

From Dogcraft Wiki

Well, well, well, it looks like another wiki wanderer has fallen into the madness of TrainerMoon's biography. Beware, for his signature move is confusion, which is ALWAYS super effective!

TrainerMoon Account

Joined6th August, 2019
Further Roles[Patreon] (November 2019 Helper)
Member of:Ragecorp
Dolphin Swimmers {Dragon Valley}
ProjectsDogcraft Ice Boat League
BasesTrainerMoon's Factory (Sur3)

TrainerMoon is a simple man. He loves long walks on the beach, starting events he never finishes, and marrying everyone on the Dogcraft Server. His favorite memories include the mass murder of innocent dogs staying in a luxurious 5 star experience, jumping around old server event warps, and paying people the very generous price of 0 DCD. You can often find him in the Ragecorp discord server where he entertains his bosses with his crazy antics and high-pitched feminine voice. If you are in the market to hire someone with astonishing build skills to terraform your base or build a house, you've got the wrong guy. If you are in the market to hire someone with more redstone knowledge than Mumbo Jumbo himself to build you the most insane redstone farms or doors, you've got the wrong guy. If you are in the market to hire someone that will take 4 months to get a simple task done, TrainerMoon is your best pick!

The legend of TrainerMoon states that if you approach him wielding a stone shovel enchanted with Curse of Vanishing, Efficiency II, Fortune I, and Unbreaking III and recite the phrase Oh ye Trainer of the Moon, I carry thine almighty Astral shape shifter and use its awesome power to release thee from thy mortal chamber, he will think you're crazy and run away.

It is foretold that he carries the key to unlocking the seventh sense. Not the sixth one, just the seventh one. Good luck figuring out the sixth sense hullaballoo. It probably has something to do with riding a pig with a potion of slow falling or something but who knows?

He's a professional actor as well and has appeared in numerous films, including:

  • "Marbou's Book of Jokes" Movie Adaptation Directed by 20.png marbou9
  • "How to Train Your 20.png DragonFire441" Directed by 20.png Scooberson
  • "101 Dalmations Beheaded" Directed by 20.png RY44
  • "Catching Fire" Directed by 20.png Broga_

Be on the look out for more to come from TrainerMoon.

  • Seriously you need to keep an eye out for your own safety. When you see him, run.
Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred