Easter 2024

From Dogcraft Wiki

Revision as of 19:35, 10 February 2025 by Zetais (talk | contribs)
Easter 2024
Survival 6 Streamtown
Easter 2024 Sign.png
'Welcome to Easter 2024!'
TypeSeasonal event
Date31st March, 2024
OrganizersDogcraft Creative Team
Event build
WorldSurvival 6 (Streamtown)
LocationX= 855
Y= 69
Z= 75
Teleport/warp Easter2024

Easter 2024 was an event on the Dogcraft Server that took place on 31st of March 2024. The event was held on Stream Town and was accessible with /warp Easter2024.

The Event

The Easter event prioritised aesthetics and decor, and centered around a missing rabbit named Stuart. Players were sent into town to engage with various citizens, gathering crucial information in the quest to find Stuart.

"It has been a few days since Stuart went missing... I hope he's safe" 20.png TigerNL

During this time, the town, consisting of a town hall, several village houses and a giant golden egg at it's centre, were in anticipation of a major event. As the golden egg began to crack, the citizens were speculating about the treasures that might lie within. While exploring the village, players would stumble upon Josie. With the golden egg's anticipated opening, Josie had decided to organise a party, but she was missing a few essential items. The player was then asked to help Josie find several items hidden around the village.

Eventually, Stuart was discovered sleeping inside the golden egg, with his tummy filled with golden carrots.

Stuart found inside the Golden Egg where he ate all of the golden carrots.


Find the missing rabbit


Festive Scavenger hunt



Project lead

  • 20.png TigerNL


  • 20.png Taurent
  • 20.png Eybwam
  • 20.png lauratje19
  • 20.png Galeanami
  • 20.png Kar204


Add some pictures of the event!


  • The village houses that 20.png TigerNL designed for the Easter event would eventually be inspiration for his personal base, Panda Cove.
  • Some teaser pictures were shown in a CDNN broadcast for the month of March, 2024.

This page was last modified on 10 February 2025, at 19:35. (30 days ago)
Background SRN Opening by Montenator