.png
Endorwitchs Sur5 base A base inspired by (but not exactly copied) Cloud Recesses - a location in the series the Untamed (a Chinese historical fantasy series). Still had much I wanted to do but its at least tidy. I may end up copying parts of it in Sur6. :D
20.png endorwitch 08/10/2023

Wd Birch Copse Farm.png
Birch Copse Farm Birch Copse Farm was the island base of Madster_Rabbitt on Survival 5.
20.png Montenator 09/10/2023

Wd Rabbitts Farm Shop Map Art.png
Rabbitt's Farm Shop Map Art A download of the Map Art used for the Rabbitt's Farm Shop logo, made by Madster_Rabbitt.
20.png Montenator 09/10/2023

Wd Lovehølm Port Buoys.png
Lovehølm Port Buoys The impressive route from Akita Spawn Port to Lovehølm Port, several thousand blocks long, marked by a line of buoys.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd ThatRoger1s Base.png
ThatRoger1's Base ThatRoger1's Base
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Creeper Ducks base.png
Creeper_Duck's base Creeper_Duck's base
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Akita West NTN Tower by SarahPantera100.png
Akita West NTN Tower by SarahPantera100 This is the NTN Tower I built for Akita West in the NTN Tower Build Competition that was held on the server. I was given a spot in Akita West, beside a dark oak forest. I loved this location as I wanted to created a colourful magical rainbow mushroom tower. I love building with colour and I wanted to go fully in and see if I could make something that worked as a Tower. I'm very happy with how it turned out!
20.png SarahPantera100 21/10/2023

Wd Clara7980s Base.png
Clara7980's Base my base, the nether tunnel to my base, the rain lines to my base, and my skeleton farm/ old base
20.png Clara7980 25/10/2023

Wd Mojave Swamp.png
Mojave Swamp A vibrant, jungle nested amongst a large plains and a smaller swamp is home to HatterSkye's main homestead on Sur 5. Colorful desert inspired witch huts form a small village complete with sugar cane, bamboo, cow, spider, moss, cactus, wool, and skelly farms. A delightful small pond is surrounded by lush greenery and flowers, the SRN Mojave Station, and RHN Mojave Stables. A wonderful storage setup within a custom mangrove log was designed and built by Mika_Panda. Come and stay a while in a wonderous semi-haunted village before traveling into the South Akita great beyond.
20.png HatterSkye 05/11/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita North NTN Tower built by bucherwurm31
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita North-East NTN Tower built by Artic_2446 1st place on Akita in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita East NTN Tower built by ThatRoger1 3rd place on Akita in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita South-East NTN Tower built by eybwam, strawberrysham and zacattack2097
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita South-West NTN Tower built by NecroVecro
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita West NTN Tower built by SarahPantera100 2nd place on Akita in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Akita North-West NTN Tower built by GrumpySalt
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Moon Heights Station "The biggest, slayest and the most extraordinary station ever made in the history of Dogcraft, and we ain't biased babes" as Moon Heights' builder Ze_Tais likes to put it
20.png Mika_Panda 08/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Sunbeam Station by SarahPantera100 I took part in the SRN Station Build Competition, to build a station at an assigned location. I built Sunbeam Station. This is one of my favourite builds I've ever done. I love creating builds that take me to another place, and I feel like I achieved that with this station. It is mostly built from concrete with details of gold blocks and an oxidized copper roof, with a large globe dome on top. I love to combine colour and pattern and I feel I managed to balance these well in this build.
20.png SarahPantera100 15/12/2023
Corgi Downloads
Wd AdamB4255s Corgi Base.png
AdamB4255's Corgi Base Mansion, fields, Speybridge Station, other base parts
20.png AdamB4255 03/09/2023

Wd Crooked Homestead.png
Crooked Homestead LeTrope's little Base
20.png LeTrope 10/09/2023

