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JoinedMid 2019
Server Rank[CyberDog]

About me

Welcome to my page! I am a player that enjoys nearly every aspect of Minecraft: exploring, building, fighting, lore, redstone, mining... just please no parkour. I joined Dogcraft in probably June or July of 2019, and while I have had long breaks I've played it pretty regularly since then!

On Dogcraft

Survival 3

I joined Survival 3 in about the middle of the season. I built up a very small medieval village called Caelruuth in a mountain biome, with a cave base next to it in one of the mountains. My base site was not impressive; but what I was most known for were the dragons I made. The first dragon, Vaetayr, was made of snow and ice and sat overlooking a valley close to Caelruuth. I then made two dragons on commission for a player I can't remember - one small one made of quartz and white glass, and one larger one made of purple and blue concrete and lapis blocks. The last dragon I made was a nether brick one with fiery glass wings and obsidian chains on the nether side of my Caelruuth nether portal. I created a possible station to bring an SRN branch line to my location, but never went through with connecting. I also made an ice boat track around the mountain area, showing off both the village and Vaetayr.

Around whenever that time was, I hit a wall and left the server for months. I didn't come back until I think March, when the Sur3 was about to move on.


Main Article: Saturday Nitro Live

After Joining the server I quickly fell in love with Nitro UHC. When the August tournament was announced, I did not hesitate to sign up for it. After qualifying, I convinced myself I won games by survival rather than PVP in the Quarterfinals and Semifinals, but then again I did make it to the Finals. I scored 5th, which was leagues better than I expected.

So, when's the next tournament? ;)

Survival 4

I started Survival 4 the moment it came out. I had originally planned to build in a jungle, but seeing how the one I settled in was incredibly crowded I scrapped that idea. I pushed through the nearly unplayable early-weeks performance to get myself geared and then moved northwest to a woodland mansion, which I began to make my own. I took quite a lot of inspiration from Grian's mansion remodel, but I of course didn't plan to copy it completely. Around that time I set up a shop selling wood in Domino's temporary mall and farmed trees on my roof.

My main focus for a long time was the exterior of the mansion. When Beagle came to the server, I didn't jump on it right away, but I eventually convinced myself to have a base on both servers. I brought over a fantasy-style tower I had made originally in a creative world quite a while ago, and then a half-freestyled dragon flying alongside it. I eventually finished the walls of the mansion and expanded my tree farming operation, especially when the Mall server came around. The first Admin visit occurred when I started on the interior more, and some evidence of that is still around. I participated in a couple events: TreeManForever's War of the Pillager King(on the pillagers' side of course) and the Hunger Games. In July, I finished the Cosmic map art, which was a 2x3 of a dragon flying through space.


Background Takeshi by Edo