Puppy Park Shelter

From Dogcraft Wiki

Puppy Park Shelter
Survival 5 Corgi
Puppy Park Shelter
WorldSurvival 5 (Corgi)
Builder(s)20.png H_Di_Chemici
Opened22 april 2023
LocationX= 2416
Y= 74
Z= -884
Road(s)Hillburg Road

For more information on the RHN, see Road and Horse Network.

For a list of shelters from Sur5, see List of RHN Shelters.

For a list of every shelter, see Shelters

Puppy Park Shelter was a shelter on the Survival 5 on the subworld of corgi on the Dogcraft Server. And was a part of the Road and Horse Network on corgi.


The shelter built by 20.png H_Di_Chemici was right next to the Puppy Park Speedway and was a part of the Puppy Park infrastructure.

The modern shelter was a two room shelter with: the stables were there was enough room for 10 skeleton horses to rest with the sleeping and map area located on the first floor. It shared a NTN connection with the speedway and had a cactus-stop on the East tunnel.

Originally there wasn't going to be a shelter at Puppy Park due to the RHN not being active on the Corgi subworld. After connecting the speedway with the nearby Site 0 port H_Di_Chemici and 20.png Xambaka decided to continue the road to Xambaka's base Threebridge. This would end up leading to the first official RHN road on corgi with a total of 3 shelters.

These shelters were openend in a massive opening event that took place on 22 april 2023 with a Ice Boat Race directly after it.

Hillburg Road

The Hillburg Road. A 1.6 KM road that connects:


Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred

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