Wd miner15151s base.png
miner15151's base
20.png miner15151 16/09/2023

Wd Corgi East - Templar to Puppy Park to Fairytale.png
Corgi East - Templar to Puppy Park to Fairytale A part of the CRN of Corgi including Templar Station, Puppy Park, Threebridge, and Fairytale Station. Also includes Site 0, Qo'nos, Domadogar, and several other locations, associated ports and corresponding RHN roads.
20.png Xambaka 20/09/2023

Wd Elfium by Nomiium.png
Elfium by Nomiium Elf base, the base of Nom in Sur 5! Complete with story and resource pack for story!
20.png Nomiium 21/09/2023

Wd Corgi CRN.png
Corgi CRN The Corgi CRN, including bases within a few hundred blocks of the stations.
20.png TrueWinter 29/09/2023

Wd Corgi NTN.png
Corgi NTN The Corgi NTN
20.png TrueWinter 01/10/2023

Wdd Corgi Carnival - Polar Palooza.png
Corgi Carnival - Polar Palooza One of the two DCT built event areas for the Summer 2022 event, Polar Palooza. This build was spearheaded by Minda905.
20.png Montenator 04/10/2023

Wd Pinksville 3-0.png
Pinksville 3.0 The successor to Pinksville 1 and 2 on Survival 4, Pinksville 3, lead by _Skyhook would host Dogcraft's Valentines Event organised by the DCT in 2023.
20.png Montenator 04/10/2023

Wd Lost Tower.png
Lost Tower A single abandoned clock tower in a jungle. It's twin can be found in Eastwood Marsh on Labrador.
20.png GloriaLey 06/10/2023

Wd Eventide - SUP starter area.png
Eventide - SUP starter area The starter area for SUP where Summer and I based while we explored for the perfect location for SUP HQ. It was later upgraded to be part of the Collected Seas Coallition (CSC) ports on Corgi and named Eventide.
20.png endorwitch 08/10/2023

Wd SUP HQ.png
SUP HQ The official SUP HQ castle for Sur5
20.png endorwitch 08/10/2023

Wd SUP HQ and Eventide (SUP starter area) combo.png
SUP HQ and Eventide (SUP starter area) combo You can easily walk/ride/fly between the 2 locations so I made a file with the seed including both. When you load into the world you are on the bridge that leads over to SUP HQ castle, but if you turn around and follow the path past the portal it will lead you to the start area.
20.png endorwitch 08/10/2023

Wd Home of L1GHTN1NG STR1KE.png
Home of L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE's Survival 5 home near Corgi's spawn, with complete chest inventories.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd Westfire Port River and Ice Lake.png
Westfire Port, River and Ice Lake Westfire Port, the maintained river proceeding southwards from it and the ice lake (featuring many hop-ups) at the river's end.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Placeholder Image.png Call_Me_Blank's NTN tower contest entry A dark fantasy themed tower and some surrounding structures constructed for the NTN tower contest to house a portal to the NTN.
20.png Call_Me_Blank 12/10/2023

Wd Christmas.png
Christmas The Christmas event area and nearby bases
20.png TrueWinter 15/10/2023

Wd Cliff Garden.png
Cliff Garden H_Di_Chemici's base, Cliff Garden
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Verdyplayss island base.png
Verdyplays's island base Verdyplays's island base
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Westmarch general area.png
Westmarch general area Westmarch, a multitude of bases. Inlcuding those from: Nomiium, Brin, TheAirborneEagle, Chel2theC, Tirius82, SnazzyK101, wildXanthir, ChickeyD, Atheos_Wrath
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Cactusbrothers base.png
Cactusbrother's base Cactusbrother's base
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Neuschwanstein.png
Neuschwanstein Neuschwanstein: The base of Adalon_bg.
20.png H_Di_Chemici 19/10/2023

