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Revision as of 20:20, 3 October 2022 by William (talk | contribs)

Lua error at line 74: attempt to call a table value.

{{TransportDiagram}} is a template that uses Module:TransportDiagram to produce diagrams of transport networks on the Dogcraft Server. The module accepts a simple line-by-line parameter-based markup to produce the diagrams.

This template is not for making geographically accurate maps, but rather handy navigational templates and should be used instead of cumbersome lists for navigating between popular station articles, although note this map is primarily designed for use with railway or railway-style transit infrastructure, so may not be appropriate in all settings. Different networks will require different icons.


A TransportDiagram can be used with the following specification. It is important to note that this template only accepts one parameter; a text block of special Dogcraft Wiki TransportDiagram markup.

Template opener

Open a TransportDiagram template with the template identifer: {{TransportDiagram|

TransportDiagram Markup

The markup accepted by a TransportDiagram is formatted as described below. Please note that while TransportDiagram markup is whitespace insignificant, line terminators (\n) are considered significant and should not be used.


Markup is parsed line-by-line to generate each row of tracks. To separate two lines, use a simple newline return (ENTER ⏎).

A TransportDiagram is structured with the following rows: 1. Header (0-1) 2. Track and station rows (0-999)

Empty rows will be skipped. For example, the following four lines will be parsed as three rows, with the third line being skipped:

property: value, property2: value, property3: value
property: value, property2: value, property3: value

property: value, property2: value, property3: value

Property format

Each line, or row, of TransportDiagram markup is comprised by a series of comma-separated (,) parameters, which themselves are key-value pairs delimited by colons (:).

Example row: property: value, property2: foo bar, property3: foo la la

Property keys and values can contain any character, except exclamation points, commas, colons and exclamation points (used for delimitation).

Header row

The first row should, by convention, specify metadata about the template display, including the title and number of parallel tracks.

Header properties:

  • diagram-title or title - string - The title of the diagram (e.g. "East Station"). Can contain wiki markup, including [[Links]]
  • diagram-tracks or tracks - integer - The number of tracks to display, inclusively between 1 and 4; 1 >= n <= 4

Track and station rows

Every row after the first should contain track and station data.

Note that TransportDiagrams can have between one and four track columns inclusively. This means that each row can display up to four track icons. If you are using more than one column, you must remember to specify the diagram-tracks property in the header row, otherwise columns beyond the first one will not appear.

Track and station properties

  • track[n] - string, where [n] in the key optionally specifies the track column (1-4, from left to right), though is not required and defaults to 1. - Determines the visual appearance of the track on that column; the icon that is to be used. See below for a list of possible icons that can be used for this property.
  • track[n]-type - string, where [n] in the key optionally specifies the track column (1-4, from left to right), though is not required and defaults to 1. - Controls the color of the track to be used, conforming to the branding color of the associated network (e.g. SRN for Survival Railway Network). This is partly used in selecting the icon that will appear for the track. See below for a list of the available track types. If this parameter is not specified, the default for the first track is SRN, followed by SRB for columns 2, 3 and 4.
  • station - string - The wikitext to display to the left of the first track column on this row, indicating a station or annotation about the adjacent icons. (e.g. Ouranos Station)
  • station2 or station-right - string - The wikitext to display to the right of the last track column on this row, indicating a station or annotation about the adjacent icons.

If no valid station data properties are present on a row, it will be ignored. At a bare minimum, one valid track item is required to generate a row.

Track icons

There are 25 track icons in total, the color of which is determined by the track[n]-type property and the shape of which is determined by the track[n] property.

Track types (track[n]-type): The following track types are available for each network project (case sensitive).

Track images (track[n]) Track icon image file names are formatted as follows:

