Sethrum Station

From Dogcraft Wiki

Sethrum Station
Survival 4 Husky
Dogcraft Red Cog Logo.png
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WorldSurvival 4 (Husky)
Contributors20.png Slomo_1994
LocationX= 4706
Y= 68
Z= -246

Sethrum Station is a branchline station on the Survival 4 Husky world of the Dogcraft Server. Currently, it connects to the East Line at Seaside Station.


This station connects up to Sethrum city, and aims to build in the style of Havana (Survivial 2). Although the station itself was built by one of the Sethrum builders, the Line itself was built by 20.png Slomo_1994, who completed it after extending the East Line to Marble Heights. The Line itself mostly follows the East Line, but diverts towards the city by the tree farm, which leads into the main city. The station features 2 rail connects, 1 to Seaside Station and 1 that is empty (Contact 20.png Slomo_1994 for more info). It also has an NTN connection.


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This page was last modified on 12 July 2021, at 15:33. (2 months ago)
Background Dragon Slayer - Retriever by Ironboundred