Wd Neuschwanstein Adalon.png
Neuschwanstein - 20.png Adalon_bg The colourful surroundings of the village (North-East) were made by Cosm1c_Moonl1ght, as well as the interior walls of the first (ground) and third floors of the castle, and also the balcony that spans all floors. Several rooms in the first and fourth floors of the castle, and the second and third floors of the gate building were decorated by ski_hasl (as the signs say). Ski also decorated rooms of the first (ground) floor of the Ladies Apartments and first floor of the Knights' House. The second floor of the Knights House was entirely made by H_Di_Chemici (also labeled with signs). H also provided the dragon eggs to make the second smallest version of the main castle (in the basement, which doesn't exist in the real castle).
20.png Adalon_bg 05/12/2023

Wd Clara7980s Villager Trading Hall.png
Clara7980's Villager Trading Hall my villager trading hall, Maple39's Base Area, the nether tunnel to my villager trading hall, some rail lines to my villager trading hall,
20.png Clara7980 25/10/2023

Placeholder Image.png NTN HQ The NTN HQ and Donation Center, NTN HQ Station and the neighboring starter village
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png The Cookie Express Mika_Panda's Sur5 train base and adjacent Train Station. Also includes Mr_Lucario's base and Snowy Slopes Station.
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi North-East NTN Tower built by JayPorker
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi East NTN Tower built by Andalarew
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi South-East NTN Tower built by Chickzie 3rd place on Corgi in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi South NTN Tower built by Summerflower1234 and EtaThetaZeta 2nd place on Corgi in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi South-West NTN Tower built by call_me_blank 1st place on Corgi in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Corgi North-West NTN Tower built by CactusBrothers
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Elednor89 Scrabble tiles for use with the scrabble game @ puppypark
20.png Elednor89 08/12/2023
Labrador Downloads
Wd 2023-Labrador-HeavyDork-DomeBase.png
2023-Labrador-HeavyDork-DomeBase Base of Heavydork and terraformed surroundings
20.png Heavydork 08/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 labrador froglight farm.png
1karekid1 labrador froglight farm 1karekid1 labrador froglight farm - location labrador nether - x: 1082 / Z:-2055
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 labrador ice farm.png
1karekid1 labrador ice farm 1karekid1 labrador ice farm - location - labrador overworld - x: 8300 / z: -16370
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd Sgeul coopm014 rocksol Propforge Maya1101.png
Sgeul(coopm014) rocksol Propforge Maya1101 Sgeul is the base of coopm014 in sur5. The bases of rocksol propforge maya1101 are close to it and are included in the download. There is also a guardian farm coop made that is accessible now through a command block placed in creative after the download.
20.png coopm014 16/09/2023

Wd RHN Labrador.png
RHN_Labrador The Labrador RHN Network and any connected and related builds and bases.
20.png _Shako 16/09/2023

Wd Shakoburg.png
Shakoburg Shakoburg, the Sur5 base of _Shako
20.png _Shako 17/09/2023

Wd Labrador Spawn Event Center and Tree Farm.png
Labrador Spawn Event Center and Tree Farm The Event Center and Tree Farm at Labrador Spawn, built by _Shako and based on the 1961 architectural plan for the Gutterson Fieldhouse ice hockey arena in Burlington, Vermont, U.S.
20.png _Shako 17/09/2023

Wd Dry River Region Labrador.png
Dry River Region, Labrador The region of Dry River, Labrador, north of spawn. North Station and Dry River Port by XPModder, with bases by XPModder, phofers, and many others.
20.png phofers 20/09/2023

Wd Labrador CRN.png
Labrador CRN (Semptember 22nd 2023) Includes the entire Labrador CRN (All stations and lines both the main lines and the ring line) and a few bases along the lines
20.png XPModder 22/09/2023

Wd LongstriderLabraTour.png
LongstriderLabraTour Labrador Rails, Longstrider tower, Felis' Base, Heavy Dork base, and others
20.png JamesLongstrider 24/09/2023

Wd The Cabin.png
The Cabin My base, the village I built and the Diamond Cathedral.
20.png kusttra 24/09/2023