  • 3-letter piece code, capitalized
  • (underscore or blank space)
  • 0-2 letter track directions, capitalized. If the piece has track exiting the top, this is N. If the piece has track exiting the bottom, this is S. If the piece has track exiting the top and bottom, this is NS.
  • (underscore or blank space, if track augmentations need to be specified)
  • 0-3 letter track augmentations. The only current augmentation is a connection augmentation, represented by C; if a track connects to an adjacent piece to the right, this is EC (East Connection). If a track connects to an adjacent piece to the left, this is WC (West Connection). If this track is a middle-piece that connects to pieces on both the left and right, this is EWC (East, West Connection).
Table of available track icon codes (with track-type: SRN)
Icon display Piece code Piece type Track directions Track augmentations
TIcon SRN TRK NS.png
TRK NS Track North, South -
TIcon SRN STN S.png
STN S Station South -
TIcon SRN STN N.png
STN N Station North -
TIcon SRN STN NS.png
STN NS Station North, South -
TIcon SRN ITC S.png
ITC S Interchange South -
TIcon SRN ITC N.png
ITC N Interchange North -
TIcon SRN ITC NS.png
ITC NS Interchange North, South -
TIcon SRN ITC S EC.png
ITC S EC Interchange South East Connection
TIcon SRN ITC S WC.png
ITC S WC Interchange South West Connection
ITC S EWC Interchange South East, West Connection
TIcon SRN ITC N EC.png
ITC N EC Interchange North East Connection
TIcon SRN ITC N WC.png
ITC N WC Interchange North West Connection
ITC N EWC Interchange North East, West Connection
ITC NS EC Interchange North, South East Connection
ITC NS WC Interchange North, South West Connection
ITC NS EWC Interchange North, South East, West Connection
ITC EWC Interchange - East, West Connection
TIcon SRN JNC WC.png
JNC WC Junction (not required) West Connection
TIcon SRN JNC EC.png
JNC EC Junction (not required) East Connection
TIcon SRN CRN S EC.png
CRN N EC Corner North East Connection
TIcon SRN CRN N EC.png
CRN S EC Corner South East Connection
TIcon SRN CRN N WC.png
CRN N WC Corner North West Connection
TIcon SRN CRN S WC.png
CRN S WC Corner South West Connection
TIcon SRN CNT S.png
CNT S Continuity South -
TIcon SRN CNT N.png
CNT N Continuity North -

Content rules

Please note that the equals sign (=) and exclamation mark (!) must not be used within the template markup data. Duly also note that templates are resolved and substituted before being passed into the backend lua module that powers this template. It is possible to pass escaped wikitext markup, such as special words, however, to work around this.

Error handling

Using invalid properties will silently fail as they will not be read. Using invalid characters will return a lua error in place of the template.

Template closer

Don't forget to close a TransportDiagram with two curly braces: }}


Below are some valid examples of TemplateDiagrams in action.

Ouranos Metro

The Ouranos Metro map was used to help plan this specification. It's a simple short network but demonstrates the versatility of the diagrams in representing different modes of travel. Lua error at line 74: attempt to call a table value.

diagram-title: Ouranos Metro, diagram-tracks: 2
track-type: ORM, track: STN S, station: Castle Station, track2: CNT N, track2-type: SRB, station2: ''to [[Cool Cove Station|Cool Cove]] ([[Survival Railway Network (Survival 3)|SRN]])''
track-type: ORM, track: ITC NS EC, station: Central Station, track2: ITC N WC, track2-type: SRB
track-type: ORM, track: STN NS, station: [[The Chase|Theatre Station]]
track-type: ORM, track: STN NS, station: East Gate Station
track-type: ORM, track: ITC N, station: Raceway Station

West Line (Survival 3)

Lua error at line 74: attempt to call a table value.

The West Line on the Survival 3 SRN is one of the most complex lines to have been built and utilities three of the four available columns to display it, in full (with exception to the Avalanche line). Below is the markup that makes it work.

diagram-title: West Line (Survival 3), diagram-tracks: 3
track: ITC S, station: [[Grand Central Station (Survival 3)|Grand Central]]
track: ITC NS, station: [[Mall Station (Survival 3)|Mall Station]]
track: ITC NS, station: [[Balaton Station]]
track: TRK NS, track3: ITC S, station2: ''Wolfhaven Station''
track: TRK NS, track3: ITC NS, station2: ''Snowfields Station''
track: ITC NS EC, station: [[Bastion Glace Station|Bastion Glace]], track2: ITC EWC, track3: ITC NS WC
track: TRK NS, track3: ITC NS, station2: ''Everec Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: CNT N, track3: TRK NS, station: ''to the [[Avalanche Branch Line|Avalanche Line]]''
track: TRK NS, track2: TRK NS, track3: ITC NS, station2: ''Wilder Station''
track: ITC NS EC, station: [[Relleka Station]], track2: ITC NS WC, track3: TRK NS
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC NS, track3: TRK NS, station: ''Jello Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC NS EC, track3: ITC NS WC, station2: ''Meander Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: TRK NS, track3: ITC NS, station2: ''Cantina Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC NS, track3: TRK NS, station: ''Cloud Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: TRK NS, track3: ITC NS, station2: ''[[Build Battles]]''
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC NS, track3: TRK NS, station: ''Edgecliff Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: TRK NS, track3: ITC N, station2: ''Aeghu's Station''
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC NS, station: ''[[Cyberdog Safaris|Safari Station]]''
track: TRK NS, track2: ITC N, station: ''[[Ratanga Junction]]''
track: ITC N, station: [[The Rock Station|The Rock]]

