World Downloads/Misc

From Dogcraft Wiki

Downloads Cog.svg

World Downloads are downloads of areas of the Dogcraft Server. Though it is normally against the rules to use any mods that are able to download the world, exceptions have been made to allow the use of the World Downloader mod during the transitions between the Survival 2, Survival 3, Survival 4 and Survival 5 worlds respectively (as well as a few miscellaneous ones). During this time, the seeds to the worlds were also made available through the /seed command.

This article contains a list of approved and verified world downloads of notable sections of Dogcraft worlds that you can explore. Each world is optimized for the Minecraft version of the server, and may vary in size based on the measures taken to ensure the downloads are of a consistent high quality. Please note that due to the varying software used in many of these downloads, data such as chest contents, entity locations and block data may not be present or may be incomplete in many downloads.

Downloads by World

Miscellaneous Downloads
World Details Link/Size Uploader Verified
Second Hub of The second server hub of, before the iteration we have today Download


Staff 03/01/2020
Second iteration of the Creative world A download of the entire second iteration of the Creative world. Download


Staff 03/01/2020
1.14 update development & testing The world used for testing the update to 1.14 on Dogcraft. A second testing server was used to conduct testing and several players were invited to help. Download


Staff 03/01/2020
1.7 Dogcraft World A download of the 1.7 fan server overworld owned by SGHUK. Second to last fan server before Survival 1. Download


Scooberson 03/01/2020
Background SRN Opening by Montenator