Wd The LEGO House.png
The LEGO House A 625:1 scale LEGO house.
20.png kusttra 24/09/2023

Wd Ellesmera.png
Ellesmera The Elven Kingdom of Ellesmera was the base of lauratje19 on Survival 5. The main town and nearby castle are all included.
20.png Montenator 24/09/2023

Wd Labrador CRNa.png
Labrador CRN The Labrador CRN, including bases within a few hundred blocks of the stations.
20.png TrueWinter 25/09/2023

Wd Labrador NTN.png
Labrador NTN The Labrador NTN
20.png TrueWinter 30/09/2023

Wd Jedi Temple.png
Dudelmaster's Jedi Temple 20.png Dudelmaster's Jedi temple on Labrador >>>broken link<<<
20.png Adalon_bg 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador CRN with nearby bases (October 1st 23) The full Labrador CRN including the LabraDepth Subway and some bases near the rail lines. Also includes the Labrador CRN Network Map and a small testing area for combining minecarts and boats.
20.png XPModder 01/10/2023

Wd Eastwood Marsh Montenator.png
Eastwood Marsh Eastwood Marsh is the base of GloriaLey on Survival 5, set in a swamp.
20.png Montenator 04/10/2023

Wd Eastwood Marsh GloriaLey.png
Eastwood Marsh GloriaLey's main base for Season 5. A town slowly sinking into the swampy ground it is built upon, made habitable again by the current residents, giving new functions to the old buildings.
20.png GloriaLey 06/10/2023

Wd Obelisk.png
Obelisk 20k East Overworld NTN access tower
20.png GloriaLey 06/10/2023

Wd Sky Tower.png
Sky Tower 20k north-west Overworld NTN tower
20.png GloriaLey 06/10/2023

Wd Ocean Lily.png
Ocean Lily Guardian farm that is the beginning of what was supposed to become an industrial district.
20.png GloriaLey 06/10/2023

Wd CSC Labrador Eastern Crossings.png
CSC Labrador Eastern Crossings Two sea crossings in Labrador's East, one to the North-East of Creeperville, the other to the West of the Jedi Temple.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd Labrador North NTN Tower built by XPModder.png
Labrador North NTN Tower built by XPModder The Tower on the overworld side of the Labrador North Mini-Hub Portal of the NTN. The tower was designed and built by XPModder for the NTN Tower contest!
20.png XPModder 11/10/2023

Wd Tank Museum - Of Server.png
Tank Museum - Of Server A museum for several events, aswell as miscellaneous things. Take a peek!
20.png Elasmotherium1 11/10/2023

Wd Port Budget.png
Port Budgét Port Budgét and the surrounding aqueducts and railway lines.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 12/10/2023

Wd WaffleCat32s Base.png
WaffleCat32's Base WaffleCat32's base and village, and the area in between
20.png WaffleCat32 12/10/2023

Placeholder Image.png Origami Star (Call_Me_Blank's house/area) My house and the surrounding area with a few smaller completed components and a number of partially completed projects that didn't have time to get of the ground due to being started late in the season.
20.png Call_Me_Blank 12/10/2023

Wd Halloween.png
Halloween Halloween 2022. Part of the download is broken even after retrying a few times :(
20.png TrueWinter 14/10/2023

Wd My Mining Area by Clara7980.png
My Mining Area by Clara7980 My mining area with surrounding village, the nether tunnel to my mining area area from spawn and the rail line to my mining area from spawn.
20.png Clara7980 25/10/2023