-- Module for generating mini diagrams of transport networks
local p = {}
local data = ""

-- Keys for parsing lines
local lineKeys = {"track_type", "row_type", "l_text", "l_link", "image", "secondary_image", "r_text", "r_link"}
-- row_type: single or double line
-- l_text: left station text
-- r_text: right station text
-- l_link: left station link
-- r_link: right station link
-- image: image to use for the line
-- secondary_image: image to use for the line if it is a double line

-- Generate the HTML for a diagram row
local function generateRow(trackType, rowType, leftText, rightText, leftLink, rightLink, image, secondaryImage)
    lineHtml = "row: " .. trackType .. " " .. rowType .. " " .. leftText .. " " .. rightText .. " " .. leftLink .. " " .. rightLink .. " " .. image .. " " .. secondaryImage
    -- Create the row HTML
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='station-row'>"

    -- Add the left station text
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='station station-left'>"
    -- If left link is not a blank string, add a link
    if leftLink ~= "" then
        lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<a href='" .. leftLink .. "'>"
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<span>" .. leftText .. "</span>"
    -- If left link is not a blank string, close the link
    if leftLink ~= "" then
        lineHtml = lineHtml .. "</a>"
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "</div>"
    -- Add the track images
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='track-container'>"
    -- Add the first image
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='track'>[[File:" .. trackType .. " " .. image .. "|30px]]</div>"
    -- Add the second image if present
    if rowType == "double" then
        lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='track'>[[File:" .. trackType .. " " .. image .. "|30px]]</div>"
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "</div>"

    -- Add the right station text
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<div class='station station-right'>"
    -- If right link is not a blank string, add a link
    if rightLink ~= "" then
        lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<a href='" .. rightLink .. "'>"
    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "<span>" .. rightText .. "</span>"
    -- If right link is not a blank string, close the link
    if rightLink ~= "" then
        lineHtml = lineHtml .. "</a>"

    lineHtml = lineHtml .. "</div></div>"
    return lineHtml

-- Parses a line and generates the HTML for it
local function parseLine(line)
    -- Prepare values for row generation
    local trackType = "SRN"
    local rowType = "single"
    local leftText = ""
    local rightText = ""
    local leftLink = ""
    local rightLink = ""
    local image = ""
    local secondaryImage = ""

    -- Split the line into equals-sign separated key-pairs by commas
    for keyPair in mw.text.split(line, ",", true) do
        -- Split the key-pair into a key and a value
        local key = mw.text.split(keyPair, "=", true)[1]
        local value = mw.text.split(keyPair, "=", true)[2]
        -- Iterate through each possible key in lineKeys and set the appropriate values
        for _, lineKey in ipairs(lineKeys) do
            if key == lineKey then
                if (key == "track_type") then
                    trackType = value
                elseif (key == "row_type") then
                    rowType = value
                elseif (key == "l_text") then
                    leftText = value
                elseif (key == "r_text") then
                    rightText = value
                elseif (key == "l_link") then
                    leftLink = value
                elseif (key == "r_link") then
                    rightLink = value
                elseif (key == "image") then
                    image = value
                elseif (key == "secondary_image") then
                    secondaryImage = value
    return generateRow(trackType, rowType, leftText, rightText, leftLink, rightLink, image, secondaryImage)

-- Generates the html for provided diagram markup
local function generate()
	-- Use mw.text.split to split the data into lines
    local lines = mw.text.split(data, "\n")

    -- Iterate through each line, calling parseLine on it and appending the string result of that to an output data
    local output = "<div class='tdiagram'>"
    for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
        output = output .. parseLine(line)
    return output .. "</div>"

-- The main function called on #invoke via the template
function p.transportDiagram(frame)
	local args = {}
	if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
		args = frame:getParent().args
		args = frame
    -- Iterate through each key pair in args
    for key, value in pairs(args) do
        -- Add to data
        data = data .. value
    return generate()

return p
This page was last modified on 3 October 2022, at 20:20. (2 years ago)