Amethyst Island

From Dogcraft Wiki

Amethyst Island
Survival 5 Akita
WorldSurvival 5 (Akita)
Builder(s)20.png Creeper_Duck
FoundedMid 2023
LocationX= 9430
Z= 150
TransportSRN Tropical Station Nearby
NTN South Tunnel

Amethyst Island is the base of 20.png Creeper_Duck on the Survival 5 Akita world of the Dogcraft Server. The base is in a fantasy style, making heavy use of purple coloured blocks in its design. It is based on an ancient civilization whose magic slowly corrupted the island they lived on.


The base is decorated with lots of colour and interest. Several fantasy themed towers levitate in the skies above the base. On the western end, a ravine has been decorated with large geodes, equipped with machinery and conveyor belts for the miners to excavate the area. On the southern end of the base, a brightly decorates plaza can be found with small townhouses with cozy interiors. To the east, a small tavern is equipped with a dock along the bank of the river. Here players can travel along the river by boat to reach Tropical Station.

A giant plant with mushroom caps of different colours makes up the centerpiece of the island, nearby, the largest building can be found, the great library. It is decorated with spiraling floors lined with bookshelves and lanterns, containing ancient history. The whole island is decorated with custom trees and veins of corrupted magic, a river also runs through its center, with textured rock banks.


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