Placeholder Image.png NTN Outpost The NTN Outpost was constructed as a secondary storage and donation area for the NTN, in case the main HQ on Corgi was unavailable for longer periods of time
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador North NTN Tower built by XPModder
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador North-East NTN Tower built by ItsDaCreeper 3rd place on Lab in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador East NTN Tower built by GloriaLey not included in the Tower Contest, since it was built before the contest started
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador South-East NTN Tower built by herqc 2nd place on Akita in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador South NTN Tower built by Kar204
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador South-West NTN Tower built by Dudelmaster
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Labrador North-West NTN Tower built by GloriaLey 1st place on Lab in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Flower Power Plant by SarahPantera100 In order to stock my shops and fulfill my constant need to add flowers to every build I do, I had flower farms, which initially started as a few farms out in an open flower forest on Lab and soon grew into the massive Flower Power Plant, an Eco-Friendly Flower Plant run by magical bunnies and me!
20.png SarahPantera100 15/12/2023
Shepherd Downloads
Wd Kats homestead.png
Kat's homestead A little village with various individual smaller and a few bigger builds, all in cottage core style. Ancient stone guards watch over the village and keep it from harm.
20.png OhNoItsKat 04/09/2023

Wd 1karekid1 shepherd shulker farm.png
1karekid1 shepherd shulker farm 1karekid1 shepherd shulker farm - location - shepherd end - x: -3319 / z: 1678
20.png 1karekid1 11/09/2023

Wd Shepherd SRN.png
Shepherd SRN The Shepherd SRN, including bases within a few hundred blocks of the stations.
20.png TrueWinter 13/09/2023

Wd RHN Shepherd.png
RHN_Shepherd The Shepherd RHN Network and any connected and related builds and bases.
20.png _Shako 16/09/2023

Wd CDNN Tower.png
CDNN Tower Parts of Leon, centering on CDNN Tower.
20.png phofers 20/09/2023

Wd Shepherd NTN.png
Shepherd NTN The Shepherd NTN
20.png TrueWinter 29/09/2023

Wd Rose Castle & SRN SE Stations.png
Rose Castle & SRN SE Stations A general download of the Southeast region of Shepherd including 2 unconnected SRN Stations, Pagoda Station by Elednor89 & Time Station by Orphelia4. Also included is portions of RHN roads, Port Allay Bay for the CSC and the base of Princess223, Rose Castle.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Stone Exchange (Survival 5).png
Stone Exchange (Survival 5) The Stone Exchange, the successor to the one on Survival 3 and on Survival 4. Built once again by Aiyn94. A community area where players can donate stone types they have excess of in exchange for ones they need.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Prism Castle.png
Prism Castle Prism Castle was the base of Elasmotherium1 on Survival 5. Includes the entirety of the base and some surrounds.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Marz77 & Ninthews Base.png
Marz77 & Ninthew's Base A medium sized town which is the joint base of Marz77, Ninthew and others, includes some sections of RHN roads too.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Liurnia Tower & Rome.png
Liurnia Tower & Rome This download includes two large bases in the Southwest of Shepherd. One is Liurnia Tower by Rhothan, and the other is Rome by Wanderer_09. Also included is the base of Chriizsich and Bigeater.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd FOB Fallout.png
FOB Fallout FOB Fallout is a large military camp base built by ArchitectEagle.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Elysian Meadows & Sunshine Harbour.png
Elysian Meadows & Sunshine Harbour This download includes some of the regencies south of Leon, Elysian Meadows, the base of ashapink and Sunshine Harbour, the town owned by Y21 owners jmsvvr & JVKermit. Also included is the fragment of the Valkaknight Terrritory started by Ze_Tais.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Chickzies Base.png
Chickzie's Base The giant ocean base of Chickzie, situated in the sea just north of Shepherd Spawn.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Caelon & Arkparis.png
Caelon & Arkparis The City of Caelon overseen by DragonFire441 and the nearby base of arkhangellsk's, Arkparis. Also included is Txp_'s base and Ebi_Furya's island.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd The Isle of Alora.png
The Isle of Alora The successor to Kavalon in Sur 4 and Parandor in Sur 3, Alora is the latest in a line of towns built by ArrowsTheHunter & LivingDeadRachie.
20.png Montenator 29/09/2023

