Isle of Leoch

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Revision as of 14:20, 10 January 2021 by Skelleton123 (talk | contribs) (addedinfobox)
Isle of Leoch
Survival 4 Husky
WorldSurvival 4 (Husky)


Isle of Leoch is the main base for Skelleton123 for Survival 4. It is located on the Husky world directly South of the SRN HQ (West 2). The island is created by a river that runs around it starting in a small sea on the Eastern side of the island and ending on that same side a bit more south. The island is connected to the RHN road network. The theme for the base is ‘Scottisch Highlands’ inspired, mixed with Nordic village housing.

History and base content

Shortly after the Beagle world was realesed Skelleton123 ventured out into the world to find that there was already a location pinned for the Western SRN station. AS Skelleton123 is the longest serving SRN-Manager at this time, it was a logical choice to settle nearby and keep connected to the Rail network.

At first a small camp was set up, but shortly after the outlining for the Castle was laid down. A small storage area and basement with Nether Portal (connected to the NTN network), had already been build. Also the start to a wheatfield was made, people got to eat, even in Minecraft.

After completing the SRN HQ station on Husky at the end of October 2020, Skelleton123 decided that the Castle wasn’t working for him. So he decided to relocate to the Husky world and start over. Thus the Isle of Leoch was born.

The new location was a natural generated island on the edge of a greater sea, South of the SRN HQ, West of Vitruvius. It lays in the corner where the RHN Vitruvius Road starts to go North and goes over into the Rail Station Road. The island was covered in birch trees, which where all cut down along with the land flattend to sea level to give a blank canvas to rebuild and recreate.

The first creation was the North Bridge, connecting the island to the RHN road network and thus to the world. The bridge is styled to resemble many stone bridges found in the Scottisch Highlands. Alongside the bridge the first cliffs and landscape was created along the Northern side of the river that helps create the island.

Second building going up was a small fishermans house. It serves a temporary shelter while the rest of the buildings will go up. A small dok in front of the house gives boat travelers a place to come on land.

Behind the fishermans hut is a small path leading to the thrid and for now last build on the island, a farmers house. The house is still a WIP but will serve as the main residence and storage while the island get’s build up in the future. It will house a small furnace array and storage for all ‘organic’ blocks. Behind the farmhouse there will be fields for Wheat, carrots, potatoes, berries and some ‘flower fields’ for making it look nice. Underground there will be a hidden cactus and sugarcane farm as those wouldn’t normally be found in the Scottisch Highlands.

Future expansions planned

The future expansions that are planned are:

  • Castle on a hill
  • Main Harbour at the Sea side (With some Sea worthy Ships)
  • Small Harbour at the Southern River side (With river worthy Ships)
  • Market place
  • Tavern/RHN Stop
  • Multiple residences (With underground IronFarm)
  • Animal Farm
  • RHN Path running through the island giving connection South
  • Maybe more...


Coming Soon!

This page was last modified on 10 January 2021, at 14:20. (7 months ago)