Wd Elednors Base.png
Elednor's Base Eled's base, personal station, and a few abandoned base's nearby
20.png Elednor89 30/09/2023

Wd NTN Tower Shepherd 20K Southeast - Shako Contest Entry.png
NTN Tower Shepherd 20K Southeast - Shako Contest Entry Shako's entry to the Sur5 NTN Tower Contest, Shepherd 20K Southeast
20.png _Shako 01/10/2023

Wd Chimera.png
Chimera the Chimera states capital and Cuivre Heights
20.png splittingadams 02/10/2023

Wd Winter Festival - Polar Palooza.png
Winter Festival - Polar Palooza One of the two DCT built event areas for the Summer 2022 event Polar Palooza. This area was spearheaded by Le_Gambit.
20.png Montenator 04/10/2023

Wd City of Leon.png
City of Leon The city of Leon, a combination of traditional European and modern cityscape wrapped into a well planned bow.
20.png ashapink, 20.png eybwam, 20.png strawberrysham, 20.png zacattack2097 05/10/2023

Wd CSC Shepherd Southern Ice Crossing.png
CSC Shepherd Southern Ice Crossing A section of maintained ice river with a water bubble hop-up, allowing traversal from East to West.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd CSC Shepherd Eastern Beach Cut-Through.png
CSC Shepherd Eastern Beach Cut-Through A small channel cutting through a beach, allowing passage between the rivers behind it and the sea beyond.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd Bedford Prosperity and Surrounding Area.png
Bedford, Prosperity and Surrounding Area The towns of Bedford and Prosperity and the surrounding area, including Bedford Port and the CSC/RHN Bedford Bridge.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd TridentStadium Site and Port.png
TridentStadium Site and Port The planned site for TridentStadium and its port.
20.png L1GHTN1NG_STR1KE 11/10/2023

Wd Gobi Mesa.png
Gobi Mesa The Gobi Desert is an oasis in a lengthy desert and neighboring mesa and HatterSkye's smaller home away from home. Surrounded by lush ponds, gardens, and a guest house the Gobi Mesa is a "safe" retreat, but definitely stay away from the large crevices that decorate the land. Gobi Mesa is neighbors with the RHN Headquarters and connected via the RHN and is a brisk walk away from the SRN's Shepard South Station.
20.png HatterSkye 13/10/2023

Wd Nubifer castle.png
Nubifer castle Nubifer castle was Mareel's "almost finished" main base in the Survival 5 era on Shepherd. The area is tidied up and optimized in ver. 1.20.1. for a full immersion and a pleasant, hopefully bugless visit. (Mareel's tips: Don't be shy discovering the hidden chambers and pulling all the levers. If you see a grey carpet, you should try to throw a specific key to unlock the entrance.)
20.png Mareel 21/10/2023

Wd Azalea Lagoon NTN tower.png
Azalea Lagoon NTN tower Azalea Lagoon was Mareel's mud brick tower built for the NTN tower competition in the Survival 5 era on Shepherd. The area is tidied up and optimized in ver. 1.20.1. All the books are saved and put back to their places to be read and enjoyed by anyone who happened to visit such an ancient building out there in the middle of nowhere.
20.png Mareel 21/10/2023

Wd My Ice Farm by Clara7980.png
My Ice Farm by Clara7980 my ice farm, the nether tunnel to my ice farm, the rail line to my ice farm including the spawn area
20.png Clara7980 25/10/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd North NTN Tower built by Mareel 2nd place on Shep in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd North-East NTN Tower built by OhNoItsKat 1st place on Shep in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd South-East NTN Tower built by _Shako
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd South NTN Tower built by Orphelia4 3rd place on Shep in the Tower Contest
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd South-West NTN Tower built by Dyl78_ and Sambrad06
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023

Placeholder Image.png Shepherd North-West NTN Tower built by chriizsich
20.png Mika_Panda 07/12/2023
Background Takeshi by Edo